Chapter 907
When Lin Lang learned that she and Liu Lang could go back to eat, she didn't feel very happy, she just nodded her head flatly, looking at the fish and meat all over the eaves, she knew that they were thinking of this idea.

But Lin Lang wasn't easy to mess with. That afternoon, she sent most of the fish and meat to her natal family.

"Since you're back for dinner, don't eat alone anymore, take out all the fish and meat under your roof, just in time for everyone to eat!"

At the dinner table, grandma said suddenly.

Lin Lang raised her head when she heard this, "Grandma, these are all bought with my dowry money, not from the company's money. It's okay if you let me take it out, and make up for it!"

"You... are all a family, why care about so much!" Grandma Wang said with a hard face.

"That being said, my money didn't come from the strong wind, and those things were said to be bought for Liu Lang's health, and it's going to be winter soon, so I have to buy some new year's goods..." Lin Lang babbled Said.

"Okay, why are you arguing? For the sixth family, you can just hand in half!" The old man said suddenly.

Just as Lin Lang was about to say something, Liu Lang suddenly tugged at the corner of her clothes. Lin Lang also understood that this was Liu Lang telling herself not to say more, so she could only swallow the breath.

It is said that half of the meat Lin Lang really handed in half, but compared to before, half of the meat is really not enough to watch.

"Why is there only half of the meat? Are you hiding it?" Grandma Wang looked at Lin Lang suspiciously.

Lin Lang spread her hands and said with an innocent face: "That's really the only point. I gave most of the meat to my natal family. After all, I have been married for so long and I haven't gone back to my natal family to see it. It doesn't look like it. Just take it." The meat is an apology!"

"You... you prodigal daughter-in-law, you dare to subsidize your mother's family with things from your mother-in-law's house. It's really against the sky. Get the things back quickly... Otherwise, you will go back, our family doesn't want a prodigal daughter-in-law like you... "Grandma Wang was so angry that she couldn't choose what to say.

Lin Lang didn't want to be used to such a person, so she picked up the meat directly, "Since you let me go, I will take my things with me, as well as the house I built. I can't take the house with me. I'll sell the house sometime..."

"You... how dare you..." Grandma Wang gritted her teeth angrily.

"Why don't I dare, I will be driven away anyway, I can do anything!" Lin Lang looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

"You..." At this age, Grandma Wang was so angry for the first time. Looking at the meat that was about to be taken away, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, okay, I won't drive you away this time. Get out of here, get out of my sight!"

Lin Lang snorted coldly, put down the meat, clapped her hands and left gracefully.

The days to come were really hard. The food was still clear and watery, making it hard to swallow. As for the meat that Lin Lang gave, Grandma Wang had already put it away, and it was estimated that she would not bring it out until the Chinese New Year.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and the uncle and his son who had gone to the county to catch the exam came back with dejected faces, as if they had failed the exam.

"Mother, don't worry, wait until next year, next year I will definitely give you a talent test!" The uncle promised.

Da Lang, the uncle's son, followed suit and nodded, "Yeah, in fact, we didn't get nothing in the exam this time. I met a nephew of a county magistrate, and he told me that as long as I give 1 or 300 taels of silver next year, he will pass the exam questions. Leak it to me, promise to let me pass..."

"300 taels of silver, if we sell our whole family this time, we won't get that much money!" The third sister-in-law yelled loudly, "Brother, you and your uncle spent more than 50 taels on going out for the exam. It's empty, and I really can't afford that much money... Anyway, I haven't passed the exam for so many years, so I might as well come back to farm!"

When the uncle heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed across his face, "When a man talks, there is no room for a woman to intervene!"

The third sister-in-law was not happy, "Uncle, pat yourself on the chest and think about it. Before you and your elder brother went to Beijing to rush for the exam, which one didn't you save money at home? But after so many years of exams, you didn't even pass the exam. Those who are poor are terribly poor, and those who are below have to get married, all of which need money!

I have spent a lot of money over the years, and asking for so much money at once would almost empty out the whole family... This family is not yours, it also includes all of us..."

The old man knocked on the table, "Okay, stop arguing!" After speaking, the old man glanced at Da Lang, "You also heard what your third sibling said, the family really can't afford money... you ..."

Da Lang quickly knelt down on the ground, "I know that I have dragged everyone down, but when I am admitted as a scholar, our family will be able to reduce a lot of burdens, and there will be tax relief for some fields at that time!
300 taels of silver, as long as the family can pool together, if it’s really not enough, you can sell part of the land, wait for me to pass the examination of scholar, and then redeem it..."

"The field is the foundation of the family, this cannot be sold!" Everyone couldn't sit still when they heard that the field was going to be sold, and shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, if this field is sold, it will be equivalent to selling our roots!"

"Fields cannot be sold. After so many years of examination, I failed the examination. What if I sell the land and fail the examination?"

"I can't sell the fields anyway..."

The old lady patted the table, glanced at her eldest son, then at her eldest grandson, gritted her teeth and said, "The old man and I have the final say on this family, you have to listen to what we say, if you don't want to Get out of this house!"

Sitting on the sidelines, Lin Lang couldn't take it any longer, and said directly, "Liu Lang and I don't want anything, let's share it out!"

The old man raised his head when he heard this, "Old Liu's family, do you know what you are talking about?"

Lin Lang nodded unceremoniously, "Of course I know, but I really can't take it anymore. My sixth son and I work hard at sunrise and rest at sunset every day. We work hard all year round, but nothing is left behind. Selling the land means that Liulang and I are working for others for separate us, we don't want anything, even the house I built... nothing No more..."

The old lady slapped the table, "I don't agree, I don't agree with anything, you two just give up on that!"

Linlang took a deep breath, "Liulang and I can not only get rid of the house, but we can also contribute another 10 taels of sponsorship money!"

The old lady was already making a fuss, but when she heard this, she suddenly stopped, and finally said slowly: "Ten taels of silver?"

(End of this chapter)

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