Chapter 924 Eccentric VI

Wang Zhanzhu frowned, his uncle still looked the same, nothing had changed.

"Let someone come in!" Wang Zhanzhu rubbed his head and shouted to the outside.

When the uncle heard this, he pushed the servant girl hard, "You damn girl, didn't you just say that my nephew is sleeping? I'll sell you later!"

After the uncle finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked into the house. Seeing Wang Zhanzhu lying on the bed, he hesitated for a moment, "So my nephew is really sleeping. I thought it was the maid who was so bold as to trick me!"

Wang Wangzhu glanced at the so-called uncle, "Uncle, didn't you live well in your hometown? Why did you come to the capital suddenly? Or did you come to the capital with your family?"

Speaking of this, the uncle rubbed his hands together, "It's not that it's hard to make a living at home, I heard that you married a good wife, so I came here to join you!

But I'm not talking about you, although I married a good wife, but that wife is too picky, we didn't arrange a place for us when we came here, just let us stay in a hotel..."

When Wang Wangzhu heard this, his eyes became colder and colder, "Uncle, my daughter-in-law is working hard on your life with a big belly, is this called disobedience? If you really think he is not doing well, then you can do it yourself!" "

"You... tell your mother that you forgot your mother after you got married, it's true!" The uncle said dissatisfiedly: "Now my heart is for your daughter-in-law, how can you remember the mother who worked so hard to raise you?" !"

Wang Zhanzhu lowered his eyes, "Uncle, if you came to me just to talk about this matter, then please get out of here!"

"You..." The uncle also knew his nephew's temper, changed the subject, and continued: "Your aunt and I sold all the fields at home, thinking that you and your mother are making a fortune in the city, so we come to join you , I want you to help me find a job, if it doesn’t work, you can invest some a shop for me and your aunt, let us start a small business..."

Zhan Zhu's face became more and more ugly, "Uncle, you should know better than me what's going on at home, especially since I'm still studying and spending money like water, how can I have money for you to start a small business?"

"You don't have money, but your daughter-in-law is rich. I heard from your mother that your daughter-in-law came here and has dozens of dowries... We don't ask much, so we bought a yard and a shop for us." "The uncle said, rubbing his hands together.

Zhan Wangzhu smiled, "Uncle, that is my daughter-in-law's dowry, it has nothing to do with me or our family!

If this is your idea, I advise you to save money. You sell the land and fields in your home. Xiaomi doesn’t lack money. You can spend your own money to find a house in the city. It’s expensive. If you can't afford it, you can buy it cheap, and you can live your life! "

" want to watch my uncle starve to death!" Uncle said nonsense, "If I really can't take it anymore, I will go to the government and sue you for being unfilial!"

"It's none of my business. If I want to be filial, I also want to be filial to my own mother. You and I are just relatives and have nothing to do with each other!" Wang Wangzhu said with a gloomy face, "It's getting late, uncle, I don't welcome you, please. you left!"

The uncle was so angry that he saw that his nephew didn't want to get in, so he waved his sleeves, "Okay, okay, now that I have been admitted to Juren and got a beautiful wife, I don't recognize us poor relatives anymore, it's really good , don’t ask us to ask you in the future..."

Lin Lang didn't know how the follow-up development would be. Later, after listening to him, the uncle returned the inn he rented. He was still messing around, and asked for a sum of money from the shopkeeper, saying that he should check out early, so he should leave The silver is returned.

A month later, Wang Zhanzhu won No. 5 in the Yijia Examination. Although the ranking was not too high, it was not too low. If there was no accident, he should be employed in the Imperial Academy. The old lady brought something, and the rest of them were abnormally mediocre.

There is a senior member of the third grade in the Wang family, and he doesn't pay attention to Jinshi like Wang Wangzhu at all, and he doesn't take it seriously.

After Zhan Wang passed the Jinshi examination, Lin Lang thought about it and sold part of the shop and the land, and bought a 4-entry mansion. The house is very big, but the location is relatively remote, but there is no place compared to others. The Jinshi living here is already much better.

"I've thought about it, you are now an official anyway, you can't live in such a crappy place, and there are mixed fish and dragons there, if something happens, it will not be good for your reputation!
This house is big enough for our family to live in, and it is also enough for me to accommodate those servants. When the two younger brothers get married, they will have enough house to live in! "

Wang Zhanzhu nodded, expressing his agreement with his wife's words. After a month, his appointment letter came down, and he was appointed as the editor of the Imperial Academy, and he was the seventh grade.

Although the rank is not high, the Imperial Academy is not for anyone who wants to enter. There is a saying that no one can enter the Imperial Academy unless he is a Jinshi, and no one can enter the cabinet unless he is an Imperial Academy.

Lin Lang gave birth to a cute boy three months later. After having a son, the old lady became less hostile, and she would not act like a demon at every turn, and obediently became her old lord.

Three years later, Wang Zhan took the post of magistrate in the southern land, this place has beautiful mountains and rivers, as long as there are no major accidents, the performance appraisal will always be excellent.

Lin Lang doesn't know what the future holds. After all, some people may stay there for the rest of their lives, and they may come back in a year or two, so Lin Lang wonders whether to go with Wang Zhanzhu...

But after thinking about it, he couldn't take advantage of the little fairies outside, so he took the children with him. As for the family, there was nothing serious, just collecting some rent and some land rent.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Lin Lang gave birth to a boy and a girl, and they finally returned to the capital. Wang Wangzhu was appointed as the fifth-rank servant.

Although there are only two grades left in the past two years, these two kinds of pipes are not comparable at all. After all, the fifth grade servant is on duty at the foot of the emperor, and he can be regarded as a person with a head and a face. My social circle has opened up.

Therefore, Lin Lang can be regarded as a noble girl in the social circle of the capital, and she quickly integrated into her, and no one rejected her.

"Linlang, speaking of us sisters, you are the best married one, not to mention your husband is capable, your child is smart, and you don't have a concubine to be a demon..."

"Yes, back then we were still laughing at you, saying that if you married such a man, you would probably never be able to turn over for the rest of your life. As a result... it really was 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi..."

"Master Zhan is still so young, so he is so highly valued, then it will be terrible..."

(End of this chapter)

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