Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 917 Love Mutual Theory 6

Chapter 917
"There is only black coffee at home, no milk, no sugar, don't mind!" Lin Lang said softly, if you listen carefully, you can hear the trembling in her voice.

It would be best without milk, Zhao Liyan happily thought about taking the coffee and gulping it down.

But after drinking, something was wrong with him, he always felt very confused, lying on the sofa, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Lin Lang looked at the sleeping man, with a silly smile on the corner of her mouth, and a frenzied light in her eyes. She took the man into her room and took off his clothes one by one.

Looking at the white skin like jade, and the youthful yet strong body, Lin Lang's saliva dripped out.

Lin Lang took out her private camera and took hundreds of photos of the sleeping man, and also took hundreds of photos with herself.

After taking the photos, Lin Lang turned off the light, and...hehehe...

In the morning of the second day, Zhao Liyan rubbed his swollen head, looked at the unfamiliar environment, had a little hot spring, and after thinking about what happened yesterday, he sat up abruptly.

"Are you awake?" Lin Lang opened the door and said softly, "Since you're awake, get up and have breakfast!"

Zhao Liyan didn't know how to react, but he followed out with a confused face, looked at the millet porridge on the table, put all the doubts behind him, and ate happily.

"Did you make this? It's delicious!" Zhao Liyan praised.

"Eat more if you like it!" Lin Lang helped fill another bowl, then lowered her head and sighed, "Last night..."

Hearing this, Zhao Liyan slapped his head, "I forgot about this, by the way... I... why did I suddenly fall asleep..."

Lin Lang also blinked her eyes in confusion, "I don't know either. I just put away the cups after you finished your coffee and found you fell asleep on the sofa. I had no choice but to lift you up." to my bed..."

Hearing that he was sleeping in Lin Lang's bed, Zhao Liyan's face turned red and his ears were also red, "I'm really sorry, I guess I've been too busy this time, so I fell asleep before I knew it... I'm causing you trouble ..."

"No, in fact, it feels good to have someone in the family, and I feel warm in my heart when I have someone with me!" Lin Lang smiled brightly, and suddenly remembered everything that happened last night, and her nosebleeds were about to flow out .

Zhao Liyan nodded. After eating, he reluctantly left, but he couldn't figure out why he fell asleep yesterday, but he fell asleep as soon as he fell asleep. It's really happy to be able to spend the night at Lin Lang's house up.

Lin Lang was also very happy, thinking of Wen Yu's touch yesterday, especially the scent of green grass, it was really fascinating.

In this way, the two became acquainted, going to school together and leaving school together. Every Sunday, Zhao Liying would come to Lin Lang's room to help Lin Lang take care of the kitten. The two of them would watch some movies and cook together.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two knew that they were talking about love, and they also understood each other's intentions, but neither of them made it clear.

Time passed like this. After the college entrance examination, Lin Lang filled in the same school as Zhao Liyan. If there is no accident, the two will go to the same university.

"It's finally a holiday. Let's go out and play together. I have a friend in Qingshan Town. They said that the mountains and rivers there are very beautiful. We can go and have a look!" Zhao Liyan said suddenly.

Going out to travel is the best way to increase the relationship between men and women, and lonely men and widows, when the time comes... remembering what happened last time, it has been a long, long time, Lin Lang sleeps with those photos and memories every night, he I couldn't bear it any longer, so thinking of this, Lin Lang agreed without hesitation.

The two came to that small town by car. The scenery here is really beautiful, with mountains and rivers, and the air is fresh and natural.

Lin Lang was climbing the mountain with Zhao Liyan, when the sky suddenly changed, thunderclouds rolled, lightning shot down like a silver light, and the roaring sound continued.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily, let's go down the mountain quickly, otherwise there will be accidents!" Zhao Liyan said nervously, holding Lin Lang's hand.

"Yeah!" Lin Lang nodded and continued: "The weather is so bad, let's not go back by car, we will go back when the weather is better!"

Zhao Liyan thought so too, when the two arrived at the hotel, they found that there was only the last room.

"I'm really sorry, because the holiday is approaching, there are more tourists here, and the weather is bad today, everyone is staying here, so there is only the last room left!" The hotel owner said apologetically.

Don't be sorry, it's really good.

Lin Lang thought secretly in her heart, then walked over pretending to be worried, looked at the pouring rain outside, and said, "Forget it, one room is one room, let's sit here first and wait for the rain to stop. Let's talk!"

"But... Treating you like this..." Zhao Liyan really wanted to strengthen his relationship with her when he asked her out, but suddenly they lived together like this, which made him a little at a loss.

"It's okay!" Lin Lang smiled, and at the same time quickly signaled the boss to open the room.

The boss was not a fool, so he quickly opened the room. Linlang took the room card and took Zhao Liyan to the room.

The room is very simple, except for the bathroom, there is a big bed outside.

Lin Lang put down her things, "I'm all wet, go take a hot bath first, you can do whatever you want!"

Random... Random... He wanted to watch TV to divert his attention, but this dead room didn't even have a TV, so he could only sit on the bed, staring blankly at the movement in the bathroom.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Lang came out wearing a bath towel. Because the bath towel was not big, her delicate collarbone and slender legs were exposed.

Because of the bath, the skin was steamed red and full of luster like jade.

Lin Lang glanced at Zhao Liyan who was fidgeting, smiled softly, walked up to him, and tore off the towel.

Zhao Liyan looked at everything in front of him and didn't know how to react, but his body was much more honest than him, and he quickly reacted.

Lin Lang smiled softly, slowly climbed onto the bed, and sat on Zhao Liyan's body. Knowing what he wanted to say, she put her finger on his mouth and hissed softly.

Then, Lin Lang kissed the thin lips that she was thinking about day and night, and tentatively stretched out her small tongue, provoking the people inside to dance with her. The air gradually became hotter. Zhao Liyan stretched out his hand, hugged Lin Lang's waist, and followed sink together.

Lin Lang panted and said, "You...do you know...I have liked you for a long time, a long time..."

 I still didn't dare to write, mainly because I was afraid of being banned, so it's just a little bit of meat, so feel free.

(End of this chapter)

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