Chapter 932

When Lin Lang heard this, she smiled happily. Just as she was about to speak, the door was violently opened, and the secretary followed behind and yelled loudly, "Madam, even if you go in, you have to report first!"

Mother Lu said angrily, "I'm here to see my son, what are you reporting?"

Lu Zhongqi put down the pen, and said with a hint of displeasure in his tone, "Mom, even if you don't need to notify me when you come in, at least let me know before you come in. It's a good thing that everyone in this office is at home today. If outsiders see it, I don't know Yes, I thought our Lu family had no manners!"

Mother Lu rolled up her sleeves, "It's come to this point, what else do you care about!"

Lu Zhongqi frowned, "To what extent? I don't quite understand what Mom means..."

Lu's mother pointed to Lin Lang's nose and said, "You vixen, seduce my son, it's fine to marry into our Lu family, now you go to work in the company, what's wrong? Don't think I don't know your plan, you want to take over the entire Lu family. Do you have it for yourself? I tell you, you can't!"

Lin Lang took two steps back, her tone was flat and cold, "Mom, you really misunderstood, I was just helping Lu Zhongqi, I never thought about the Lu Group!"

"If you didn't have to think about the Lu Group, how could you marry my son? After all, you're just a money-grubbing gold digger!

Letting you marry my son is already my biggest concession. If you don't stay at home to take care of your husband and raise your children, and even go to work outside, especially to work in Lu's Group, you treat me as a dead person!

I'm giving you one last chance now, get the hell out of here, or get out of our Lu family! "

There was a sneer on the corner of Linlang's mouth, "Mom, what position are you standing on to say this to me? Although you are Lu Zhongqi's mother, I am Lu Zhongqi's wife, the closest person to him, and even more so to accompany her Those who go to the white head together!"

"You... I gave birth to him, I gave him life, what did you give him? We have been married for more than a year, and we don't even have a child. Our family is also blind, and married a hen like you that doesn't lay eggs! " Mother Lu cursed loudly.

The corners of Linlang's mouth curled up slightly, and there was a mocking smile in his eyes, "Mom, we've only been married for a year, and it's normal if there is no movement. I remember that when you married your father-in-law, you gave birth to a child three years later, so Where do you stand to accuse me?"


"Okay, okay, what's the noise!" Lu Zhongqi stood up, looked at his mother, and then at his wife, "Is it because you are making a lot of noise in the company to make outsiders laugh at you?"

Lin Lang turned her head away, "I didn't quarrel with Mom, I just reasoned with her!"

Mother Lu, "What makes sense, you're just being stubborn!"

Lu Zhongqi glanced at Mother Lu, "It's all right all of a sudden, what are you doing here?"

Lu's mother was so angry that her chest hurt, "Are you blaming me? But I am doing it for your own good. She has bad intentions at all. When she learns about the company's operations, she will definitely try her best to take the Lu Group away. Come here, then you will have nothing...Mom, this is for your own good, don't be blinded by this woman!"

Lu Zhongqi rubbed the corners of his eyes, "Mom, what kind of person is Lin Lang? I see it more clearly than you. She is a good woman. I hope you will stop targeting her!

As for letting him work in Lu's Group, that's also my idea, because she has such a talent, I don't think it should be wasted, so let her come here, not what you think!

We are all a family. I hope that next time when something happens, I can sit down and discuss it, instead of making a fuss and yelling loudly, so that others can see the joke! "

Lin Lang turned around when she heard this, her face softened a little, and she nodded, "Mom, we are all one family, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say so, and I will change it, but if you I'm sorry for making trouble out of no reason, but I'm sorry I can't accompany you!

I know that I climbed up to the Lu family, but you have to know, but love can't be measured by money, let alone money worship as you say, you can ask Lu Zhongqi about my ability, if I didn't marry him, If you want money, you only need to struggle for decades, and you don't need to marry into this family for nothing! "

Lu Zhongqi followed suit and nodded, "When Lin Lang and I were together, she also graduated from a prestigious university and her homework was outstanding, and it was because she married me that her career was delayed!
Lin Lang is very good, and I couldn't bear to delay his career, so I wanted to invite him to help me. After all, we are a family, and we don't want to lose money to outsiders! "

Mother Lu heard her son and daughter-in-law say this, and her tone softened, "Although I said that, since ancient times, she has always been a male leader and a female leader. Although she is capable, there are too many capable people in the world. , You don't have to use her!

Linlang's most important task now is to give our Lu family more children! "

Lin Lang frowned angrily. Is the value of a woman reflected in having children?What kind of values ​​are these?

Lu Zhongqi also knew that his mother shouldn't say such things, so he hurriedly persuaded him: "Mom, it's a new society now, and everyone is equal. You can't discriminate against Lin Lang just because she is a woman. I've made it clear to you, it's because I'm too busy to have a baby!

But today, the wolf is coming, and my workload has been reduced by more than half. If I let him stay here, I will free up a lot of time, and if our young couple stay together, our relationship will increase, Lin Lang It's also possible to conceive early, so you don't have to worry about that anymore! "

When Mother Lu heard this, she hesitated for a moment, "But... what if your wife wants to fight over the Lu family's property?"

Lin Lang sneered twice, "If you're really worried, then get an agreement!"

Lu's mother said awkwardly, "I didn't mean that, know, people like us..."

Lu Zhongqi held Mother Lu's shoulders, and said gently: "Ah, I'm not a fool, and I have so many people under my command, can't I tell the true face of a woman?"

Lu's mother nodded her son's forehead, "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty. Who knows what you will do for beauty. It's just a precautionary measure, and you don't really doubt her!"

Lu Zhongqi sighed softly, "Then you will give me some face, and you don't have to worry about this matter. If you feel that something is wrong, then we can discuss it later!"

(End of this chapter)

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