Chapter 933

When Mother Lu heard what her son said, she could only be patient, but she was still worried, and muttered a few words, "Then you should be careful, don't be fooled by that woman... Let me tell you, this is exactly what happened to your Uncle Wang's house." The thing is, his son married a daughter-in-law a few days ago, and that daughter-in-law also went to the company to help, but after finding out the bottom line, she ran away with the money... Son, you have to be careful..."

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Lu Zhongqi patted Mother Lu's shoulder and said comfortingly.

After sending his mother away, Lu Zhongqi went back to the office, looked at Lin Lang with a trace of apology on his face, "I'm really sorry, my mother didn't do it on purpose, she was just too worried, that's why she did those things, don't take it to heart superior!"

Lin Lang nodded, and at the same time was very puzzled, "I've only been working here for half a day, how did your mother know?"

"This..." Lu Zhongqi was puzzled, but he sensed something was wrong and nodded, "Don't worry, I'll go down and send someone to investigate later!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything. After such a toss, her good mood turned bad again.

Lu Zhongqi also knew that Lin Lang was in a bad mood, so he asked his secretary to take Lin Lang to go shopping and pay for his expenses.

"Mrs. Lu, this is a limited-edition bag that just came out of France. It is handmade by a master. It matches your temperament very well. Do you want to have a look!"

"Mrs. Lu, these are the latest clothes that just came out. I guarantee that after you wear them, Mr. Lu will be fascinated!"

"Mrs. Lu, this is a new cosmetic product. If you use it regularly, it will make your face as smooth as a baby's!"

"Mrs. Lu, this is a limited edition diamond necklace, the only one in this city..."


Lin Lang looked at the crowd of salesmen gathered in front of her, smiled, took out a black card, and signaled the secretary to buy everything.

This amount of money is 7 figures. Although it is not my own money, the secretary is still very heartbroken.

Lin Lang picked up the diamond necklace recommended by the salesperson just now, and handed it to the secretary, "My mother-in-law misunderstood me just now, and you will send this item to her later, saying that it was carefully selected by me, as an apology!"

The secretary quickly picked up the things and asked the driver to deliver them.

After shopping, my cheap husband also got off work, and the two went home together.

"Chairman Hou Tianwang celebrates his 60th birthday. I will send someone over to pick you up in the morning for styling. Let's go together in the evening!" Lu Zhongqi said to Lin Lang during dinner.

Lin Lang raised her head, "Is the mother going?"

"No!" Lu Zhongqi shook his head, "She doesn't like socializing!"

Lin Lang was sulking when she heard this, and used a fork to fork the food, but she just refused to deliver it to her mouth, "She doesn't like socializing, so I like it?"

Lu Zhongqi raised his head, the bright light hit his face, he was as handsome as a god, "I know you don't like to socialize, but I like you to accompany me, so why don't you go with me, okay?"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Okay, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. I met Miss Wang last time and had some quarrels with her?"

"Oh, what did she say? Made you angry?" Lu Zhongqi asked curiously.

"The corners of the mouth are not clean, I have taught you a lesson!" Lin Lang said lightly, without going into details.

Lu Zhongqi nodded, "Thinking about it, some things happened in her family recently, especially her brother... Her brother married a wife, and her wife's house was just a rich family, and later she went to work in the company to beg for a wife Stolen some money, making their Wang family a laughing stock, she targeted you, probably because... implicated..."

Lin Lang sneered twice, "No wonder I was deceived, so my brain is so unclear!"

When Lu Zhongqi heard this, he immediately laughed, "I really don't know, it means that her father has a better mind, and both of them are fools!

But don't be afraid of her, the next time you encounter her talking nonsense, just call her, your husband will make the decision for you! "

Lin Lang raised her head and smiled brightly at Lu Zhongqi.

The next morning, after Lu Zhongqi went to work, Lin Lang hadn't slept for a while before the secretary came over.

Lin Lang could only get up from the warm blanket, and at the same time asked the servants to prepare two breakfasts, and the two of them chatted while eating.

"I don't like socializing very much, and it hasn't been long since I joined this circle, so I don't know many things, so tell me, so I won't make any taboos during today's banquet!" Lin Lang said to the secretary while eating Said.

The secretary took a sip of milk, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "Speaking of which, some wealthy families are not as good as ordinary people, and they do all kinds of nasty things!
But there are no chances. If you really encounter something you don’t understand, just smile and leave the rest to Mr. Lu. Moreover, Mr. Lu’s family has a great career, and others can’t afford to offend you. You don’t have to be afraid. If you are insulted by words, just push back, anyway, Mr. Lu will make the decision for you..."

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, but no matter how someone decides, you have to stand up yourself first!"

The secretary nodded, suddenly remembered a rumor, his expression changed, and he whispered, "Do you know Miss Wang?"

"I know, I met her a few days ago and had some quarrels, what's the matter?" Lin Lang asked curiously.

"She...I...I don't know whether I should say it or not..." The secretary wanted to say, but hesitated again.

"Just tell me, I'll take care of any troubles!" Lin Lang promised.

Hearing this, the secretary breathed a sigh of relief, looked around and found no one was eavesdropping, then said in a low voice, "Miss Wang has a good friend named Zhao Ruo..."

Lin Lang had a flash of inspiration when he heard this sentence, "Is it the one who looks fresh and refined, wearing a white dress..."

The secretary said in surprise, "Have you seen it?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Well, that woman followed Miss Wang last time and even spoke for Miss Wang..."

The secretary picked up the milk next to him and drank it, took a few deep breaths, "Madam, I'm telling you this, but you must not tell it, even if someone asks you, please don't confess me... "

Lin Lang patted her chest, "Just put your mind at ease, I'm not the kind of person who betrays my friends, so hurry up and tell me!"

The secretary nodded, his eyes were erratic, "Zhao Ruo...Zhao Ruo's ex-girlfriend, the two of them were close to getting married when they were together...but for some reason, the two separated again... "

Lin Lang recalled that woman's expression, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I said, I just made decisions for my friends, why did you hate me so much, so it's like this...hehehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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