Chapter 926 Eccentric Eight

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, but her heart was cold. You asked me to come here because of my husband's power, but if my husband was just a county magistrate in a remote place, would you still let me come over?
After showing off her limelight, Lin Lang stayed at home obediently. As for what the eldest lady said, Lin Lang didn't pay attention at all. Someone came to ask her to go back, but Lin Lang also excused herself because she had something to do.

"Auntie and grandma are here!" Hearing the butler's report, Lin Lang nodded, put down the account book in her hand, and asked people to come in.

As soon as the eldest lady entered the door, she saw the thick stack of tents beside Lin Lang, and she felt a little bit of envy and jealousy in her heart.

"Sister, you are really lucky. You married into a good family. The husband is considerate and motivated, and the children are obedient, unlike me..." The eldest lady suddenly remembered the sad things, and tears kept streaming down her cheeks.

Lin Lang watched the eldest lady cry, but didn't say anything, just sat quietly drinking tea, and waited for the eldest lady to stop crying before slowly speaking, "You only see that I live well, but did you see that I What effort did you put in for it?"

"What's the effort, you are from a wealthy family, marrying into this family is already a low price, and it's too late for them to support you, so how can they make you angry?
Unlike me, although I married into a family of family friends, no amount of face-saving relatives is more important than a son... The concubines in the family are carried inside the house one by one, and the sons and daughters are born outside one after another. If he wasn't good enough, my own natal family is still a bit confident, and I would have been bullied to death by them..."

Lin Lang sighed, "You, you, at home, you have one eye after another with me, why do you let others rub you when you come to someone else's house?

You said I had a good life, but what happened before I got married?Mother only loves you, and father doesn't care about anything else. If grandma hadn't fought for me desperately when I got married, my dowry would probably only be a few pieces!
As for my husband, the family is poor and white, with a sick widowed mother and two younger brothers. I work hard every day to manage the house, so I am afraid of neglect!

You also said that it is easier than me, obviously you live a better life than me, you have a mother who loves you, you have a family backing you, you have a large amount of dowry money, you don’t have to worry about trivial matters..."

The eldest lady blushed when she heard this, and said in a low voice, "Since I live a better life than you, why are our circumstances so different now?"

"It's not that you're stupid!" Lin Lang sneered, "When they treat your dowry as their home, it's fine if you don't know, and you still take it out, aren't you stupid? You don't even think about it, the dowry is The last support of a woman is also the support of your children!"

The eldest lady sighed, "After I got home last time, I followed your method. At first they really couldn't do anything about me. Later, when they saw that I didn't pay or contribute, they ignored me and regarded me as a transparent person. I...Obviously I am the eldest wife of this family, but in the end I was overwhelmed by a concubine, I really don't want to be reconciled, please help me find a way!"

"Don't think of a way, just let nature take its course, they let a concubine be in charge of the house, anyway, it's not your face that's lost, it's their face!

Besides, what is there to do with your family being poor and white, keep your dowry, take care of your children, and live your life well, as long as you follow these points, I guarantee that your future life will be smooth! "

The eldest lady nodded and lowered her eyes, "Obviously I have learned more than you, but my life is not as good as yours. It's really an impermanent world..."

"The world is impermanent, you just have no brains!" Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "Before you got married, your mother gave you so many people who could be used. I don’t have a single useful person around me…”

The eldest lady blushed, "Don't say any more, I know I was wrong..."

Lin Lang took a sip of tea, cleared her throat, and continued: "If they ask too much, just take the child to live in the village, if you really can't stand it, just go back to your mother's house, no matter how bad our mother's house is. , and more powerful than their family!"

"Then... what should I do if my husband is disgusted..." The eldest lady's eyes flickered for a moment.

Lin Lang laughed angrily at this sentence, "Are you stupid? Your husband has done such a thing, and you still have feelings for him. Are you out of your mind?
He carried his concubines home one after another, did he take your feelings into consideration, concubines and concubines were born one by one, and took out your dowry bit by bit, did he respect you? "

"I...he is my child's father after all..." the eldest lady stammered.

"That's right, so you don't have to be afraid to go too far. As for your child, he is not only your child, but also his own child. Tiger poison is not a child eater. At most, he will be indifferent to your child, but indifferent Can be a fart!
Let me tell you, the most important thing in this society is money, of course! "Lin Lang said emphatically.

The eldest lady nodded, and smiled slowly, "It's really knowledgeable... By the way, I heard that your eldest son just passed the examination of scholar? He is the youngest scholar in this class, isn't it true? "

Speaking of her son, Lin Lang showed a smile on her face, "Yeah, I thought she would take the exam a few years later, but that child wanted to try, but he passed the exam as soon as he took it, and he was still young. The youngest one really gives me a long face!"

There was a hint of envy in the eyes of the eldest lady, "My child is two years older than you, but up to now, even a child student has not passed the exam, and he has not read all the four books and five classics. Which teacher taught your child, I also want my child Go study!"

There was a touch of showing off in Linlang's tone, "He's just an ordinary teacher, and he teaches some ordinary things, but my child is eager to learn by himself, and my husband is rich in education, so he often gives advice to the child, so..."

When the eldest lady heard this, she sighed in disappointment, and wanted to pull herself together, "Then... I don't know if my brother-in-law has time, I want him to help guide my son, you know, I'm just such a son , I will rely on him for the rest of my life..."

Lin Lang thought for a while, then shook her head, "It's not that I don't agree, my husband is busy with work, and I really don't have the time, even my child... only sees once or twice a month, otherwise, my child The homework is also very good, if you can't do it, let my son teach your son, if you don't understand, just ask my husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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