Chapter 921 Eccentric Three

It has to be said that Zhan's mother recovered quickly after someone took care of her, but he just refused to recover, because once he recovered, not to mention the doctor's leaving, even the two serving nuns would leave.

"Young Master Zhan, we were ordered to serve the old lady, but...we are not slaves of the Zhan family!" Mammy thought she had made it very obvious that the old lady thought she was a slave of their family, and beat and scolded them frequently , and do such heavy housework every day, although they have a good temper, it does not necessarily mean that they have no temper.

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, his expression froze, "But... what happened?"

The two nuns looked at each other, one came out, and said respectfully: "We have taken care of the old lady according to the second young lady's instructions. It can be said that the old lady has been picking on us, and more importantly ...The old lady has already recovered, it is really not suitable for us to stay here for a long time!"

"Mother recovered?" Wang Zhanzhu really didn't know this.

The two servants looked at each other and nodded affirmatively, "Well, I've recovered a long time ago, but the old lady doesn't know what's going on, she keeps saying it's uncomfortable here, she keeps saying it's uncomfortable there, anyway, the doctor didn't open it. The medicine, just let the old lady rest quietly..."

If others don't know their own mother, don't you know yourself?Wang Wangzhu soon knew what his mother wanted, and said to the two nuns: "It's really troublesome for you two to take care of me during this time, thank you to the second lady for me!"

The two nuns breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, and they were finally able to leave here.

"Why did those two servants leave? Since the Wang family sent them here, they are ours!" Mother Zhan asked angrily when she found that no one was serving her.

Wang Zhanzhu frowned tightly, with a trace of displeasure in his eyes, "Since my mother is cured, why did you tell the doctor that I have never recovered?"

"I...I..." Mother Zhan's eyes flickered, "I really don't feel well, that doctor is a quack doctor, he just didn't get it out..."

"Well, since mother said she was not feeling well, I'll take you to see a doctor!" Wang Zhanzhu said forcefully.

Mother Zhan glanced at her son, and immediately became discouraged, "Okay, okay, I'm pretending, but I'm also doing it for the good of the family, I'm not in good health, and the three of you need someone to take care of you. Those two nuns are just right!"

Wang Wangzhu said with a gloomy face: "Then have you ever thought about what you have done, what will the Wang family think? What will outsiders think? Mother wants to be served, yes, when my son is successful, I will definitely buy you a dozen A servant will serve you!"

Mother Zhan curled her lips, "The Wang family has already sent their servants to us, why send them back? You are so unnecessary!"

"He just asked someone to serve you, not to give him to us!" Wang Zhanzhu said emphatically, "Now that you have recovered, he will naturally leave!"

"Hmph, after all, it's not that I dislike the poor and love the rich. When the second young lady gets married, I will punish those two servants severely!" Zhanmu muttered.

Wang Wangzhu felt a headache, "Mother, there are only two of us now, let me tell you directly, the Wang family is very good, and it is also a family of officials. Although there is a marriage contract, after all, I am actually the one who is the one who is the one who is the best." People!
If you treat Second Miss badly, it may affect your son's future, so I advise you to think carefully about what you should do after Second Miss gets married. "

When Zhan's mother heard this, she was like a cat with its hair blown out, "People say that after marrying a wife, you forget your mother, and your daughter-in-law hasn't married yet, so she turned to your daughter-in-law!

I'm for her mother-in-law, what's wrong with letting her serve me? "

"Serving your mother-in-law is what she should do, but if you do too much, then... it's not about the son, but she is also from a wealthy family, and it really makes her anxious, and it's a burden, what can you do?
But now I am just a small Juren, if people want to suppress me, it will be a matter of minutes! "Zhan Wangzhu was very calm, when he said these words, he was just stating a fact.

When Zhanmu heard this, she panted violently, and finally said through gritted teeth: "You are forcing me!"

"What should I do? My son is just telling the truth!" Zhan Zhuyun said calmly, "When the second lady heard that you were sick, she immediately sent someone to take care of you. I'll see you sick!
Such a kind-hearted and understanding girl, after she gets married, she will definitely take good care of her mother, but I hope... my mother knows that just because someone is kind-hearted doesn't mean she has no temper, and it doesn't mean that her natal Wang family has no temper! "

When Zhanmu heard this, she sighed sadly.

Here, Lin Lang frowned after hearing Mammy's reply, and she didn't know if it was good or bad if there was a mother-in-law who did that.

But no matter whether it was good or bad, it was a certainty that she would marry.

Immediately afterwards, there was another disturbance in the family because of the dowry. Lin Lang had been kept under the old lady's knees. Because of the marriage, the old lady had already been angry once, but this marriage was decided by her parents. Even if she, an old lady, wanted to intervene , and can't be too much of a master, this time the anger is because of the dowry.

"The second child was married in place of the eldest child. No matter what, the second child's dowry cannot be missed!" the old lady said forcefully.

The eldest lady was not happy, "Who said it was a substitute marriage? We agreed with our family at the beginning that it was the first daughter's engagement, but we didn't say whether it was the eldest daughter or the second daughter, so there is no such thing as a substitute marriage!
Besides, as the eldest daughter of the family, the eldest daughter is married well, so the dowry will naturally be more. As for the second child... just give more money. As for the others, they can make do. Don't need those things either! "

The old lady slapped the table, "Nonsense, daughter-in-law, do you know what comes first, first served? If you really want to marry, it should be the eldest brother who will marry. It is impossible for the second child to take his place. Let the second child take the place now." Marry in the past, do you still have a reason?
If you don't give me more dowry, then I will keep my second child by my side, and you can handle the marriage by yourself! "

The eldest lady gritted her teeth, "Old master, if you do this, you will destroy the master!"

The old lady looked over with a cold look, "I didn't ruin my son, but you, the wife, ruined your husband-in-law!
My request is very simple, what should be given to the boss, the second child must not lose a penny! "

The eldest lady heard the noise, came over, choked up and said: "It's all my fault, that mother and grandma quarreled, it's all my fault..."

(End of this chapter)

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