Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 944 No Country For The Old 3

Chapter 944
When the three children contacted him again, it was already the end of the summer of the second year. At this time, Lin Lang already had a small savings, and he used the money to invest in the stock market, which made a lot of money.

"Dad, did you know? Our house is going to be demolished!" The boss said excitedly.

Lin Lang was in a daze when he heard this, "Oh, is there anything else?"

Hearing this cold voice, the boss couldn't help but raise his heart, couldn't help swallowing, and said cautiously: "Father, what have you been doing for so long?"

"Is it too late for you to ask me now?" Lin Lang sneered twice, "I'll hang up if there's nothing wrong!"

"No!" The boss said nervously, "Where are you always? I'll pick you up and let's discuss the demolition!"

"What's there to discuss? The house at home is mine. Even if it's demolished, I'll still be paid. What are you doing?" Linlang said sarcastically.

"You can't say that. I'm your son, or your eldest son. I should inherit the big head of the family. Why don't I have any business?" The eldest son said nervously.

"Hey, you still know that you are my eldest son. If you don't know, you think you are a stranger?" Lin Lang sneered twice, "And the house at home is all in my name, and I also made the foundation. What does it have to do with you?" relation?"

"Father, I didn't say I'm not filial to you. I'm so tight, I'll pay you 300 yuan every month!" The eldest son complained, "You don't know how difficult it is to live in a big city. Especially since I still have a child, money is very tight, but I still gritted my teeth and gave you the pension money, and you understand that your grandson is going to high school soon, and it all needs money!"

"I think back then, when your mother was going to die, I was an old man pulling the three of you. Did I complain? I confessed all of you, married you wives and bought a house for you, but what did you do?" Lin Lang said coldly: "Even if I throw this demolition money in vain, it won't be cheap for you three white-eyed wolves!"

"Father!" The boss had a terrible headache, "I promise, as long as you give me the demolition money, I promise to give you a pension!"

"Let's do your spring and autumn daydreams. Giving you money is tantamount to beating a dog with a meat bun. You will never return!" Lin Lang mocked twice, and then hung up the phone without hesitation.

"The village, I brought my son to call just now, saying that the village will be demolished, is it true?"

Lin Lang called the village head and asked carefully.

The village chief said happily: "Yes, I heard that the government is going to build a highway in our area. Your house is big and you will be given the demolition money. Come back and get it!"

"Okay, I'll go back after a while, but that house belongs to me. If my three sons are what you want, you can't give them to them!" Lin Lang confessed.

The village chief patted his chest, "Just be 100% confident, your three sons already knew about the demolition, and they all came back a few days ago to ask for money, but I said the homestead is yours, they can't take it , are gone... I also know that your three sons will not give you the money if they don't provide for you!"

Lin Lang thanked the village chief a few more times, and took a car back to the village while she was free.

"Dad!" As soon as they entered the village, the three sons ran over, with a hint of anxiety on their faces.

The eldest son wiped the sweat from his brow, "But there is a misunderstanding between us, just make it clear, why bother to make such an argument? I am your eldest son, and I will beat you in the future. If you do this again If not, I won’t give you old age!”

The second son rolled his eyes, "Brother, you can't say that, everyone is equal now, you can't just want to share more just because you are the eldest son!"

The younger son curled his lips, "Brothers, you are both older and earn more money than me, so feel sorry for me and give me more money!"

The boss was unwilling, and pushed the two of them away, "You two are heartless, if I hadn't contacted you at the beginning, you would not have given Dad 300 yuan of pension money. It is said that I have the most credit, and I should share it. most!"

"You can pull it off, the three of us gave the same amount of money, why do you share the most?
And when you were the boss back then, Dad should have you as a pensioner, but you didn't want to and you were afraid you wouldn't be able to get out, and you still want to get more?Do you want to be shameless? "The second child said sarcastically.

The third child said pitifully, "Dad, if the two of them don't give you a pension, it's because they are not filial, but I can be forgiven for that. You also know that I have just graduated from university, and I don't have many Spare money, if you are with me, you will have to eat and sleep in the open, and you are suffering from hunger and cold, how can I bear it?"

"Skate, you boy!" The boss rolled his big eyes, "Dad has loved you since you were a child. You didn't get good grades in the college entrance examination. Dad spent money for you to go to college. My second child and I can pass the exam." No matter how many points you get, you can go to that university. There is no choice at all, but we didn't say anything!
But you kid took the most advantage, and now you still want to take advantage of it, it's a good idea! "

The second child nodded, "Yes, you have to pay the most for college living expenses, and my boss and I are also out, and we don't ask you to pay back, just ask you to show some conscience!"

The third child rolled up his sleeves, "When it comes to conscience, Dad married both of you and bought a house, but as for me, I'm still a bachelor and I don't even have a place to stay? Did I say anything?"

"All right, all right, what are you arguing about!" Lin Lang scolded with a cold face, "I won't give you any money for the demolition!"

"Dad, you can't do this. If you don't give us the demolition money, do you want to give it to someone else?" The boss thought of the most popular Twilight Love, and couldn't help but raised his heart, "If this is the case, you are sorry for my dead boss. mom!"

"Hehehe, raising you so much, I am already worthy of your dead mothers. On the contrary, you are sorry for me. I will keep the demolition money for the elderly. After I die, I will use the remaining money for the funeral. If there is any extra money for you Divide evenly!" Lin Lang immediately settled down, "If you don't agree, get out now, and I won't give you any money!"

The three sons gritted their teeth when they saw each other, and none of them wanted to leave.

"Although the house belongs to you, it also belongs to my mother. When my mother left, the three of us should inherit it, so we can't give you all the demolition money!" The third child rolled his eyes and said directly.

Lin Lang sneered twice, "When your mother and I were together, we were still living at your grandfather's house. After your mother left, I took the three of you out and bought the house in the village after struggling. A house was built on a piece of land, so the house and the land have nothing to do with your mother, let alone you!"

(End of this chapter)

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