Chapter 911
That's right, the fact that the two of them bought the test questions was found out by other scholars. This matter must not be kind. After all, they have studied hard for decades, but they were taken down by rich people. No one can calm down!

Although the magistrate was also involved in this matter, he didn't dare to settle the matter lightly, because once a scholar makes a big fuss, it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of losing his head!

Therefore, the two became scapegoats and were arrested. Now, the two can no longer take the exam. Correspondingly, a large sum of money has to be spent to redeem them.

"Mother, you have reached this point, you can't be soft-hearted anymore!" Lin Lang said a little bit: "Back when the whole family could be together, I hoped that the uncle and the elder brother could come back from the exam, but now there is no hope, what can I do?" The work is also for nothing, and it is for nothing to put on airs for others!
Now that the old lady wants to sell the land, she is selling your things. Ordinarily you should share them out, lest the old lady sell everything, and you have nothing to lose! "

Mrs. Wang was crying, when she heard her daughter-in-law say this, she clapped her hands and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Look at my dumb head, why did I forget this? That's right, I can't cry here anymore, I want to Go back, I'll go see the old lady and tell her not to sell our things!"

I thought this matter would be resolved quietly, but I didn't expect that the old lady and the old man came to Linlang's shop with crutches on the next day.

"God, open your eyes. This granddaughter-in-law has moved out, and she doesn't even care about the elderly at home. Open your eyes!"

Lin Lang heard the noise, and walked out directly, watching the old lady and the old man kneeling on the ground, yelling loudly.

"Old lady, old man, you said that we are not filial. The key is why we are not filial? Liulang and I have already separated, and we didn't ask for anything at the beginning, so I gave you 10 taels of silver. It is agreed, can you not ask for it?" I, we didn't beg you, just came to the door suddenly for no reason, what exactly do you want to do?"

The old lady sat on the ground with her chin up, "You are cruel, can't you just leave us alone when the family is separated? Now the family is in a difficult situation. The shop you opened is full of food and drink, and you don't know how to take care of the family. You Heartless!"

Linlang finally knew what the old couple were doing here, she clapped her hands, and said to the shop assistant, "Okay, this shop can't go on anymore, you go back first, I will let you know when I let you come over!"

The waiters looked at each other, and didn't dare to meddle with the shopkeepers' housework. They packed up their things, closed the door, and left.

Lin Lang waited for Xiao Er to leave, and said to the crying old lady: "Old lady, isn't the hundred acres of fertile land at home not enough for you to eat? The reason you want so much money is only for uncle and uncle. What, when our young couple earned money, most of it was handed over to the family, but what did we get all year round? Nothing, I gave my husband an extra meal, and you have to make irresponsible remarks, why!
We didn’t ask for anything, but we returned so much money, and even gave you the house I built. You still don’t know how to be content, are you trying to force me to death? "

" have a shop. I heard that you bought dozens of acres of land. You must have no shortage of money. Why don't you give us some? Don't you know what it means to be filial to your elders?" The old lady said with wandering eyes.

"My money is mine, and I will never give it to outsiders. Old lady, you can make trouble if you want, even if it goes to the government, I have my reasons!
The fields and the shop were bought with borrowed money from my natal family, which really drove me into a hurry. I paid back the money and returned home poor and empty, eating your food and drinking your food every day! "

When the old lady heard this, a trace of fear flashed across her face, she gritted her teeth, "I can't see your uncle die, so please give me some money..."

Lin Lang gritted her teeth and said, "People like them are simply scum in society, and it's just right to die!"

"You... are not filial, you are not filial..." the old lady yelled loudly with a long voice.

Lin Lang didn't care, closed the door, hugged the child and left.

The old lady groaned for a long time, and when she found that no one cared about her, she looked around and found that there was no one there. She stood up angrily, and stomped her feet, "This damn woman!"

All the key people left, and the old lady was too embarrassed to continue to make trouble, grabbed the old man's hand, and left angrily.

After staying at her natal family for four or five days, Lin Lang came back slowly. As for the old lady, after seeing that she couldn't get anything good, she had no choice but to give up. A son was redeemed.

For this matter, the family completely tore their skins apart and made a scene with great fanfare. The old man had no choice but to separate the family.

"It's okay to separate the family, the ugly words are up front, everyone must know what our family paid for the boss, and we got nothing, and even caused a commotion, we are not responsible for this!

The money that the boss has spent studying over the years, the 300 taels of money from last time, and the money from selling the land this time, add have a lot of money in your heart, so you can't participate in the separation this time! "

"You..." The old lady stood up, sat down again, and sighed, "We are all a family, why do you do such a terrible thing!"

"We can't do it? Then he can't do it? They have lost all the money in the family, and now I want to give them the money, I want to be beautiful!"

Although the old lady wanted to save some for the boss, but so many people disagreed, she could only give in and give the boss five acres of fertile land, and the remaining three sons shared equally.

Because the old lady insisted on distributing 5 acres of fertile land to the boss, the sons were aggrieved and unwilling to serve the old lady.

Logically speaking, the old lady and the old man should live with the eldest son, but they know that their eldest son is useless. If they really live together with the eldest son, it is estimated that they will not be able to protect their old age. The couple discussed it and lived separately. Just give something every year.

The old lady's four sons separated, but the son gave birth to a son again, and the son's son saw the divided family, and his mind moved accordingly, and he also wanted to separate.

Just because of this family division, several families started to quarrel again. Some people successfully separated their families, while others did not. The days passed slowly like this.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was taken aback by everything in front of her. After finally getting used to it, she looked at the things on the wall and the photos on the desk, and couldn't help frowning.

The photos are all of a young and handsome boy. The boys on the screen are all wearing school uniforms, and their appearance is mostly everyday. Some are walking, some are playing basketball, and some are eating...

(End of this chapter)

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