Chapter 922 Eccentric Four

When the old lady heard this, she glanced over, "Since you know it's your fault, then why are you still yelling here!"

The eldest lady's face turned pale. Although she was a bit scheming, she was just a girl, "I...I..."

"If you don't learn well at a young age, you will know how to play tricks, what a shame!" the old lady scolded.

Hearing that her daughter was scolded, the eldest lady was not happy, and she didn't care about filial piety, she directly contradicted: "Old lady, I know you like the second girl, but the eldest girl is also your own granddaughter, there is no need to do it for a little thing. Just belittle the big girl!

It's true that I'm partial to the big girl, it's because the big girl is caring and has been by my side since birth, so what's wrong with me being a little thinner?
In the second girl's marriage, I can't say who is right and who is wrong, anyway, Wang Wangzhu is also a good-looking talent, worthy of the second girl! "

"Since you are a good-looking talent, why don't you let the big girl marry me?" The old lady slapped the table, "Boss daughter-in-law, you have to behave according to your conscience!"

The eldest lady sat aside, gasping for breath, "Okay, then I will add some dowry to the second girl!"

The old lady's face softened a little, "That's right, don't worry, when the big girl gets married, I will also add some makeup to the big girl!"

In this way, Linlang's dowry increased by dozens of loads, and they were all practical things.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and after the eldest sister gets married, it will be Lin Lang's turn.

The red hijab was lifted, and the dim candlelight came into view. Linlang closed her eyes for a while unaccustomed, and then slowly opened them. Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Linlang hesitated for a moment.

"Tired?" Wang Wangzhu thoughtfully helped Lin Lang remove the jewelry from her head, and brought a basin of hot water.

Lin Lang nodded and wiped her face clean, "It's okay, I haven't eaten since morning, do you have anything to eat?"

Zhan Zhu nodded, and brought a bowl of dumplings from the table, "That's all, you can make do with it!"

Lin Lang wasn't picky either, she picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

Wang Wangzhu sat on the side, and poured Lin Lang a glass of water thoughtfully, "Speaking of... I haven't thanked you yet... After all... my mother, and the doctor's affairs, I have to thank you!"

After Lin Lang finished her meal, she picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, "You and I are a husband and wife, so don't be so polite!"

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, he froze in place, and after a while he came back to his senses and nodded, "Well, my mother... I have already said what I need to say, you don't have to worry!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang took a deep look at Wang Zhanzhu. She thought this man was a Ma Baonan, otherwise she would not have married early because her own mother was sick. Unexpectedly, this man was really not a Ma Baonan. But not good.

The next morning, Lin Lang woke up with aches and pains all over her body. For the servant girl, because this house was too small, Lin Lang's dowry was arranged in her other house.

When Zhan Mu saw Lin Lang coming, she raised her triangular eyes, "I just came now, do you know what time it is? Really..."

"Mother!" Wang Wangzhu shouted remindingly, "Now is the time to ask for peace, and our family is not a big family, so there is no need to have such strict rules!"

Mother Zhan kept her words in her heart, and it took a long time before she recovered, took a few deep breaths, and said: "Forget it, I don't care about the affairs of you young people. Since you are married, the family will belong to you from now on." Take care of it!"

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, and then looked straight at Duan's mother!

"What are you looking at me for?" Duan's mother asked coldly.

Lin Lang said helplessly, "Mother, if you asked me to be the housekeeper, you must give me something, right?"

"What? There's nothing in the house!" Mother Duan said with a cold face.

A look of disbelief flashed across Lin Lang's face. Although she knew that her future husband's family was poor, she never expected it to be this poor.

"What does mother you want us to drink the northwest wind..." Lin Lang asked cautiously.

Wang Zhanzhu rubbed the aching forehead, "Mother, you are enough, no matter how poor the family is, there are dozens of acres of fertile land, if you don't want your son to be ridiculed for living on his wife, you should quickly take out the things!"

How could Duan's mother want to, "Since she is married, let all her things belong to our Duan family!"

"Mother, that's her dowry!" Wang Wangzhu reminded.

When Duan's mother heard this, she reluctantly handed over a box. Lin Lang opened it and found that there were only a few scattered silver, house deeds and land deeds inside, and then there was nothing in it.

Lin Lang didn't say anything. After collecting the things, she visited the small courtyard. The house is really small. There are only eight rooms in total, and they went to live in it. The rest are utility rooms.

Lin Lang found her dowry servants and asked them to clean up one of the rooms, and let a few people stay there first.

Because the place is small, Lin Lang only let three servants stay here, one to do chores at home, one to serve her, and the other to work in the kitchen.

Speaking of the kitchen, Lin Lang took a look, my dear, probably even mice don't want to stay in the kitchen.

Lin Lang took some money, bought some rice and noodles, and bought some cloth by the way. First, she made some clothes for her husband. Some were thick and some were thin. The cloth wasn't too good, but it wasn't too bad either. , at least you can get it.

A month later, under Lin Lang's management, the house became full of vitality. Lin Lang also bought the land behind the house and built several houses.

I rent out the house when I live in it myself, and some of the houses have been turned into small shops, and I don’t sell any expensive things, just some daily necessities.

Duan's mother is living very well these days, eating well, sleeping well, and someone is taking care of her, just like an old lord, this person wants to be a monster after a good life for a while!

"Your uncle will come over in a few days, you tidy up the house, and they will stay for a few days!" Mother Duan confessed while eating.

When Lin Lang heard this, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face. The house at home was rented out, and there was no vacant room at all. How to arrange people?

"Mother, we don't have many houses at home. If it's really not possible, we can arrange them in an inn..." Lin Lang tried to negotiate.

How could Duan's mother be willing, she patted the table, "You are willing to rent the house to outsiders, but you are not willing to let your own relatives live, what's wrong! Do you dislike my relatives?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "No, if you rent the house to someone else and get it back now, you will not only lose the rent, but also damage your reputation!
Husband is going to Qiu Wei soon, and I want him to bear the infamy for such a trivial matter and affect his future! "

(End of this chapter)

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