Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 912 The Mutual Theory of Love 1

Chapter 912 The Mutual Theory of Love One
At first, Lin Lang thought it was a celebrity, but she was wrong. The photos of celebrities are generally edited and the quality of the photos is relatively good. However, although the male lead in this kind of photos is better-looking, some of the photos are too dark, and some of them have unclear composition. , and the person being photographed obviously did not know that he was being photographed.

Lin Lang had a guess in her mind that this was a candid photo.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's heart was squeezed tightly, and she felt that she was about to be out of breath.

Lin Lang took a few deep breaths, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

"My parents started arguing for a divorce when I was very young, even though they were arguing behind my back, I still knew about it!
My mother kept telling me that the reason she didn't get a divorce was because of me. In fact, she didn't have the courage to divorce herself. Why blame me?
When I was 15 years old, the two parties finally couldn't bear it anymore and proposed a divorce. It was only me, neither of them wanted it, so they decided that they would give me the house at home, and the two of them would give me some living expenses every year.

After my parents left, I became more and more withdrawn, with no friends or relatives. I felt like a mouse living in the sewer, dark and gloomy!

This time at the opening ceremony, I met him, Zhao Liyan, a sunny and handsome boy who makes people feel warm after seeing him!

I really like him, I like to pay attention to every bit of him, sometimes... sometimes I want to tie him home... hide him in a place that no one knows, and be with him forever together~~
I like him so much, I want to be with him, help me! "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, goosebumps came up, my dear, what kind of girl, how could she have such perverted thoughts, and she still has such perverted ways.

Stalking others and taking pictures of others is already a violation of the criminal law, and serious ones will go to jail.

Lin Lang sighed, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in black, her hair was like a chicken coop, covering her entire face, and her figure was thin, like a sesame stalk planted in the field. That sounded good, it should be said to be a washboard, the front and back are the same.

Lin Lang sighed, first put away the messy photos in the room and put them in a box, and finally found a pair of scissors to cut off her own bangs.

Although he cut his bangs like a dog, he could see things clearly. As for the face in the mirror, it was plain, very plain, with some disillusionment in his eyes, and his face was extremely sad, smaller than a face with melon seeds.

Lin Lang looked at herself in the mirror, pinched her face, and found that she couldn't even pinch the flesh, so she sighed. Although suffering is a good thing, she is so thin, it's really...

Lin Lang cleaned up the room first, during which time she found a mess of sleeping pills. Lin Lang frowned and threw all the medicines into the trash can.

After doing all this, Lin Lang took a shower again, trimmed her hair a bit, looked refreshed, and looked like a human again.

But the next morning, she always felt that something was wrong, and when she passed a steamed stuffed bun shop suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration. It has been a whole day since yesterday, but she has never felt hungry.

What's wrong?Is it because you are not feeling well, because you are really not hungry, or because you have anorexia?
Lin Lang frowned, no matter what it is, it's not good anyway, Lin Lang bought a cup of soy milk, no matter whether he was hungry or not, he forced himself to drink it, but he couldn't taste the taste at all.

This... If it wasn't for this girl who could breathe and have a heartbeat, Lin Lang would have thought that this girl was a dead person. It wasn't that she didn't eat, she wasn't hungry, and she couldn't taste it. This body...

Thinking of the messy medicines at home, Lin Lang gritted her teeth, no, I have to see a doctor by myself, if I continue to toss like this, let alone chasing someone, I probably won't be able to survive.

After drinking the soy milk, Lin Lang walked into the classroom and found that the lively classroom suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at her.

Lin Lang was a little confused, but she still walked to her position according to her memory.

"Hey, classmate, are you new here? This position is already occupied!"

"Yes, and this person has a very strange temper, don't sit here, choose another seat!"

Lin Lang looked at the speaker, said nothing, took out her book, opened the page where she wrote her name, and pointed at herself, the meaning was very obvious.

"I'm going, you have changed too much!" A classmate yelled loudly, "Did you go to Korea for plastic surgery?"

When Lin Lang heard this, she immediately laughed, "No, I just cut my hair and changed my clothes again!"

"That's a big change!"

Not only the changes in the face, but also the temperament. If the original owner is like a cold winter, it is cold and silent, and the winter is raging.

The current Linlang looks very much like spring, the spring is warm, the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining brightly, and it is full of vitality.

Lin Lang originally wanted to smile again, but thinking of the original owner's temperament, she pretended to nod calmly, "The hair is too long, and it covers my eyes, so I can't see the surrounding environment clearly, so I took the scissors and cut it off." Hair cut!"

"Oh, so that's the case!" The classmate exclaimed twice, then turned around and went to talk to other students, not taking it to heart.

Linlang opened her book, and found that it was white, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she rummaged through her schoolbag again, and found some cameras, and some messy things, all of which were Zhao Liyan more or less Less touched or left behind.

Lin Lang sighed, and was about to throw these things away, but her heart ached.

[Don't throw it away, I collected it so hard! 】

There was no other way, Lin Lang put her things in her schoolbag again, and finally made it to the end of school, Lin Lang put away her schoolbag and was about to go to school for dinner, when she heard a voice suddenly, she couldn't help standing there.

The voice was clear and moist, with a hint of youthful hoarseness, especially after hearing it, it made people's hearts tremble, and then, people walked over.

The fine hair was scattered on his forehead, he was handsome and gentle, with a trace of youthful innocence, his eyes were dark and bright, especially when he smiled, the surrounding sunlight seemed to be bright for him.

Seeing such a beautiful boy, Lin Lang couldn't help but also cut off her own chest, my dear, he is so handsome, so good-looking, even a strange aunt like her who is used to seeing beautiful men thinks this boy is really good-looking I can't wait to turn this boy into a small person, put it in my pocket, treasure it forever, and watch it alone.

Lin Lang took a few deep breaths, quickly put her face aside, wiped off the drool that was about to come out, and her mind fluttered.

 Every time I see Zhu Yilong, I always have Lin Lang's expression, and my saliva is about to flow down~~~
  I found a terrible thing. I saw an author’s novel today. Since I saw my name in his novel, my dear, I don’t know if he recognizes me, and I don’t know if I recognize him. , I think it's kind of weird anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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