Chapter 930

Lu Zhongqi scratched his head in embarrassment, and said softly in his tone, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, don't be angry!"

Lin Lang nodded and didn't continue to chatter. The two returned home with their luggage.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that his mother-in-law had come. Seeing him coming back, he cast a cold look and said to Lu Zhongqi, "Being angry about a trivial matter, and even going to live outside, I have no courage at all, let alone everyone. Demeanor!

Fortunately, the paparazzi didn't capture this. If it spreads, how will outsiders think about our Lu family! "

If the former owner would have been respectful and refused to say anything, but Lin Lang is not, she is not afraid, she is capable, and she is not afraid of this rich family at all, "Mother-in-law, you put it lightly, but I am the hostess of this family after all, right? But it's not even as good as a servant!
You also said that the Lu family is a wealthy family, so you should fix the rules of servants, so that when others come to visit, it will be a real joke! "

"You... What's wrong with you answering what I said? Are you trying to argue with me?" Mother Lu slapped the table and said angrily.

Lu Zhongqi felt a dull pain in his head, and hurriedly said: "Okay, it's all small things, don't worry about small things!"

"I'm not fussing about it, I'm just discussing the facts!" Lin Lang said very flatly.

Mother Lu let out a cold snort, "Go out if you have the ability, don't come back if you have the ability!"

Lin Lang blinked her eyes, and said as a matter of course: "Why don't I come back? This is my home, so I can leave whenever I want, and stay if I want!"

"Your home?" Lu's mother sneered, and just about to say something, Lu Zhongqi said suddenly: "Okay, don't talk about it, we are all one family, why are you so tense, it's getting late, Lin Lang , you go up and wash up first, and I will call you down when the meal is ready!"

Lin Lang glanced at Lu Zhongqi, and knew it was his kindness. She didn't want their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to continue arguing, so she took her things and went to the bedroom without saying anything.

"Look, what kind of daughter-in-law are you going here, come back just to be angry with me!" Mother Lu said angrily while sitting on the sofa.

Lu Zhongqi patted Lu's mother on the shoulder, "Mom, I really like Lin Lang, she is also a good girl, and he didn't mean to argue with you, he just wanted to ask for an explanation..."

"What do you mean? Do you mean that I am arrogant and unreasonable? Sure enough, I came from a small family, and there is no reason at all!

You said that our Lu family can be regarded as a wealthy family, so we don’t ask you to marry a high-ranking and wealthy girl, but at least you have to be well-off, right…” Mother Lu muttered angrily.

"Mom, our family is already very rich, so we don't need to use my marriage to get married. Iran does have many shortcomings, but I like it!" Lu Zhongqi patted Lu's mother on the shoulder, "And this time she left The family ran away because she was wronged, and the housekeeper at home is too disgraceful, relying on working in my family for decades, he doesn't take my wife seriously, and even utters bad words!"

Mother Lu said indifferently: "The key is really bad, but as the hostess of this family, she can't even manage a servant, and she has to ask you to come forward, which shows that she is not capable enough!"

"That's not because of us!" Lu Zhongqi pointed at himself, and said, "I've been away for a long time, and your attitude towards her is not good. The servants in that house thought we didn't care about her, so they just ignored her... ..."

Lu's mother was still relentless, "I have a bad attitude towards her? You're really joking, she's a high-ranking man when she married into this family, and she should be wronged a little bit. In fact, her family background is not good!

You are also a heartless person, and you were fooled by her with a few words. In fact, he is living a better life than anyone else. Don't even think about it. Can ordinary people live in luxury houses?Can I have a servant?Can you afford luxury goods?It's good to be good, it's really..."

Lu Zhongqi frowned, "Mom, you can't say that, she married me and endured so much pressure...and..."

"What do you mean? Turn your elbows outward, what does it mean to bear the pressure, and you will feel pressure after being said a few words by others!
Let me tell you, the life she is living now cannot be obtained by others in several lifetimes. Why is she so stressed?

It's been almost a year since I got married, and my stomach still hasn't moved. It's really unlucky to marry a hen that doesn't lay eggs! "

Lu Zhongqi's face darkened, "Mom, there is also my reason for not having a baby. I am too busy with work, just like the two of us having a baby, there is no time!"

"You...what do you mean you don't have time? As long as you put your heart into it, you can do anything!" Mother Lu said angrily.

Lu Zhongqi shook his head and waved his hand, "I want to continue talking to you... However, we young people also have our own lives, I hope you don't bother me, and the next time you come, please let me know in advance!"

When mother Lu heard her son's words, she became very angry, and she thought that her son was bewitched by that bitch, and she hated Lin Lang even more.

When Linlang came down, she couldn't see Mother Lu's figure when she looked left and right, and asked, "Where is Mother-in-law?"

"It's getting late, she's going back first!" Lu Zhongqi said with a hint of exhaustion in his tone!
Lin Lang didn't say anything. After eating, she went to the kitchen with Lu Zhongqi. One of them handled business, and the other lay on the sofa to read a book.

Time passed like this, and in the next 5 days, the two of them got along very well, especially Lu Zhongqi, he felt a special surprise, because he didn't expect that there were so many shining points hidden in Lin Lang, who was knowledgeable and sensible, and casually said Telling a story can cause an allusion, and it also has a unique insight into business.

"You're so smart, and you didn't marry me, so I've already worked hard to make your own business..." Lu Zhongqi said regretfully, regretting that he had dragged Lin Lang down, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, " It's a waste of your ability to stay at home, how about it, you go to work with me in the company!"

Lin Lang put her hands on her chin when she heard this, and said with a smile, "I can go, but... aren't you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of?" Lu Zhongqi asked without knowing why.

"I'm afraid that I will find out about your unusual things, and I work in your company, and we go home together after get off work. It can be said that we get along with each other all day long. Don't you think I follow you too closely? Don't you men like to have private space the most?" Lin Lang asked mischievously.

Lu Zhongqi waved his hand, "I haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of? And my wife can accompany me to work, I wish for it, because this way I can see my beloved wife every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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