Chapter 908
Lin Lang nodded without hesitation, "Yes, it's ten taels of silver!"

When Wang heard this, she couldn't sit still anymore, so she stood up quickly, and slapped Lin Lang hard, "You son of a bitch is living a good life, why are you splitting up? Is your head flooded?"

Linlang glanced at Mrs. Wang, and shook her head firmly, "Mother-in-law, don't persuade me anymore, you really want to move out, don't worry about the money, I still have my natal family!"

When Grandma Wang heard this, she looked at the old man, and found that her old man hadn't said anything, her dark face was full of silence at the moment, she knew that her old man had acquiesced to this matter, just in case, she hurriedly Said: "Okay, 10 taels of silver is 10 taels of silver, but don't regret it!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Of course, but there are some things that need to be settled. I don't want anything, and I will give back ten taels of silver. After that, this family has nothing to do with us!

We don't want anything from this family, but if there is any situation in this family, don't go to us. Regarding the support of mother-in-law and father-in-law, Lao Liu and I will never shirk, but other things..."

Hearing this, the old man raised his head slowly, "If that's what you want, then it's what you want!"

Linlang originally wanted to take out the money all at once, but she was afraid that these people would suspect her, so she first asked them to sign a written statement, stayed for two or three days and then went back to her mother's house before taking the money.

The young couple was completely separated, and Lin Lang didn't care. She found a dilapidated house at the entrance of the village and moved there.

Here, the old lady sold dozens of acres of land, and found a few sons to pool it together, and finally got enough money.

"Son, in order to collect the money for you, Mother has already offended everyone, all of them, you have to fight me, otherwise... this big family will have to make a fuss!"

Hearing this, the boss took the money into his hands and weighed it with his hands, "Mother, just rest assured, I promise you will come back from the exam as a scholar, and maybe I can even get you an imperial wife! "

When the old lady heard this, she nodded with tears in her eyes.

Here, Lin Lang and Liu Lang tidied up the house and added a lot of things, and they officially settled down.

Because the early winter is approaching, the young couple dare not be idle, chopping firewood all over the mountains and plains to prepare for the early winter.

Because the meat was handed over, Lin Lang went to the city and bought a lot of meat to marinate and bought some vegetables. Anyway, it feels good that no one is in charge, and the young couple can eat whatever they want.

"Liulang, now that we are separated, we have to make up our minds about what to do in the future!" Lin Lang suddenly said to Liulang after finishing the busy period.

Liu Lang nodded, "I've already thought about it. Uncle Six in the village is a carpenter and is currently recruiting apprentices. I plan to learn how to be a carpenter with him. What do you think?"

Lin Lang thought it was not bad, so she nodded, "Okay, I'll prepare a teacher apprentice ceremony tomorrow!"

The couple settled down like this, and when the first snowflake fell, Lin Lang also welcomed their first child.

"Hey, this house is well furnished. I thought you two would live a good life after moving out, but I didn't expect it to be okay!" Mrs. Wang walked in, holding a piece of meat in her hand.

Linlang hurried forward and poured a glass of warm water thoughtfully, "Mother, you can just come, what else do you bring! Liulang and I are capable, we don't lack food!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang went back to her room, took out two thick cotton coats, and handed them over, "Mother, these are the coats I personally made for you and father-in-law, try the size!"

Seeing the new clothes, Wang smiled. She had forgotten when she put on the new clothes. She hurriedly put them on and found that they were warm and comfortable.

"Okay, okay, you really have a heart, but even if you have money, you have to save some money, because now it's not just the two of you living together, you will have a child soon!" Wang said exhortingly.

Lin Lang smiled and continued: "I have discussed with Liu Lang that he will go to the village's Uncle Liu to learn carpentry in the spring, which can be regarded as a craft. Maybe one day he will have the opportunity to open a shop in the town. uncertain!"

Seeing the young couple getting better and better, Wang's heart was as sweet as eating honey. Recalling the scene of the young couple wanting to separate, she sighed, "I was so stupid when I said you were arguing about breaking up. Now it seems that you are the most sober!
After the separation, you and the sixth child will get along better...Now in that family, everyone has their own concerns..."

Lin Lang didn't say anything, she talked with Mrs. Wang for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, she stood up, "Mother, you sit here, I'll cook!"

Mrs. Wang hurriedly stood up, "It's not easy for you young couple, how can I eat with you? Anyway, the food at home is almost ready, I'd better go home and eat!"

"Come on, it's not that I don't know the food at home. It's terrible. After finally coming to my house, I naturally want my mother-in-law to eat something good!" Lin Lang asked Mrs. Wang to sit down.

Mrs. Wang couldn't let her pregnant daughter-in-law cook for herself, so the two went to the kitchen together. When they saw the things in the kitchen, Mrs. Wang exclaimed: "I didn't expect you young couple to have a good life, that's all. Chicken, duck and fish, not even at home..."

Hearing this, Lin Lang explained with a smile: "Mother, don't you think about the work that Liu Lang and I have to do all year round. It turns out that others are the ones who are cheaper, and we can't save any money. Now it's all right, we can get as much as we do, naturally. Much better than before!"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "Seeing that you are doing well, I am relieved!"

Lin Lang was not stingy, because her mother-in-law came here to specially stew a chicken, also fried a piece of bacon, and steamed white rice.

During the meal, Liu Lang came back and saw his mother also came, his eyes lit up, "Mom!"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "You son of a bitch, your daughter-in-law didn't even know to announce her congratulations when she was pregnant, and I only found out about it after listening to others!"

Liu Lang scratched his head in embarrassment, "I even forgot about this..."

Mrs. Wang smiled, but didn't take this matter to heart, followed Lin Lang to put the food on the table, and said, "Since you left, the house has been vacated, and the boys in the house are all vacant." Staring at that house... After all, they have reached the age of getting married and need a house as a wedding room... The old lady didn't let go of who to give the house to... I guess she wanted to use it as a study for the boss, but the old lady didn't think about it either. The family gave out a few hundred taels of silver, and if you give that house away, there will be no troubles... After all, the old lady is too partial..."

 I found that many people are very interested in my name. In fact, my name is really not that good-sounding. On the contrary, it is a bit dirty. I have thought about changing my name more than once, but then I thought about it. It contains the meaning of life that my parents want to give me, so just think about it...

(End of this chapter)

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