Chapter 937

Hearing this, Zhao Ruo let go of all the pretense, wishing to swallow the other party alive, "If I hadn't broken up with your husband back then, where would you be today? You didn't want to thank me, but you wanted to dismiss me like a beggar Let me tell you, it's impossible..."

"You also said it is if, who can say for sure if this kind of thing!" Linlang rolled her eyes, "No matter what, if you miss it, you will still miss it. It's hard to get over the water, and it's hard to make up for a broken mirror. I don't understand the reason ?
Back then when you were able to abandon Lu Zhongqi for money, you probably didn’t love him, but I’m different. When I was with him, I didn’t even know that he was a rich second generation. Our love is pure. Be natural, not like you, full of dirty smells! "

"You..." Zhao Ruo's face turned pale, "I didn't break up with him back then, and I also have unavoidable difficulties..."

Mother Lu didn't want to listen any longer, "What's the last resort? Why don't you treat my son as a winner and see if he can't make any money, so you abandon him!"

Zhao Ruo's face turned pale and green after being told that his true colors were exposed!
"Okay, we don't welcome you here, leave now!" Mother Lu signaled the servant to drive the woman out.

No one bothered, Lin Lang successfully gave birth to a pair of twins after 7 months, especially because of these two children, mother Lu treats Lin Lang very well, just like her own daughter.

She didn't know much about what happened afterwards, she only knew that her husband made the company bigger and bigger, from the richest man in the city to the richest man in the country, and the two have always been in love with each other.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang felt a terrible headache, the kind of drowsy pain, and a terrible physical discomfort. She wanted to vomit, could she be suffering from some kind of illness?

His body was slapped, and then he heard a woman say with a trace of anger.

"It's nice of you, you don't help me go home to do something after get off work, just think about going out to drink, and I have to clean up the mess for you when I come back, don't sleep, get up and take the children!"

Lin Lang slowly opened her eyes, looked at the woman in front of her, nodded her head in a daze, but lay on the bed again, "Let me sleep for another hour, I promise I will wake up in an hour, I am really uncomfortable... ..."

"Is it okay for you to feel uncomfortable? Do you know that it is very difficult for me to raise my child by myself, I can't even sleep well, and I have to do housework, I am really fed up..." The woman said Just cried out.

"What's so difficult, stay at home and enjoy the happiness, and I will cook for you, just take care of the children, is it so difficult?
People of your generation really don’t know how to cherish blessings. I think I had to go to work in the fields as soon as I gave birth, which is much better than you. You can at least stay at home, just do some housework, and open your mouth and hands. , is simply happier than Young Mistress..."

"What does it mean to be happier than the young mistress? I married into your family, and I didn't eat well, I didn't sleep well, and my life was worse than that of a dog!

If you really want to confess me like a young mistress, you can go and hire a servant back! "

"Then what are we going to do when we marry you? Shouldn't a woman marry her and take her children to wash and cook!"

"You're old thinking!"


Hearing their noise, Lin Lang was getting bigger than the two, unable to fall asleep, sat up, "Okay, okay, don't quarrel over trivial matters early in the morning, just wait a while, wait until I get a good rest I'll get up and help you!"

When the Queen Mother heard her son say this, her face softened a little, "Son, don't worry about what your wife said, just sleep, you men have worked hard outside, if you can't sleep well when you come back, What is there to do that day?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Mom, you can't say that, I'm working outside, and it's not easier for the mother to take care of the children than me. It's also my fault. I should have come back earlier yesterday to help, but ended up with someone else... I have a headache. It really hurts, let me rest for a while, and I'll get up in a while!"

When Gao Mi heard this, she didn't press her every step of the way. Hearing the cry of the child, she turned around and left.

"What kind of daughter-in-law did you say you got? At the beginning, you wanted her to be beautiful, so you need to get her back. Okay, we will do what you want, but what about after that? After giving birth to a child, who is the one who yells and yells all day long? You can't have children, do you think that you have given birth to a boy for our old Wang's family, and you are a hero?

Now she doesn't do housework, and the child is not big, so what does she want to do?And dressed like a vixen all day long..."

"Mom, don't talk about it, don't even think about it. In this era, there is a generation gap between three years old. You and Gao Mi are so many years apart. The generation gap is almost higher than the Himalayas!"

Hearing what her son said, the Queen Mother rolled her eyes, "You are a typical example of having a daughter-in-law and forgetting your mother!"

Lin Lang lay on the bed, and after squinting for a while, she felt more comfortable, and quickly closed her eyes to accept the plot.

"I'm really fed up. I remember that before they got married, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along very well, but after they got married, they were all at war with each other!
I have worked very hard every day at work, and I have to deal with the two of them when I get home. I am exhausted physically and mentally. I am really uncomfortable, please help me! "

After accepting the plot, Lin Lang went to wash up first, and acted out that the material environment was really messy, so she didn't dislike it, so she rolled up her sleeves and helped tidy up the housework.

The original owner is a man, maybe he really doesn't understand what is so tiring for a housewife, but he understands how hard it is for a woman who has just given birth and has no job.

An hour later, the messy living room became orderly and the room became sparkling.

Gao Mi came out with the baby in her arms, her face brightened, "Tell me, who did you drink with last night?"

Linlang recalled, "Just with a few friends, I promise there will be no next time!"

Gao Mi said with a cold face, "You are so lucky. After get off work, you can invite a few friends to have a drink. Unfortunately, I can only stay at home, take care of the children, and become a yellow-faced woman..."

Lin Lang took a look at Gao Mi, and her heart ached. This is a typical postpartum depression. She hurried forward and hugged the baby in her arms, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I promise, I will come back early after get off work , help you with housework and take care of the children, okay?"

Hearing this, Gao Mi burst into tears, sat on the sofa and began to cry, "I'm really fed up with my life now, before I married you, think about how glamorous I am, but now ?”

(End of this chapter)

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