Chapter 923 Eccentric Five

Duan's mother pursed her lips when she heard this. Although she was making trouble, she also knew the importance of her son's future.

"Don't you still have a dowry? Find a way to make it together, and you can't let your relatives stay in the hotel. It's so embarrassing!" Mother Duan tried her best to soften her tone.

When Lin Lang heard this, she almost rolled her eyes to the sky, "Old lady, I don't want to say more, but you have to know that a woman's dowry belongs to herself, and even if the woman dies, the dowry has to go to her children, husband and wife The home cannot be contaminated!

I don’t have a house. If you really want it, I’ll sell some of the shop and some of the land, find a way to get money back, and buy a house again! "

The old lady stood up abruptly, "You... just push back when I ask you to do something, if you really don't want to stay in this house, get out immediately!"

Lin Lang was never afraid of anyone, she stood up directly, "Old lady, I respect you because I love my husband, but there are some things, don't go too far!"

"You... dare to talk back to the elders, your Wang family is really well-bred!" Mother Duan said through gritted teeth.

Lin Lang was very calm, "Mother-in-law, I am asking me to marry into this family, take care of my husband, my mother-in-law, and my two younger brothers. I dare not be negligent. If you think I am not doing well, you can let my husband Give me a copy of the Heli book, my daughter of the Wang family is not a thick-skinned person, there is no need to put my face on someone's cold ass!"

What Duan's mother said was actually a bluff, in order to let Linlang meet her demands, but seeing Linlang being so tough and saying she wanted to leave, she felt a little regretful, and finally waved her hand, "Forget it, forget it, I am an old man who is not as knowledgeable as a junior like you, but you must treat your uncle’s family well, and you must not be neglected in the slightest, understand?"

Lin Lang nodded, got up and left.

"I'm really pissed off, this is not marrying a daughter-in-law, this is obviously the one who married back is Lord Yan!" Duan's mother patted her chest and said uncomfortablely.

After hearing this, the maid next to her rolled her eyes several times, hehehe, it belongs to our girl and our girl, and now she is still complaining about our girl, she is really a real white-eyed wolf.

As for the uncle's family, they were arranged by Lin Lang to stay in an inn. Although they were dissatisfied, they had no money in hand, so they had no choice but to admit it.

"Didn't you say that your daughter-in-law is the daughter of a high official and has a lot of money? If that's the case, then buy me an east courtyard in the capital!" Uncle said bluntly.

Duan's mother sighed sadly, "Don't mention it, that dead girl is holding on to the money so tightly, I'll let him buy you a house, she doesn't want to, and even said that she would sell the family property It's gone... If she really sells, I guess I will be ashamed to see our family when I am under the Nine Springs!"

"What daughter-in-law? If you're really disobedient, just give her a good beating!" My aunt followed up.

Duan's mother's face was embarrassing, he really wanted to fight, but after the fight, the daughter-in-law is the daughter of a high official, this matter must not be good, and the food and drink in the family have to rely on this daughter-in-law .

"Hehehe... Our family is a scholarly family, how can we do such unruly things..." Mother Duan said haha.

The aunt rolled her eyes, "If she is really bad, you can find a maid to be your son's concubine, and see if she is good!"

Mother Duan's eyes lit up when she heard this, "That's a good idea..."

The next morning, when Lin Lang went to greet Duan's mother, she found that she was in a good mood today, with a smug look on her face.

"By the've been married into this family for more than a year, why hasn't your stomach moved yet?" Mother Duan asked suddenly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she slapped her head, "Oh, I almost forgot...I was not feeling well a few days ago, so I went to see the doctor, and I just had a happy pulse for two months. , so I have been busy and forgot to tell my mother the good news!"

Duan's mother opened her mouth wide when she heard this. She didn't know whether she was happy or unhappy. Finally, after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and said, "Since you are pregnant, you must not be able to serve Wangzhu anymore. After I think about it, let Give him a concubine room!"

Lin Lang raised her eyebrows lightly, "Of course, which family's girl is it?"

"You are Wangzhu's wife, so of course you are in charge of this matter!" Mother Duan said confidently.

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "That being said, I'm not feeling well these few days, and I'm really powerless. I'd better leave this matter to my mother to worry about, but there is one thing I want to talk about. There is no house at home... If you need to take a concubine in, you have to think carefully about where she lives!"

Duan's mother's smile froze on her face, and she finally pulled the corner of her mouth, "Forget it, we'll talk about it when Wangzhu comes back!"

Three months later, Linlang was 5 months pregnant, and Wang Zhanzhu's Qiu Wei results came out, ranking No.4 in Yijia. If there is no accident, he must be a Jinshi!

When Wang Wangzhu returned home, he found that his uncle had arrived, his expression was not good, he casually greeted him a few times, looked around, and found that Lin Lang was not here, he frowned, "Where is Lin Lang?"

"Eldest nephew, people say that after marrying a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother, you are really a leader!
Your daughter-in-law is doing very well, relying on her pregnancy and eating good food every day, she didn't come to greet your mother, but she was with us, she should have been soaked in a pig cage long ago!
You are my elder sister with a kind heart, thinking that your daughter-in-law is just pregnant, and you didn't let her work hard, just let her stay in the room to raise the baby! "

Hearing that Lin Lang was pregnant, Zhan Zhu's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly to the room.

"Why don't you send a letter when you're pregnant?" Looking at Lin Lang's big belly, Wang Zhanzhu said in surprise.

Lin Lang said softly: "You are at the most important time, Mr. Xiang, it's fine if I can't help you, and I don't want to hold you back!"

Wang Zhanzhuxin was soft inside, stepped forward, squeezed Linlang's little hand, "You have a heart!"

Lin Lang just smiled, "My husband just came back, have you eaten yet? Do you need me to ask my servants to prepare the meals?"

Zhan Zhu nodded, "Thank you, lady!"

After eating, Wang Zhanzhu took another hot bath, fell asleep on the bed, and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

"This big nephew has been home for two or three days. Except for a meeting at home, I haven't talked about it all day. It just so happens that I have free time today and I want to talk to him!"

"Uncle, the young master has been catching up on sleep since he came back. If the uncle wants to talk to the young master, I suggest you look for another day!"

"You damn girl, are you trying to stop me from seeing my eldest nephew? Get the hell out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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