Chapter 929

Lin Lang looked at Miss Wang sharply with peach blossom eyes, and her tone was as cold as the twelfth lunar month, "Miss Wang, someone can fly on a branch and become a phoenix. I am a phoenix, don’t you think so?”

"You..." Miss Wang was so angry that she slapped her over.

Lin Lang grabbed her wrist, pushed him to the ground, and said condescendingly: "Miss Wang, no matter how you say it, you are a lady, a daughter of a famous family, why are you so worthless? If you can't say it, you beat her with your hands. The shrews on the Internet are no different!"

" dare to push me, just wait and see!" Miss Wang got up and said angrily.

"It's a shame to go out and find foreign aid if you can't beat it. Ms. Wang, you are 24 years old this year, right? Why do you look like a kid with no teeth!" Lin Lang sneered and clapped her hands, "But no matter what, I Welcome anytime!"

Hearing this, the beautiful woman in white dress beside Miss Wang raised her head and looked at Lin Lang in puzzlement, "Mrs. Lu, if you are so arrogant, you just married a good man, but a man's love has a shelf life, especially Lu Home, they are looking for a wife not only to be beautiful, but also to have connotations!

You care about every detail, what is the difference between you and a shrew on the market, I advise you to do it yourself, and wait until one day you will be abandoned by the Lu family, haha..."

Lin Lang laughed at once, crossed her arms, and looked up and down the beauty in white dress, "Ma'am, what is the standard for the Lu family to choose a wife? Don't worry about it. My husband married me at the beginning, naturally because of the two of us. I really love each other!"

A sneer crossed the corner of Ms. Wang's mouth, "What do you really love each other? If you really love each other, there won't be so many scandals about Mr. Lu!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang was very calm, "What's the matter, it's normal for men to play tricks outside. By the way, my husband just called me. I can't accompany me these days. He feels very guilty. Bought me a present... Alas, you said that this is an old couple, but he is still so interesting... By the way, what am I talking to you, an unmarried girl, anyway, you don't understand..."

Hearing this, the beauty in the white dress raised her head and glanced at Lin Lang meaningfully.

Lin Lang didn't want to get too involved with these people, so she took her bag, paid the bill, turned and left.

"Sister Qiao, look at that woman, she is nothing more than married to a good man, and she is arrogant over there, haha...what's the big deal, if it wasn't for Sister Qiao, you broke up with Lu Zhongqi, and it would not be her turn!" Miss Wang said dissatisfied.

When Qiao Xin heard this, she shook her head bitterly, "It's all in the past..."

Ms. Wang rolled her eyes and whispered in Qiao Xin's ear, "I heard rumors that Boss Lu married her because she looked like you..."

A bright light flashed in Qiao Xin's eyes, she patted Miss Wang on the shoulder, and helped her up, "It's just rumors, do you believe the rumors?"

Here, Lu Zhongqi walked downstairs with a gloomy face, and said to the butler, "You don't have to do it, go to accountant Liu to settle the settlement tomorrow!"

As soon as the housekeeper heard this, she knew what she had done was exposed, but she was unwilling, "Master, I have worked for this family for decades, you can't fire me just because of an outsider!"

"What outsider?" Lu Zhongqi frowned, "That's my wife and the mistress of this family!"

"I...I..." The butler has worked in this family for decades, and never thought that she would be kicked out one day, and she only knows these things, and now she suddenly doesn't want herself, so what should she do?
What's more, the Lu family's salary is very generous. Now that I have left, can I find another job with the same salary?
After the butler was driven away, the servants finally knew that even if the young master and the old lady did not bring their resumes, Lin Lang was not offended by them. After all, they were just servants.

The next morning, Lin Lang was sleeping drowsily, when she suddenly heard a knock on the door, opened the door, looked at a large bouquet of flowers outside the door, a trace of astonishment flashed across her face.

Lin Lang took the flowers over and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you notify me before you came, I didn't make any preparations..."

Lu Zhongqi smiled, "I want to surprise you!"

After finishing speaking, he handed over the diamond ring he bought the day before yesterday, "After I'm done with work, I have five days of vacation, let's go abroad to play together, it's making up for it!"

Lin Lang hooked the broken hair around her ears, and said with a smile: "No, I know you're busy, so it's easy to rest, so just stay at home!"

Lu Zhongqi lowered his head, and said sullenly: "Are you still angry about what happened a few days ago? The housekeeper has already been driven away by me, and no one will be angry with you anymore!"

Lin Lang was finally satisfied when she heard this, "I'm not angry!"

I don't know why, when Lu Zhongqi heard this, he always felt a little cool behind his back, "Hey hey...just tell me if you are not satisfied, and I will solve it for you..."

"I'm not dissatisfied at all!" Lin Lang blinked.

Lu Zhongqi rubbed his hands together, with a flattering smile on his face, "Then let's go back, after all, Lin Lang lives outside and it's not a solution, if someone wants to take pictures, my mother will have to..."

Lin Lang sighed softly, and put the flowers on the sofa, "I don't want to go back yet!"

"Why? Is anyone else mad at you? Tell me, and I'll fire you immediately!" Lu Zhongqi said hastily.

Linlang glanced at Lu Zhongqi, and shook her head, "Zhong Qi, I love you, but this love bears too mother-in-law treats me coldly, the servants at home look down on me, even you..."

"You're tired!" Lu Zhongqi held Lin Lang's hand, "I've already fired my servant, and I'll try my best to spend time with you. As for my mother, you know she's old, so she's quite extreme in some places. , let's be juniors, just bear with it!"

Lin Lang sighed, "Okay, but you have to promise me that the servant must be obedient and not be angry with me!"

"Just put 100 percent of your heart on it!" Lu Zhongqi said reassuringly.

Lin Lang tidied up her things. In fact, there was nothing else, just a few changes of clothes. Before leaving, she reluctantly took a look at the five-star hotel.

"People say that the gold nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own dog nest, why are you doing the opposite?" Lu Zhongqi asked amusedly.

Lin Langhui choked: "Who let a few barking wild dogs occupy the kennel in the house? You said that they lived in my house. Not only do you not accept it, but you also make me angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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