Chapter 909
Linlang listened to Wang's rambling, didn't say anything, just ate quietly, and when Wang needed to be affirmed by herself, she nodded and echoed what she said.

"...I get angry when I think about it. It is said that you left, and the house was vacant... After all, it should belong to our family. Why should I give it to the boss... The old lady is really partial..."

Lin Lang sat on the sidelines and listened as if she was listening to a joke.

After talking for a while, Mrs. Wang took a look at the sky outside and stood up, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go back, take care of yourself, and ask someone to bring me a sentence if you have any inconvenience." If so, I'll take care of you!"

Lin Lang smiled and sent Mrs. Wang out of the house. When Mrs. Wang left, she stuffed a few pieces of meat.

"I originally came here to deliver meat to you. How dare I take it back. Tell me, you are a twin now, so you should eat more!"

Lin Lang forcefully stuffed the meat in, "No need, there is no shortage of money at home, it is said that the house is going to be in winter, so how can I not eat some meat!

Mother-in-law, you should keep it, we have enough meat, don't worry! "

Mrs. Wang remembered what she saw in the kitchen today, nodded, and went home with the meat.

Winter is really terribly cold, the cold wind is raging, the whole earth is wrapped in silver, and there is no color to be seen.

Lin Lang was lying on the warm kang, with a thin quilt on her lap, holding melon seeds in her hand, enjoying the beautiful scenery outside while eating melon seeds, feeling very happy.

But this kind of happy life didn't last long. Wang and her father-in-law moved here and moved into the room that Linlang and the others had prepared for their children.

"The house at home was crushed by the heavy snow. It will take at least next year to repair it. Let's come to your side first to make do with it. When it is repaired next year, we will move out!"

Having said that, what did Lin Lang say?Naturally, she agreed, but she was really unhappy with her mother-in-law. When Lin Lang ate a little, her mother-in-law's face was filled with unhappiness. All the good things in the house were strictly guarded, and the food dropped suddenly.

Lin Lang managed to separate out, not because of this anger, but instead of eating and drinking, no matter what Wang said, just pretend she didn't hear it.

"Although you young couple have money, the money doesn't come from strong winds. You can't eat and drink like this. You must know how to save!" Wang said emphatically.

When Lin Lang heard this, she said lightly: "Mom, I earn all the money in the family, so I can do whatever I want!
Besides, I didn't spend the money indiscriminately. Although I eat, not only I am eating, but the child in my belly is also eating! "

"" Wang was so angry, "The prodigal woman!"

Lin Lang was able to be so good with the Wang family back then, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law never had any conflicts. It was because they had a common enemy, but now that Lin Lang moved out, the two became enemies without a common enemy.

Especially if you don't like me, I don't like you either.

"Hey, you said we worked so hard to make money, so we just wanted to eat and drink!" Lin Lang said helplessly, spreading her hands.

"You... But I haven't seen you spend so much money. It really is a young man who is extravagant and doesn't know how to save. How about this, you give me all your money, and I will keep it for you!" Wang was not polite. Said.

Lin Lang looked over coldly, "Mother-in-law, if you are confused, I can remind you that I have moved here with Liu Lang, and I have nothing to do with that family anymore, so you don't have to worry about managing money. Already!"

"You... are very good, I want my son to divorce you..." Wang was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say.

"Okay, then you can move out of this house now!" Lin Lang sat on a chair with a sneer on her lips, "My natal family gave me the house and the utensils in it, since they divorced me, you But you are not allowed to take it away, as well as the house at home and the 10 taels I gave, I want to take it all back... At that time... In case grandma finds out about it, hehe... "

Getting her old man to take the money out of his trouser pocket is as difficult as climbing the sky. Wang gritted his teeth and waved his hands angrily, "Alright, alright, you can do whatever you want, I don't care!"

Lin Lang couldn't wish more, and after Mrs. Wang left, she put the things in the house back, and put all the valuables in the warehouse and locked them up.

No one bothered her, Lin Lang's pregnancy was perfect, and as for the things to be prepared for the New Year, Mrs. Wang was also worrying about it all.
On New Year's Eve, although Wang wanted to stay here, according to regulations, he had to return to the old house for reunion.

The New Year's Eve dinner in the old house was not delicious at all, there were only two or three meat dishes in total, one of which was Linlang's leftover bacon from before, and the rest were all radishes and cabbage, which was unappetizing to look at.

Mrs. Wang couldn't eat after two mouthfuls. After all, his daughter-in-law had spoiled his appetite. These meals were really hard for him to appreciate.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, the third sister-in-law is becoming more and more like Mrs. Fu, it seems that she is doing well at her daughter-in-law's house!" the uncle said teasingly.

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang raised her head triumphantly, and tugged at her clothes, "It's okay, my wife is really filial, she serves chickens, ducks and fishes every day, and even made us a few dresses." new clothes……"

Hearing this, the old lady glanced at the new clothes on Wang's body, and she almost gritted her teeth in anger, "Oh, your daughter-in-law knows how to be filial, and she does laundry for you, pity me, who has worked so hard to survive. I had four sons, but the son married a wife and forgot his mother, the daughter-in-law was not filial, and she didn’t even make a new dress for the mother-in-law..."

When the second aunt heard this, she curled her lips, "I really want to make it for my mother, but we haven't even lost a silver flower all year round. How can we have the money to make new clothes for my mother..."

"That's right, it doesn't look like some people went out with hundreds of taels of silver and got nothing back!" The fourth aunt said something strangely along with Yin and Yang.

When the old man heard this, he slapped the table, "Okay, what's the noise during the New Year's Eve, and let no one have a quiet meal!"

Hearing the old man slapping the table, although the people below were aggrieved, they didn't dare to make any noise.

The old man looked at the people in a large room, sighed softly, and understood that the people below had complained, so he thought of something, he can still hold on now, but what about in the future?

"I know all of you are thinking about it, but the boss has already promised me that he will definitely come back from the examination of a scholar. As long as he passes the examination, our family's hundreds of acres of land will be exempt from tax, and others will not dare to bully you at will. us!
Moreover, when the boss passes the examination of a scholar, he can get a job in the county yamen through his contacts. At that time, isn't our family afraid of having a good life? "

(End of this chapter)

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