Chapter 925 Eccentric VII

When Lin Lang heard what they said, she smiled embarrassedly, and then praised them a few words.

"Hey, do you know your sister?" A lady suddenly asked.

Linlang shook her head honestly, with a bitter expression on her face, "I haven't contacted her since I got married. To be precise, it's because they don't want to contact me, and I'm not rushing to let others call her." I have never contacted people with faces..."

The noble lady smiled softly, "No wonder, let me tell you, that sister of yours has had a hard time. Although she married the son of a family friend, that man is lustful. In recent years, the concubines have been brought into the house one by one. After the separation, you are still living on your sister's dowry money..."

"Hahaha, you deserve it!" A woman laughed loudly, "Does she really think that we don't know? She should have married at the beginning, but she hated the poor and loved the rich, so she didn't want to marry, let you Married in the past, but I didn't expect, 10 years in Hedong and 10 years in Hexi..."

Lin Lang just listened to it and didn't pay attention to it, but the next day, she received a post from the so-called sister.

To be honest, as for her natal family, after the old lady Wang passed away, Lin Lang never visited the house again. It was obviously a mother-daughter relationship, but the relationship couldn't be more ordinary.

Lin Lang thought about it, but she still wanted to see that sister. Of course, the most important thing was to be happy.

On the morning of the second day, Lin Lang specially changed into extra luxurious clothes and brought the most expensive jewelry.

After Wang Zhanzhu saw it, a slight difference flashed across his face, "Don't you like some quiet clothes the most? Why today..."

Lin Lang stroked the jewelry next to her ear, and said triumphantly, "My sister is coming today!"

When Wang Wangzhu heard it, he understood who it was, and nodded with a smile, "Okay, then I'll wear a good suit today too!"

The two have been husband and wife for decades, and they have the most tacit understanding, so Wang Zhanzhu immediately understood what Lin Lang said, "I will try to come back soon after I go to court today!"

Then, the husband and wife looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

"I haven't seen my sister for decades, I never thought that my sister is still so young, unlike me, she has a few more wrinkles~" The eldest lady glanced at Lin Lang, touched herself, and said with emotion.

Lin Lang naturally knew that she was young and beautiful, otherwise how could she retain Zhan Wang's heart, but she still said modestly: "Oh, my sister is joking, in a few years she will be a grandmother, how can she be so young... "

The eldest lady took a sip of tea, raised her head, and looked at her so-called younger sister, with waves of jealousy. If nothing else happened, she should be the one sitting on it. Why, why did things develop like that? ?
The person I marry is the best, and the dowry is the most, but why, the life is really the worst?
"Sister, we can be regarded as sisters no matter what you say. We have a deep bond of flesh and blood. I won't hide it from you. I'm not doing well at home. The master and concubine brought them back one by one. There are a lot of concubines and concubines. There is no such thing as Save me... I..."

Lin Lang knocked on the table, "Sister, what are you talking about? If a man doesn't live up to himself, he can't live up to it. Don't take everything to heart. Be careful, otherwise you will only be the one who suffers!"

The eldest lady felt her eyes wet, "Who says it's not, but if I don't worry about it, my mother-in-law is not a good person, she pointed at my nose and scolded me, and said I was cruel... and... I still have to worry about my mother-in-law." For the sake of the two children..."

Lin Lang glanced at the eldest lady, and couldn't help but shook her head. When she was at home, she didn't look like an idiot, but once she got married and had a child, she became more and more stupid!
Lin Lang sighed softly, and said earnestly, "Then you just pretend to be sick? Once you're sick, then no one tells you to go out, and you don't have to worry about it, let them worry about it themselves!
Even if they want to say something, there is no place to talk. As for your two children, you don't think about the concubine and concubine in the family, what else can be left for them, if you don't take care of your dowry well , let others empty out your things little by little, I think you are the No. 1 fool in Tianzi! "

The eldest lady fell silent, and after a long time, tears flowed out one by one, "It's because I am confused, I only think about the relationship between husband and wife, why do I think so much... You are right, since they are not benevolent, then Don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

After a while, Wang Zhanzhu came back, saw the crying woman, looked at Linlang again, and asked why this person was crying?

"I haven't seen you for many years, and my sister sighed, so she couldn't help crying..." Lin Lang said lightly.

Wang Zhanzhu didn't listen to such words. When their family lived in the capital for three years, this so-called eldest sister never came to the door, so where did the so-called family affection come from!

As for my so-called mother-in-law, after my father left, my eldest brother was not filial and obeyed his wife's orders in everything, so the eldest lady suffered a lot of grievances, so she wanted to talk to her eldest daughter, but the eldest daughter also The mud bodhisattva had no way of protecting herself when crossing the river, so she could only swallow it in her own stomach after being wronged.

Hearing that her second daughter was promising and developed, she rolled her eyes, and when she passed her birthday, someone posted a post back.

Lin Lang received the post, thought it over and over again, and decided to go in the past, and took Wang Wangzhu for a walk by the way.

"Don't even think about it. Has she ever invited us to our house? No, so let's take this opportunity to show off!" Linlang confessed.

Wang Wangzhu also knew that his daughter-in-law was angry, so he agreed with a smile, and played around with her.

The old lady looked at her second daughter, then at her second son-in-law, who had a bright future in front of her, and sighed. Who would have thought that a poor boy could climb so high? There is no doubt that, if there is no accident, after 20 years, he will definitely be able to enter the cabinet.

"You son of a bitch, you've been back for so many days, and you don't know how to come and see me!" the eldest lady complained.

The corner of Lin Lang's mouth twitched when she heard this, she lowered her head, and said, "The main reason is that the family is too busy, plus... Mom, you are not in good health, so I don't want to bother you..."

The eldest lady knew that her second daughter was still angry, she sighed, and lowered her head, "We are mother and daughter, there is no question of whether to bother or not, you are worrying too much, if you miss me in the future, just come and have a look , anyway, I am old, and I just want to see my sons and daughters wrapped around my knees..."

(End of this chapter)

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