Chapter 936

Lu Zhongqi hurriedly expressed his loyalty, "Honey, you have to be discerning, I didn't pay attention to that woman at all!"

Lin Lang smiled, "Alright, alright, I believe you, but you should keep that woman away!"

"Yeah, let me tell you, Zhao Ruo doesn't love me at all, what she loves is my money and left me in the first place, that's because my mother asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement with me when she got married, she didn't want to, so we The two broke up, and she found a second man!" Lu Zhongqi was still a little gloating when she said this, "I didn't expect the second boyfriend to be a fake rich man, and after only a few years of dating, her boyfriend revealed his secrets. So she can only help him to pay the debt... Hahahaha... Later, she really couldn't pay it back, so she came back and wanted to find me... She just took me for a fool!"

Lin Lang raised her head in doubt, "I remember we didn't sign a prenuptial agreement when we got married?"

"My mother wants you to sign, but I don't want to!" Lu Zhongqi said lightly, but who knew that he was terrified in his heart, afraid that his mother would make this request, what would happen if Lin Lang left him?
Although he is handsome and rich, his heart is full of insecurities.

Lin Lang kissed Lu Zhongqi's forehead, "Okay, okay, you're awesome, if there's anything else you haven't said, tell me quickly, let's go back quickly, I'm bored standing here for a minute!"

"It's okay, just put the gift down and we can go, anyway, I don't want to socialize with them!" Lu Zhongqi was about to go out when he pulled Lin Lang.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Lu, it's hard for you to come here once. Why don't you just leave? Stay here for a while longer!" Seeing that Lu Zhongqi was about to leave, Mr. Wang hurried forward, "At least give this old man some face. , have a bite of cake before leaving!"

Lu Zhongqi waved his hand, "No, eating cake at night is not good for your health. I have some urgent matters here. I really have to go back and deal with them. Let's meet again some other day!"

Chairman Wang watched Lu Zhongqi leave, and his teeth were about to be gritted in anger. He asked Lu Zhongqi to come here, not for the so-called birthday party, but for cooperation.

Three months later, Lin Lang successfully delivered the good news. After Lu's mother talked about it, she came to the place where they lived with big bags and small bags.

"You young couple are just pregnant and don't know anything. I'll stay here to take care of you!" Mother Lu said bluntly.

Hearing that Mother Lu was going to be here, Lin Lang subconsciously glanced at Lu Zhongqi, the eyes were very obvious.

But Lu Zhongqi acted as if he hadn't seen it, and took the room in Lin Lang's hand, and said softly: "I know what you are afraid of, but you don't have to be afraid now, because you now have something to rely on, which is the baby in your belly. Son, no matter what you do or want to do now, my mother will never say anything about you!

You can also take advantage of your pregnancy, do whatever you want to my mother, and avenge your past..."

Lin Lang laughed when she heard this, "Aren't you afraid that I've gone too far?"

"I'm not afraid, because I know what kind of person you are!" Lu Zhongqi said trustingly.

Lin Lang burst out laughing, as Lu Zhongqi said, she really didn't do too much, she was just a little picky about eating and drinking, but Lu expressed her understanding, after all, her daughter-in-law was pregnant and her appetite was normal.

Because of the child in the womb, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has heated up rapidly. Yesterday, the two of them were talking homely. The servant came over, looked at the two of them hesitantly, opened his mouth, but closed his mouth again.

"What's wrong?" Mother Lu asked suspiciously.

The servant lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Madam, the young master's ex-girlfriend, Ms. Zhao, is here, and she said that she must see Madam today. I..."

Mother Lu's complexion changed, "This dead woman went abroad by herself, and came back to spoil my son. I want you to let him in. I want to see what she can do in front of me!"

Zhao Ruo came over and looked at the luxuriously decorated villa with envy and jealousy in his eyes. If it wasn't for that incident, he would have been the hostess of this house long ago. What a pity...

When she saw Lu's mother on the sofa, Zhao Ruo's eyes radiated an ugly light, and said through gritted teeth: "It's you, if you hadn't separated me and Lu Zhongqi back then, we wouldn't have been separated at all!"

"It's not that I broke up with you, but the money. It's like you two broke up. You didn't waste it. I also gave you 500 million, 500 million. Ordinary people can't make that much money in their lifetime. You have Isn't that much money enough? What else do you want to do?" Mother Lu said mockingly.

"I...I..." Zhao Ruo was ashamed and annoyed after being torn off his face, "If you hadn't made some prenuptial agreement, maybe I would have married him a long time ago..."

"Hehehe, you want to marry him. It's a good idea. When you were with my son, I saw your thoughts. It was because he was young and didn't know how to love, so he was accepted by you." cheat!
But now... Hehehe, no matter how loud you cry, he won't look back! "

Zhao Ruo's face turned pale, yes, these years have passed not only time, but also people's hearts.

"Tell me, what are you doing here? Get out as soon as you finish speaking, you are not welcome in our family!" Mother Lu said with indifferent eyes.

Zhao Ruo gritted his teeth, knelt down with a snap, and looked at Lin Lang pitifully, "I know that Mr. Lu and I have been together before, but those are all things in the past. The matter involves the Wang family. It is not easy for them to do business. It is hard for them to win a project. I don’t want them to give up halfway. I hope you will do me a favor and help them..."

"It's ridiculous for you to say that. I have been staying at home since I was pregnant. As for targeting others? Sorry, I don't have that kind of leisure!" Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "But I heard from my husband that it is The Wang family can't do it themselves, and they have to persevere, and now they have caused such a situation, they deserve it!"

"That's not the case. They spent a lot of energy on that project, so they thought... they wanted to win it by themselves... Just let me beg you, help them, and I promise that from now on, I will never Don't get close to Boss Lu... cut him off..." Zhao Ruo cried.

"Hahaha!" Lin Lang smiled, her stomach was about to ache, "The little girl's brain is not normal, so go to the hospital to have a look, why cut off with my husband and never communicate with her again? My husband doesn't care about you at all, okay? Don't come here It’s wishful thinking over there, hurry up and get out, our family is not doing charity!”

(End of this chapter)

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