Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 918 Love Mutual Theory 7

Chapter 918
It was the first time for both of them, so the process was not particularly pleasant. After finally calming down, the two of them were sweating profusely, feeling sticky and flustered, but still reluctant to part.

"I... I really didn't expect you to like me too. In fact, I have already liked you too..." Zhao Liyan looked at the girl under him, brushed the wet hair from her forehead, kissed her lightly, and continued: "The fact that we have met so many times is actually because of my careful planning!"

Well, since they both like each other, it doesn't make much sense.

After going through this time, the two of them were skinless and shameless, and they got married after graduation. It's impossible not to get married, because the belly is big.

"Hahahahaha..." On the wedding night, Lin Lang laughed happily, "I finally got you, now I don't have to put on airs anymore!"

"What?" Zhao Liyan was untying his tie, when he heard this, he looked over suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Lin Lang laughed a few times, took out the box she had collected, and dumped the things on the bed.

Looking at the messy things on it, Zhao Liyan also walked up, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar, especially the photos on the bed, which were taken of himself.

"What's going on?" Zhao Liyan picked up a photo and asked in confusion.

Lin Lang smiled happily, "Although you know that I have liked you for a long time, do you know how much effort I have spent chasing you? Look at these photos, I took them secretly, and these things are all from you ever used or owned..."

Looking at it this way, it really is...

Zhao Liyan was a little overwhelmed, but what he felt most was secret joy, "So you like me so much..."

Lin Lang blinked again, "Not only that, do you remember the first time you came to my house to drink coffee and fell asleep? To tell you the truth, I added sleeping pills to the coffee, so you fell asleep!

Do you know what I did to you after you fell asleep? "

Zhao Liyan turned his head in a daze, and shook his head in a daze.

"Hahaha..." Lin Lang put her waist on her waist and said with a big laugh, "I licked your whole body, how about it? It's exciting enough!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Liyan felt as if his whole body was on fire. He hugged Lin Lang away and kissed her on the cheek, "So you love me so much. In order to repay you, I'm going to revisit what you did to me after you fell into a coma. You do it again!"

"Hahahaha... okay, okay, let's make it together!"


When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang felt a dull pain in her heart. In her previous life, she and Zhao Liyan loved each other very much. Since she revealed her true colors, the two of them were not unfamiliar, but became more and more familiar. Unlocked a lot of poses, such as black house play, dress up play, and the most exciting cosplay...

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's heart hurts even more. Kiss my husband, it's obviously what happened just now, but it's only been a while, and I'm starting to miss you again.

"Miss, are you awake?" A maid came in and asked.

Lin Lang shook her head, "I don't feel well, I need to sleep a little longer, you go out first!"

The servant girl was about to open her mouth to say something, but seeing that the young lady said so, she nodded and continued respectfully.

Lin Lang closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

"When I was very young, my father took my mother and elder sister away together. I grew up with my grandmother. After finally waiting for my mother to come back, I found that... although I was his biological daughter, But my mother doesn't like me, on the contrary she likes my sister more!
In order to be liked by my mother, I was really filial and studied hard, no matter what my mother said, I would agree to it, but no matter how many things I did, my mother always focused on my sister!
When I reached the age of marriage, it was my elder sister who was betrothed by someone else, but my mother let me marry in. The family was a shabby family, but my elder sister married a wealthy family. If nothing else happens, she will definitely be Mrs. Gaoming in the future!

I really can't figure it out, why are my own children treating me so badly?And my husband-in-law is still not wanted by my sister.

I am really wronged, obviously I am the best at home, but why doesn't my mother like me?You gave me that kind of marriage. If that's the case, I hope you can manage my life well and let my mother and sister take a good look at it. It's fine if you don't like me. I can live a good life and I can live a good life ! "

After accepting the plot, Lin Lang sighed. Parents should not be eccentric, but no one can say for sure about eccentricity. After all, five fingers can be long or short.

But if you do too much eccentricity, it will not only hurt your children, but also affect your relationship.

"Second Miss, have you written it? If you continue to sleep like this, you will miss the greeting to Grandma!" The servant girl left, knocked on the door lightly, and whispered.

"If it's delayed, it's delayed. Anyway, I'm not feeling well, so I just don't want to go to pay my respects today!" Lin Lang's voice was filled with impatience.

"But... Miss, don't you like to greet Madam the most? Over the years, you have never been late..." The servant girl hesitated, thinking that the lady was losing her temper.

Lin Lang was furious when she heard the servant girl say this, and slapped the bed angrily, "I won't go if I say no, why are you talking so much? Come down quickly!"

The servant girl didn't dare to continue persuading her when she heard this, she shrank her head, ran to Mammy's side and told Mammy what the young lady said repeatedly.

When Mammy heard this, she sighed softly, "Madam has done too much, and made Miss's heart go cold... You said that they are all her own children, so why is it that Second Miss is the one who suffers? Now it's okay. Yes, the mother and daughter are separated, but I can't see it now, and later..."

Mammy didn't continue talking, she sighed deeply, and sent someone to report to Da Furen.

When the eldest lady heard that her second daughter was sick, she let out a cold snort, "I don't get sick early, and I don't get sick late, but I'm sick at this time. I must be angry about what happened a few days ago. This dead girl, I'm sorry Having worked so hard to give birth to her, and raising her so much, you can't even decide on an early marriage?"

Sitting on one side, the eldest lady had a sneer on her lips, but it disappeared quickly, and she said with a concerned face: "Hello, you can't say that about my sister, my sister has been well-behaved since she was a child, she must not be pretending to be sick, maybe it's the truth." Are you sick?"

The eldest lady was full of disgust, "That dead girl is very strong, how can she be sick, she must be pretending to be sick, and you should stop saying good things for him, no matter how much you say, she won't appreciate you at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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