Chapter 919 Eccentric One
The eldest lady was very happy when she heard this, but she still said with concern on her face: "No, although I don't see my sister very often, I also know that my sister is a kind-hearted girl. Will be angry about such a small thing!

It must be really sick, or I would send someone to invite a doctor to come back to show my sister, so that others can know how motherly my mother is! "

Hearing these words, the eldest lady felt warm in her heart, and her eldest daughter was caring, not like her younger daughter, but like a debt collector.

"It's still good, you know how to take care of your mother, that's all, you can ask a doctor to show your sister!" The lady waved her hand.

The eldest lady lowered her head, her eyes were full of joy of victory. Of course she did this for herself. If her good sister was really sick and she invited a doctor to go, they would say that she was considerate and knew how to take care of her sister. There are also benefits.

If my younger sister is not sick, she is pretending to be sick, and there will be a meal at the top of the table, and the matter of her marrying someone else for herself is probably not discussed by so many people.

The younger the young lady, the happier she was, so she hurriedly asked someone to invite the doctor over.

"Sister, I heard that you are sick today, so I specially asked someone to invite a doctor from outside to treat you!" The eldest lady walked in directly with the doctor, with a decent smile on her face.

Lin Lang was furious when she heard the commotion, and those dead maids didn't know how to stop them when they saw people coming in, making their room like a public place, anyone could come in and out.

"It turns out that my sister is here. Forgive me for not being able to get up. The main reason is that my body is really uncomfortable!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she coughed twice, "It's actually not a serious illness, but I just want to cough all the time. Let my sister go Please ask the imperial doctor, I really trouble my sister!"

The eldest lady pretended to be concerned and said: "Why bother? Now that my sister is sick, I'm worried. Don't be shy about getting sick. Get up quickly and ask the doctor to take your pulse and get you medicine!"

Lin Lang rolled her big eyes, knowing that this person was here to find fault, so she stretched out her wrist, "That's really a thank you doctor!"

The doctor took a pulse, and there was nothing serious about his body, but he was a little angry, so coughing or something was justified.

"Miss, is there something uncomfortable?" The doctor asked with concern.

Lin Lang rolled her eyes when she heard this, and then coughed a few times, "Actually, there's nothing uncomfortable about it, I just feel that my throat is itchy and I want to cough, and I'm afraid of getting a cold, so I don't dare to give it to my mother. Please be safe, I am afraid of passing on the symptoms to my mother!"

Hearing this, the old doctor couldn't help but lamented the child's filial piety. He withdrew his hand and said, "It's nothing serious. I guess it's because I got angry in autumn and winter, so my lungs can't stand it. I suggest you boil some rock sugar pear water!"

The eldest lady's face was a little ugly when she heard this, and she forced a smile, "It's great that my sister is not sick, but doctor, do you really need to take medicine?"

The best medicine is as bitter as possible, the eldest lady thought in her heart.

The doctor shook his head when he heard this, "No need, the little girl is not seriously ill, you just need to take good care of her. Besides, the medicine is three-point poisonous, and drinking too much medicine is not good for your health!"

After the doctor left, the eldest lady sat next to Lin Lang and reached out her hand, held Lin Lang's little hand, sighed softly, and said sadly: "I know everything my mother said, and there are indeed many things I'm sorry for you. , but... Mother also has her difficulties, and I hope you can understand her, don't be angry with mother!"

Lin Lang looked down on this woman from the bottom of her heart, so she took her hand back and said in a cold tone, "Sister, I was joking, marriage is the order of my parents, and the matchmaker's words, I have nothing to be unhappy about!"

The eldest lady lowered her eyes and asked again, "Is there really not?"

"No!" Lin Lang continued: "Don't worry, big sister, you and I cannot make decisions about marriage, so you don't have to feel guilty!
And my parents must have their own opinion in doing this, because I don't have to worry about it anymore, I just prepare for marriage with peace of mind! "

Hearing this, the eldest lady stood up and waved her sleeves, "Okay, since my sister is not angry, then I can rest assured that it's not too early, so I will leave first, my sister should listen to the doctor's advice and drink some nourishing food on time." the decoction!"

The annoying person finally left, and Lin Lang was cleansed, she put on the quilt, and went on to have a date with Zhou.

Here, after the eldest lady came back, she thought about it and went to the eldest lady's yard.

"The doctor just went to check my sister's pulse, and it's nothing serious. She said she was a little angry, so her lungs felt a little uncomfortable, and she didn't need to take medicine..." The young lady said softly. Although she said some normal words, she heard I felt something was wrong when I heard it.

It is indeed getting angry, but it is just a normal getting angry with the alternation of seasons. This person also said it, but he felt that getting angry was not easy.

"Okay, so I'm really angry, this dead girl, she really doesn't worry at all!" The eldest lady said angrily, frowning.

"Sister... I just asked my sister, and she said that there is no marriage matter to be sad, but also marriage matters, parents' order, matchmaker's words..." The eldest lady glanced at the eldest lady, and said hesitantly.

The eldest lady slapped the table when she heard this: "You don't mean it, you have a lot of heart at such a young age!"

"Sister... is still young, and she was not around her mother since she was a child. It's normal to have her own thoughts. I guess she didn't figure it out, so she got angry. Don't take it to heart. They are both mother and daughter. Don't worry about trivial matters. But haggling over every detail will hurt the feelings of mother and daughter!" said the eldest lady gently.

The eldest lady snorted coldly, "Although that dead girl came out of my stomach, she has never been in love with her, she looks honest, but she has a lot of heart!
How about you, you have been by my side and listened to me since you were a child, you are much better than that careless girl! "

"Mother, don't say that. My sister is really nice and filial to you. Since my mother came back, she has come to greet you every day, and she hasn't missed a day. It shows that she still has a mother in her heart!" The eldest lady continued.

The eldest lady sneered a few times, "If she really had me in her heart, she wouldn't be sulking alone in the room without greeting me today, after all, she still has a grudge against me!
Don't speak good words for her, that dead girl came out of my stomach. Although I have never raised her, I know exactly what is going on in my heart! "

(End of this chapter)

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