Chapter 948

"Your younger brother suddenly developed a high fever. The head of the bodyguard is afraid that he has a cold. He told you to leave early. Don't blame me. This is a tael of silver. You keep it!" The bodyguard said to Lin Lang full of guilt.

Hearing this, Lin Lang anxiously explained: "My brother doesn't have a contagious cold. He just has a fever. He just needs to drink some medicine. Please give me some more time..."

The bodyguard shook his head, "I'm willing to give you time, but the head of the bodyguard doesn't want to. There is a time limit for us to escort this batch of goods, and we can't stay for long at all!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang's heart slowly cooled down, but no matter what, she couldn't point the finger at the bodyguard, after all, it was out of love to help herself, and it was her duty not to help herself.

Lin Lang originally didn't want to accept the one tael of silver, but thinking that she and the bodyguard once said that she was penniless, after thinking about it, she took the money, "Thank you!"

The bodyguard also thought the two children were pitiful, so he said a few words, "There are more people coming from here to the north. When your younger brother recovers from illness, you can find a merchant and go on the road together!"

Lin Lang accepted the bodyguard's kindness, and after the bodyguard and the others left, she went to the pharmacy to grab some herbs, boiled a good soup in the inn, and poured it into Yuting.

After this time, Lin Lang finally learned the skills, and went to the pharmacy to buy a lot of medicinal materials, and made pills, even if she couldn't use them, she could still feel at ease.

When Yuting recovers, it will be the summer of the next year. After such an experience, the two children have grown up rapidly, and Lin Lang has also grown a lot taller. Although she is only 10 years old, she is already as tall as an ordinary boy. Dress up a little , is a handsome young man.

Lin Lang found a merchant who was going to the northwest, and specially set up a line with them, bought horses and carriages, and bought some things and food.

"Wang Xiaolang, do you still have the sauce you made last time? Give me some more!"

Shopkeeper Li ran over, licked his face, and said with a smile.

Lin Lang nodded, took out a jar from the carriage, and handed it over, "But this is the last jar. If you want to eat it, you have to wait until the next town. I have to make it again!"

"All right, your sauce is very delicious. We all like to eat it. I'll give you some silver when the time comes. You can make more and share it with us!" Shopkeeper Li said cheekily.

Thinking that it would not be difficult to make the sauce, and it would be possible to form a good relationship with others, Lin Lang agreed without hesitation.

"Wang Xiaolang, I have to say that your skill in making sauce is really good, you can even sell it to others!" Shopkeeper Li lifted the lid on the altar, took a deep breath, and said intoxicated.

Lin Lang was a little embarrassed. Her cooking skills were really good, but it was all due to the recipe of the sauce, and he really didn't dare to take credit for it himself.

"Brother, look what I hit in the woods just now!" Yuting happily ran over, raising the two pheasants in his hand.

Linlang's eyes lit up, "It's a pheasant. The wild animal is very fat at this time. I'll make you a beggar's chicken later!"

Since Yuting's body recovered, Lin Lang began to teach him some martial arts. This kid has a good body, plus he can do some punching and kicking. He went to shoot wild animals in the woods, but he still knew how to measure, and he didn't dare to go deep into the woods.

Two pheasants, Lin Lang used one for stewing soup and used it for barbecue all the time, and then roasted the bought dry buns over fire, then sandwiched the pheasant chicken with bun slices, and ate this pheasant soup.

When the two children were growing up, the two pheasants were quickly wiped out by them. Lin Lang wiped his mouth. Although this was a bit unrefined, he is now a boy. If he was more refined, he would probably be suspected by others. Shemale.

"Go west for half a month, and we will arrive at Xiliang. Our family is there, and we don't know how they are doing..." Lin Lang looked northwest and said with a sigh.

Yuting is not an ignorant child. He has seen a lot of things along the way, and has grown up quickly. He lowered his head, "No matter what, it is good for the family to get together!"

Lin Lang nodded, "I heard from the shopkeeper that we will arrive in a big town tomorrow, and the northwest side is desolate. Let's buy more things and bring them there!"

"Okay, it just so happens that these merchants are also going to the northwest, so let them help you with it!" Yuting said with a smile. At this moment, the sun was hitting his face, and the young man was full of vigor.

When he arrived at the town, Yuting found that in addition to people from the Central Plains and Xiliang people coming and going, most of them were foreigners. Some people had different eyes, some were blue, and some were actually Red-eyed.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders, I must have a good talk with my grandfather when the time comes, I finally see those red-eyed people he told me about..." Yuting said excitedly.

Lin Lang smiled and grabbed this plate of things, because this time it was bigger and there were more merchants coming and going, so most of the things were cheaper and more affordable. Lin Lang bought a lot of things, and even if they couldn't use them, they could sell them to others.

"Oh, I didn't expect you two brothers to be so rich!" The shopkeeper looked at the big cart full of goods, his eyes flickered.

Lin Lang smiled and explained: "You can't go empty-handed when you go to someone else, so I took out all the money on my body to buy these goods, even if they don't want me and my brother, we can sell these goods Go and make some money!"

The shopkeeper nodded, "You two are quite business-minded!"

Lin Lang smiled and said nothing.

Hurry up, half a month later, the group finally came to Xiliang, Lin Lang was placed in the inn first, and after they were settled, they went directly to the government.

"My lord, I want to ask you something. Do you know where the Wang family used to be wandering here?" Lin Lang handed over a silver ingot and said, "My father has some relationship with her family. I heard that his family was exiled. Northwest, let me come over and take a look!"

The master collected the money, thought for a while, found an account book from the cabinet, looked for it carefully, then nodded, and said: "Oh, that family is now resettled in Lijiacun!"

After hearing where her family lived, Lin Lang hurriedly thanked her, but she couldn't do anything, so she took her younger brother and luggage and went directly to Lijia Village.

"Where did the boy come from? But who are you looking for?" Just entering the village, a kind old man looked at them and asked.

Lin Lang took his younger brother's hand and said, "We are here to find relatives. The family is named Wang, and they were exiled here a few years ago!"

(End of this chapter)

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