Chapter 947
Lin Lang sighed, and couldn't help but lament the loving mother's heart. In order to allow the two children to escape smoothly, the original owner's mother spent a lot of money and found two children who were similar in stature to replace them. A large sum of money sealed.

The reason she did this is because the Northwest is not inhabited at all. On the one hand, there are Tartars who are scourges, and it is in a place of war all year round. On the other hand, the people there are tough and the environment is harsh. If you don’t pay attention, There is a possibility of loss of life.

Lin Lang went to the carriage, and took out a large stack of silver bills, some broken silver and some golden melon seeds in the corner. These were prepared by the mother of the original owner, so that the two children would have no worries about food and clothing.

Lin Lang counted and couldn't help but be speechless, there are several 10 taels of silver bills!
Lin Lang thought for a while, then hid the banknotes in various corners of the two of them, and put the broken silver on their bodies.

As for what to do next, Lin Lang looked at the clothes of the two of them, thought for a while, found a needle and thread from the carriage, and sewed a pair of unremarkable clothes for them with the cloth on the carriage several times, and the clothes rolled on the ground twice.

Lin Lang also put some plaster on the faces of herself and Yuting, that is, the younger brother. Now, the two of them looked like wandering beggars!

"Sister, this is so dirty..." Yuting said sadly.

Lin Lang patted Yuting's head, "You son of a bitch, if we are dirty, we won't attract other people's attention, and we can be safer!"

Although the child was young, he quickly understood the truth through experience. He nodded and opened his big eyes, full of panic, "Sister, where are mother and father? Are there other brothers and sisters?"

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, so she kissed his forehead, "They've gone to other places, we're going to find them now, be good and be obedient!"

Yuting lowered her head, "Is it because my mother didn't want me, so she left me?"

Hearing what he said, Lin Lang grabbed his shoulders and said word by word: "No, it was because of a big incident that Mother had to let us leave, and it was for our own good. If we are with Mother If we are together, there will be more bad luck than good luck!"

Yuting didn't expect such a thing inside, so he nodded.

Horses can't be together anymore, after all, it's too ostentatious for two children to ride a horse.

The two children came to a town by walking. When they got there, they had blisters on their feet and a layer of dirt on their bodies.

"Where did you come from, little beggar, get out!" The janitor at the gate saw them, a trace of displeasure flashed across his face, and he waved his hand.

Linlang pulled her younger brother and knelt down, kowtowed a few times, "My lord, you are in a good mood. There was a disaster in my house. This time I came here to seek refuge with my relatives at home. Please let me in, I I promise not to get you into trouble!"

When the yamen servant heard this, he couldn't help but feel soft-hearted, and waved his hands twice, "Okay, go in quickly, remember, don't cause trouble for me, or I will take you to prison!"

Linlang took Yuting's hand and hurried to the town, thinking that the two of them were terribly dirty, and just wanted to wash, but she was afraid of attracting others' attention. After all, the two came from rich families, and their appearance was nothing. Poor, in case traffickers see it...

Lin Lang had no choice but to go to the money shop first and exchange a small silver ingot for a copper plate. When taking Yuting to eat, Lin Lang clearly sensed that someone was following them, and his eyelids twitched.

But what if someone follows them?The two children had no strength to restrain the chicken, so they couldn't resist at all.

Lin Lang could only take Yuting to a crowded place, and then turned left and right into the alley, finally getting rid of the people following behind her.

Lin Lang took Yuting to have a full meal first, and then asked others, and finally found an escort agency that delivered goods.

"Little girl, this is not a place for you to play, leave quickly!" An escort came over, saw Lin Lang, and chased her away loudly.

Linlang hugged Yuting, with tears in her small eyes, "Uncle, my father passed away, my mother died of illness, my uncle and mother-in-law want to sell me and my brother, there is no way, I can only take my brother I escaped and wanted to go to my aunt in the northwest, please do me a favor and take us away, don’t worry, I know a lot of things, I can cook, and I also know Chinese medicine, I can read... "

Although the bodyguard feels sorry for the child's experience, these two children are a burden to them, and shook his head, "That's not okay, you two don't even have military strength, and being with us is a burden..."

With one or two eyes, Linlang took out a hairpin from the back of her hair and threw it forward vigorously. When the hairpin fell off, a sparrow was hanging from the tail!

"This..." The bodyguard rubbed his eyes, and after realizing that what he saw was true, he couldn't help touching his chin, and looked at the two children carefully, "Why do you do this?"

Lin Lang took a deep breath, "To tell you the truth, my father was also a bodyguard teacher when he was alive, and he often wielded swords and swords, and I also learned how to do it!

Later, when I was walking a dart, I accidentally suffered an accident. After my mother heard about it, she was weak and couldn't catch her breath, so she followed. My uncle took all the money in the family and wanted to take it Two of our brothers were sold..."

Hearing this, the Escort was not in a good mood. They are Escorts, they are going through the wind and rain, making money in the sea of ​​blood. If they are not careful, accidents may happen... So the Escort I also felt a little empathetic, and nodded, "Forget it, I will do my best and accept you, but you don't want to cause trouble for us!"

Lin Lang nodded excitedly, and kowtowed a few times, "Thank you so much, for your great kindness, I will definitely treat you like an ox or a horse in my next life!"

The bodyguard looked at the two children with pity, and asked someone to borrow two old clothes for the two children to change.

Lin Lang didn't dare to show her true face, even though she changed the dirty clothes, she still smeared some dirty ash on her face, so that people could not see their true faces clearly.

Linlang knows a lot of things, he can help Mark to keep accounts together, keep luggage together, and also help to settle accounts, and he has an excellent memory, and he will never forget what he has said once, and he will soon be with those bodyguards. It became one piece.

Horse-drawn carriages are used to pull goods. As for making things for people, don't think about it, you can only walk by your feet.

Lin Lang could bear it, but the child couldn't bear it when she was young. Several blisters appeared on Yuting's feet one after another, and she also started to have a low-grade fever.

(End of this chapter)

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