Chapter 920 Eccentric II

Although the eldest lady was persuading, she was already happy in her heart, and after talking for a while, she left with a smile.

After resting for a month, when the man came to make a decision, someone came to ask Lin Lang to come over, and Lin Lang got up from the bed.

"It's really annoying. The eldest lady ordered 1 taels of silver, six sets of betrothal gifts, and... some gold and silver, but here, we just gave some ordinary fabrics to the servants below. The kind you wouldn't even want..." the servant girl said aggrievedly.

Hearing this, Lin Lang tidied up the corners of her clothes in a calm manner. If women in this era want to compare their mothers and younger sisters, they must rely on men or sons, so... what kind of future husband is he? people?

"Okay, the situation in their family is like this. I guess the hired thing has done its best!" Lin Lang glanced at the maid and said, "To be honest, what is the man's situation? I still don't know, you go Inquire outside, come back and tell me!"

The maid pursed her lips, "What else is there to inquire about? It's just a shabby household. The family is extremely poor. There is a widowed mother, and there are two underage brothers... If this is married... it will be a lot of trouble." Now, unlike the eldest lady, she married into a family of family friends, and her future husband-in-law will be promising..."

"Is my fiancé worthless?" Lin Lang asked back: "Back then I was able to get married to my family, so it must have been a difficult family background. Now... it must be just a temporary thing, and no one can say what will happen in the future!"

The master and the servant were talking, and a servant girl walked over quickly, with a trace of impatience on her face.

"Second miss, the second son-in-law has come to make a decision, and I can't let you go to the front hall!"

Lin Lang took a look, and that maid felt a little irritated, what kind of servant?Just barged in without permission, there were no rules at all.

Lin Lang was suddenly angry, so she stood up and took the maid to the front hall. Men and women were 7 years old and had different seats. Although they were engaged, Lin Lang didn't meet her fiancé directly, if it was through the screen.

There was only a shadow on the screen, only a man in green clothes was seen, his figure was thin, but he was extremely straight, like a pine tree on a cliff.

"My mother is not in good health, and the two youngest brothers in the family need someone to take care of them, so I hope that the second young lady will be married home in advance to take care of the housework!" The voice was neither humble nor overbearing, like a clear spring on a mountain, tinkling.

Hearing this, the eldest lady picked up the teacup beside her, took a sip, and said slowly: "Everyone has their own difficulties. I understand this naturally, but I am a good girl. If I marry you, I will marry you." Marrying you is so long in advance, what do you make outsiders think?"

"But my mother really needs someone to take care of her, and I hope my wife will be accommodating!"

To be honest, Lin Lang was also furious when she heard such words. How dare you marry a daughter-in-law to take care of your mother when you return home!

A trace of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the eldest lady, "Nephew, my daughter is a lady of great family, a daughter of a famous family, marrying you is a low marriage, but now you have to advance, what do you make outsiders think, I don't know if they think it is my daughter." It's worthless!"

Although the eldest lady doesn't like her little daughter, it doesn't mean she won't think about her. Of course, under this premise, the little daughter doesn't involve her own interests.

"Ma'am, I know this matter is against etiquette, but I still hope Da Furen will be accommodating. My mother is not in good health. If she really goes there, those three years..."

Lin Lang knocked on the table, ready to take a gamble, and called a maid over, whispered something in her ear, saw the maid's astonished expression, and waved her hand.

Just as the lady was about to say something, a servant girl came over and whispered something in her ear, and the lady's face changed, "Girls are extroverts!"

"Okay, I see!" The eldest lady glanced at the screen, and finally said to Wang Zhanzhu: "Nephew, it is impossible for my daughter to marry you in advance, because it involves the family's reputation, and it is more likely to affect the family's reputation." Girl... about your mother, our family is willing to send a doctor and someone to take care of it!"

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, he glanced thoughtfully behind the screen, nodded, and left politely.

After the people left, the Da Furen said angrily: "Everyone stomped your face on the ground, and you are still rushing, are you still shameless?"

After hearing most of the words, Lin Lang felt dull in her heart, and said softly: "Then what do you want me to choose, just refuse directly, then there will be no good fruit to eat when I get married!"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes, "What do you have to worry about, that brat is still just a juren, so he dare not act like a monster in front of you!"

Lin Lang kicked the screen twice, "Although that's the case, it's better for husband and wife to live in harmony!"

"All right, all right, you always feel that I treat you badly, since you think so, you can do whatever you like, anyway, I don't want to take care of you!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, she got up and left while holding the maidservant's hand.

"Oh, I'm so pissed off, I'm really a debt collector..." Da Furen said angrily, clutching her chest.

Here, Lin Lang chose two kind-hearted women from where to send them to Zhan's house, and then asked his servants to go to the medical clinic to invite a doctor to see Mrs. Zhan.

"Miss from a rich family, you really have a lot of style. You heard that you want to take care of me, an old woman, so you don't want to marry me!" Mother Zhan said angrily.

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, he frowned, and a trace of displeasure appeared on Qingjun's face, "Mother, the eldest sister is not married, and the girl suddenly married, what do outsiders think?"

Zhan's mother was still arrogant and unreasonable, "their Wang family doesn't have a good thing. They are engaged to you. She is the eldest girl. If they want to give you the second girl, it must be that the second girl is not good enough, so I gave it to you!
Now even a small request is not satisfied, fortunately it is still a big family, even a small family is not as good as..."

"Mother!" Wang Wangzhu said emphatically: "It doesn't matter who is married, as long as it is the legitimate daughter of the Wang family!

Don't complain, if you really don't like this kind of breakup, I'll quit tomorrow, so I don't need to talk about it! "

"Don't!" Although she doesn't like this marriage, who made their family fall down? If her son doesn't have a strong support, what will happen in the future?
"Okay, okay, I won't talk about it if you don't let me talk about it!" Mother Zhan shook her head.

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, his complexion became better, "Tomorrow, the servants of the Wang family will come to take care of you, and the doctor will also come to check your pulse. Please tell the younger brothers to pay attention, and don't lose your tongue..."

Mother Zhan nodded impatiently, "Okay, okay, I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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