Chapter 934

The secretary lowered her head and said in a low voice: "At first she was doing well abroad, and I don't know why she came back, and I don't know how she hooked up with Ms. Wang...Anyway, there must be her in this banquet, madam, please pay attention!"

Lin Lang looked over coldly, "Do you know the reason why she broke up with Lu Zhongqi?"

The secretary shook his head, "I really don't know about this. When the CEO dated her, I hadn't worked in the Lu Group yet. Later, I heard about Zhao Ruo from others..."

"Okay, thank you for telling me this today!" Lin Lang nodded to express her gratitude.

The secretary scratched her head in embarrassment, "It's my honor to work for Madam!"

It is true that the secretary told his wife such a secret thing, and he also has his own considerations. First of all, Mr. Lu, he can see that Mr. Lu is an invisible wife slave. Can live better.

When Lin Lang was doing the styling, she specifically told the stylist that she must give herself a glamorous and noble makeup.

"But..." the stylist said hesitantly: "Ma'am, your temperament is soft, especially this time you are attending someone else's birthday party. Make a good impression on others..."

The corners of Linlang's mouth curled up, her eyebrows and eyes were raised slightly, and she looked like a queen, "I'll give you money, and you can do whatever I want you to do. Just tell me, if you can, I'll do it if you can't." Find someone else!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone has to bow their heads under the influence of money, and the makeup artist was not surprised. He nodded quickly and agreed without hesitation.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Lang looked at her noble and glamorous self in the mirror, with a sharp sword shining between her brows and eyes, she was like a noble queen, inviolable.

"You..." When Lu Zhongqi saw Lin Lang, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, clapping his hands and saying in praise: "You are so beautiful today, it opened my eyes! "

Lin Lang nodded reservedly, stretched out her hand, and motioned for Lu Zhongqi to support her. After all, it was very difficult for her to step on 10cm high heels.

Lu Zhongqi graciously helped Lin Lang up, and the two of them went to the banquet. As soon as they entered the hall, they attracted many people's attention.

"Hey, the woman next to Mr. Lu is very unfamiliar, who is it?"

"It seems to be his wife, but it doesn't feel like her temperament!"

"It's so gorgeously dressed, it looks like an outsider!"

"No way, I heard some time ago that Mr. Lu asked his wife to go to work in the company..."

"Hey, his wife must have known something, that's why she was watching at the company. How can there be a man in this world who doesn't cheat!"


But no matter what they said, they didn't dare to mutter in Mr. Lu's face, but greeted them one by one with glasses of wine and smiles.

"Boss Lu, I haven't seen you for a few days, I really miss my brother!"

Mingming is older than Lu Zhongqi, yet he calls himself the younger brother, hehehe...he is playing for money, and he can say anything.

Lu Zhongqi nodded slightly, "Mr. Wang, hello!"

"Mr. Lu, who is this stunning beauty beside you? Why don't you introduce us quickly?" A bald man walked over with his arms around a beautiful woman and asked with a smile.

Lu Zhongqi took Lin Lang's hand and said gently: "This is my wife, Lin Lang!"

"Ah?" A look of surprise flashed across the man's face, "So it's Mrs. Lu, look at my eyes, they are getting more and more useless, but maybe Mrs. Lu is getting more and more beautiful, so I can't recognize her anymore!"

Lin Lang smiled slightly, and nodded slightly, "You are too good!"

"Hahahaha, today is a great day for Mr. Wang, we finally got to get together, if we don't get drunk today!" the bald man said with a smile.

Lu Zhongqi nodded, "Of course, but I don't drink well, so don't blame me for spoiling your interest!"

The bald man waved his hand. If an ordinary person said this, he would have lost his face, but who is Mr. Lu?He is the richest man in this city, and he is actually one of the best in the whole country.

"Boss Lu is joking, your alcohol capacity is one of the best, could it be Mrs. Madam here, don't you dare?" the bald man said jokingly.

Lin Lang smiled softly, "You and my husband are doing something important, how dare I obstruct it? My husband is really not good at drinking, and I have to ask you to take care of him when the time comes!"

"This is easy to talk about..." The bald man waved his hand, glanced at Chairman Wang not far away, and hesitated to speak.

Linlang immediately knew that the man in the picture wanted to say something, tugged at the corner of Lu Zhongqi's clothes, and said gently: "I'll go over to say hello to some good sisters, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu Zhongqi also knew that Lin Lang gave him a chance to talk to the bald man this time, so he nodded and let go, "Call me if you have anything to do!"

The beauty also left with interest, and the bald man saw that he and Mr. Lu were the only ones around, and said with a sigh of relief, "Mr. Lu, what do you think about the land in the city? The Wang family doesn't have such a big appetite. Swallow two pieces of land, or we can partner up and take down the piece of land from the Wang family!"

Mr. Lu raised his head slightly, "You're joking, and you won't be afraid of getting dirty if you say this at someone's banquet. As for whether you can take it down, it depends on Mr. Wang himself... We... snatch food from other people's mouths. Go out, outsiders may not know how to laugh at us!"

A trace of displeasure flashed across the bald man's face. He thought Boss Lu was just a brat who smelled like milk, but he didn't expect this brat to be very knowledgeable, so he didn't dare to pick up words easily.

"I found out clearly that the government intends to build a key primary school on that land. If the primary school is completed, the value of that land will rise gradually... Mr. Lu, if we do business, as long as we don't steal or rob , I got it by my own ability, what is there to be laughed at by others... Don’t worry, if it’s really not possible, I’m willing to take all Zhang Ming’s own. My request is also very simple, you pay a lot of money , I'll take care of the rest, and I promise not to let you worry about it, how about we split it fifty-fifty then?"

It sounds really tempting, but how much should I pay?How much will be divided by then?Nobody can tell.

Lu Zhongqi really wanted that piece of land. After all, their Lu Group made their fortunes by relying on real estate, but this piece of land has already been targeted by Mr. Wang, and it took a lot of effort. If he wants to go in and take part in it, It will take more effort, and it may offend people, just think about it...

(End of this chapter)

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