Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 945 No Country For The Old 4

Chapter 945
As for the childhood memories, the three sons have long forgotten the seventy-eight eighty-eight, and when they heard that the demolition funds were not their share, they all regretted it to death.

Lin Lang ignored them and pushed them away. She took her ID card and bank card and went to the village head. After signing, she received a 50 demolition subsidy.

The three sons saw their father coming out from the village head, looked at each other, ran over quickly, and said enthusiastically: "Father, you don't have to give us the demolition money, but where do you live? We are your sons, I must be filial to you!"

Of course Linlang knew what their intentions were, "If you don't bother me, you are being filial to me!"

Hearing this, the boss panicked with embarrassment, "Father, even if you don't want to see me, don't you want to see your grandson? He is going to be 18 this year, and he will take the college entrance examination soon. Going to college...he has good grades, so he will definitely be able to study abroad, but it all needs money, can you bear to see your grandson have no money to go to school?"

Lin Lang really couldn't bear it, "Why can't you bear it, you can't let him go to school, you are a father, not me, a grandfather!
I thought I could confess the three of you back then, but you, a big man, confessed one?If you really can't confess, then you are incompetent! "

"Father, my daughter-in-law is going to have a second child, but the maternity examination fee, milk powder money, diaper money...you have to sponsor some..." The second child rubbed his hands.

Lin Lang looked over with a cold face, "It's not me who gave birth to your son. Why should I sponsor him? If you can't afford it, don't give birth!"

The third child raised his chin, "Father, you bought a house for both of your elder brothers and their wives, what about me? I also have to marry now, this house... I don't ask you to buy one for me either, Then you have to give me a down payment..."

Seeing the third son, Lin Lang didn't get angry, she was quite old, so she couldn't do anything, "You still have the nerve to say, among the three children, you spend the most money, and you still have the face to ask for a house, I want to earn money by myself, otherwise I will be a bachelor for the rest of my life!"

In this way, the three sons could only look at the back of the store and gritted their teeth with regret.

Here, after Linlang went back, she first bought a shop with the money in her hand and started the parts business. With the accumulated reputation and the second-hand market on the Internet, she quickly earned the money for opening the shop. .

The three sons didn't give up. It didn't take long for them to find the house that Lin Lang bought. Looking at the exquisitely decorated farmyard, they looked at each other.

"It seems that Dad still has some money in his hand, otherwise he wouldn't have made the house so good!" The second child muttered in a low voice.

The boss sighed, "Okay, what are you talking about, let's have a better attitude later, it's best to kneel over there and beg Father's forgiveness, we won't get up unless Father forgives us!"

The third child looked at the small farmyard, his eyes flickered, "Although this place is in the suburbs, the housing prices have been rising these years. This house should be worth a lot of money, right?"

The boss stroked his chin, "It should be, I heard that this place will be demolished again, if this is the case, our father will be prosperous!"

Just as she was talking, Lin Lang came back in the car, and looked at the three people standing at the door, her face collapsed.

"Father!" The third child quickly ran over, looking at Lin Lang's car, his eyes flashed with surprise, "This car is a new model this year, and it costs hundreds of thousands, Dad, you are really rich!"

Lin Lang opened the car door, "Are you here for something?"

The three sons looked at each other, knelt down, and kowtowed several times, "Father, all mistakes are the fault of the three of us, hit us, so you can vent your anger!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Now is a society ruled by law, and rough behavior is not popular, so I won't beat you!"

The three looked at each other again, and the boss stepped forward a little, "Then tell me, what should we do to vent your anger?"

"If you don't provoke me, you can vent your anger!" Lin Lang said with a sneer.

"Father, don't you want to take care of yourself the most? You come back with me, and I promise we will take good care of you and make you delicious and spicy!"

Lin Lang sneered twice, "Go back with you, and then give you the money, right? If I want to be beautiful, I can eat well and drink spicy food without you now, and I can live freely by myself, which is better than staying at your house. much better!

Get the hell out of here, or I'll call the police! "

"Father!" The third child yelled loudly, "The two elder brothers are sorry for you, but I have nothing to be sorry for you. I really can't afford you. My son doesn't have a decent job yet. I don't even have a wife, do you want to watch the roots of the Wang family break from me?

And the rent where I live is so expensive that I almost have no money to pay the rent, but even so, I still send you the pension money every month, which shows that I still have you in my heart, you can’t just ignore it Me, let me move here to take care of you, I don't ask for your money... I just ask you to feed me and marry me a wife..."

When the boss heard this, he turned his head and stared at the third child fiercely, "Well, you third child, among the three of us, you are the one with the most heart!"

The third child was not happy, "Where do I have too many thoughts, I am honest!"

Lin Lang saw that they were arguing and didn't talk to each other, knowing that they were not arguing, she stopped and said, "I don't owe any of you, on the contrary, you owe me, and I don't ask you for anything in return, I just ask you to stay away from me. Don't come to harass me, maybe for the sake of seeing you well-behaved, after a hundred years, I will give you all the remaining inheritance, but if you really piss me off, I will donate all the money, not a cent For you guys!"

"Don't!" The second child stood up, really afraid that his father would do this, "Speak up if you have something to say, if you really don't want to see me, let me go now, but you have to remember my difficulties, I The daughter-in-law is pregnant again, so she will lose her job immediately, and the family has a child to raise...you..."

"Hurry up and get out of here. Didn't I rely on my own hands to confess you back then? You're a big man, so you're so incompetent?" Lin Lang sneered twice.

The second son sighed, and left without looking back. The eldest son watched the second son leave, gritted his teeth, and continued, "Father, I know you don't want to see me, but you have to go back with me, right? After all, your grandson wants to see you... For your grandson's sake, go back with me, and I promise I won't harass you again..."

Linlang heheed twice, "Is your son some kind of precious thing? If I have to go to see him, won't he come to see me? He doesn't understand a bit of respect!"

(End of this chapter)

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