Chapter 931

Lin Lang thought about it for a while, and felt that she really should go. First of all, her husband's status, the top diamond king and the fifth, there are so many women coveting, if you don't watch carefully, what if you are seduced by some woman?
And going to work is also beneficial, knowing what the company's operations are like, knowing what wealth your husband has, and if one day you can't get along, you can get a little more divorce.

Lin Lang smiled and nodded, "Sure, but what job are you going to assign me? I don't want others to control me, and I can't stand the constraints!"

Lu Zhongqi pondered for a while, then suddenly hugged Lin Lang, "I've made up my mind, you will be my personal assistant and handle my private affairs exclusively, and I will definitely not restrain you, you can do whatever you want!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, and tapped Lu Zhongqi's forehead, "What if I become your secretary and you disagree with something?"

"It's up to you for small things, but mine for big things!" Lu Zhongqi replied with a smile.

Lin Lang smiled meaningfully when she heard this, big or small?How to divide this?

In this way, the next morning, Lin Lang and Lu Zhongqi went out together to the Lu Group.

"Morning President!" The secretary greeted her early, and when she saw Lin Lang, a trace of surprise flashed across her face. After thinking about it carefully, she finally remembered who this woman was, and bent slightly, "Morning, Mrs. President!"

Lin Lang quite liked this discerning secretary, so she nodded.

"From now on, Lin Lang will be my secretary just like you, but..." Lu Zhongqi clenched his fists and coughed, the meaning was very obvious.

The secretary nodded. Although the proprietress works with him, she is not a part-time worker. She can do whatever she wants, and it is not up to her as a secretary to decide.

"President, don't worry!" The secretary nodded knowingly.

Lin Lang followed Lu Zhongqi into the office, looking at the luxurious decoration in front of him, Lin Lang lay on the soft sofa and regained his sleep!
Lu Zhongqi glanced at it, pointed to a small door, and said with a smile: "There is a rest area inside, if you really want to sleep, go and sleep in it!"

Lin Lang raised her brows when she heard this, "I have a place to rest at work, what do you often do in the rest area?"

"No... It's just that in spring and summer it's easy to get sleepy, and I'll sleep for an hour or two..." Lu Zhongqi said with a laugh.

Lin Lang, "I'm sorry you don't have the guts!"

Linlang went to the rest area. The decoration inside was simple, but there were all the necessary facilities. Did Linlang find any messy things in it? After lying down for a while, he checked the time on his phone and found that it was already noon.

Lin Lang tidied up, and when she went out, she found Lu Zhongqi scribbling over there, saying, "I'm hungry, go out and find something to eat, and I'll be back in a while!"

Lu Zhongqi raised his head slowly, "Do you want the secretary to take you there?"

"No, I want to go for a stroll!" Lin Lang took her wallet and left the CEO's office. After going downstairs, she found a random coffee shop and ordered a glass of juice and cake to kill time there.

"It's that woman, I heard that she came to work with the president today!"

"It's so powerful, can't it be someone in the company?"

"No, you also know that Boss Lu doesn't like shareholders installing people in the company!"

"Hey, she has a foxy face, it can't be..."

"I think it is, look at the wallet in your hand, it is a limited edition in France this year, and it costs more than 10!
You say a little girl can afford such an expensive bag?She looks like that kind of woman! "

"I heard that the president is married, but this woman dares to poach someone, she's so cheap!"


Lin Lang thought it was pretty good when she heard this, but suddenly she lost her appetite, she threw the spoon in her hand and knocked it on the plate with a tinkling sound.

"The girls look quite young, why do they have such long mouths!
Knowing that there are people behind me, if you don't behave well with your tail between your legs, and still speak ill of me behind your back, who gave you the courage? "

When the girls heard this, they all lowered their heads and one of them said stiffly: "Hehehe, at least the bad things we say are open and aboveboard, unlike some people who do bad things behind their backs and do dirty things! "

Lin Lang knocked on the table and sneered twice, "Don't speak without researching, okay, didn't you say that I do dirty things? Then let me show you what dirty things are like!"

After speaking, Lin Lang took out her mobile phone and took a picture of them and sent it to Secretary Chen.

Lin Lang: Fire those people in the photo.

Secretary Chen: OK!

In less than 2 minutes, several girls received a call from the supervisor above, saying that several of them had been fired, and their attitude was very tough.

Lin Lang looked at them and sneered twice, "Little girl, you have to keep your mouth shut next time. I just dismissed you today, but next can't guarantee that you will be as happy as you want!"

"" The little girl looked at Lin Lang, "Believe it or not, I told the president's wife that you secretly hooked up with the president, so that you, the little three, would be beaten up!"

Lin Lang looked over coldly, "Little San? I am right next to Mrs. Lu's family, how could it be Xiao San, who made nonsense remarks there without investigating clearly, deserves to be fired now!"

After hearing what he said, the girl slumped on the ground with tears on her face.

The good mood in Lin Lang's heart was ruined by these people, and she returned to the company full of anger.

"Did someone get mad at you just now?" Lu Zhongqi asked gently.

"That's right!" Lin Lang nodded and sneered at the same time, "It seems that I have to go here often, otherwise Mrs. Lu's family who is tight-knit will be treated as a mistress by others, what a shame!"

Lu Zhongqi laughed immediately, "It's all my fault, otherwise, I'll print your photo on the company brochure for everyone to see!"

Lin Lang was originally full of anger, but when she heard this, her anger disappeared immediately, she stepped forward, and tapped Lu Ting's forehead, "Forget it, forget it, it will be printed in the brochure, in case someone is caught What do people do when they see it?"

Lu Zhongqi took Lin Lang's hand, "It's okay, I will protect you when you meet bad guys!"

Lin Lang's heart was sweet, and the anger just now disappeared, so she helped Lu Zhongqi organize the files when she had time.

She divides the files into three types. The first type is urgent and must be processed immediately. The second type is general and only needs to be read. The third type needs to be revised or has errors.

Someone helped him, Lu Zhongqi quickly finished the matter, put down the pen in his hand, and said with a smile: "No wonder the ancients often said that to marry a wife is to marry a virtuous one, it is true, marrying a virtuous wife can save me a lot of effort! "

(End of this chapter)

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