Chapter 949

Hearing what Lin Lang said, a hint of disgust flashed across the old man's face, "What's your relationship with the exiled Wang family?"

Where did Linlang dare to reveal the true identities of herself and her younger brother, so she could only repeat what she had made up to the master, "To be honest, my father has some connections with the Wang family. He heard that the Wang family was defeated, so he sent me here to take a look." , bring them something by the way, to redeem the previous friendship!"

Hearing this, the village head softened his face, "Your father is a good man, but you should stay away from them, they are exiled people!"

When Lin Lang heard these words, her heart felt sad. The rich and powerful families in the past made even grass-roots people look down on them. The gap can be imagined.

The village head took them to a few old thatched huts and left quickly. Looking at the crumbling thatched huts, Lin Lang's heart almost broke.

"Who is it!" Hearing the sound, the door made of straw was opened, and then a gray-haired old lady came out, squinting her eyes, only to see two teenagers standing not far away, followed by a There are a lot of carriages, and a lot of luggage is piled up on them.

"Two young men, who are you looking for?" The old man asked hoarsely.

When Lin Lang heard this, she brought Yu Ting and knelt down, "Grandma, it's me, Lin Lang and Yu Ting, we're back!"

When Grandma Wang heard this, she quickly looked around, helped them up, and patted them up and down. After they found that they hadn't lost weight, they choked up and said, "How did you find this place? When you Mother sent you away, I didn't want you to come here, you..."

Lin Lang lowered her head and said defensively, "The whole family is here, so my brother and I have to come too, so we are considered a family!"

Grandma Wang sighed, "You son of a bitch, our family has been stared at here, if you have anything to do with me, probably..."

"So what? A family who doesn't recognize each other right in front of their eyes, isn't that a white-eyed wolf? An animal?" Lin Lang said firmly: "The granddaughter brought her brother here this time for the purpose of family reunion!"

Grandmother Wang sighed, "Oh, what a crime, I miss you, a child of the royal family, how did you end up in this state!"

Lin Lang was in charge of Grandma Wang's hand, looked at the crumbling thatched houses, and said, "This house is so dilapidated, I definitely can't continue to build it, I will spend some money in the town later, and buy a big house, let's live together there!"

Grandmother Wang burst into tears when she heard this, and patted Lin Lang's hand, "Son, do you know that your third cousin and your second cousin are dead... and your two cousins ​​are also dead. All……"

Lin Lang was very sad when she heard this, but she couldn't cry, because she was afraid that the old man would be sad with her, "It's okay, they went to heaven to enjoy their blessings that time!"

Grandma Wang followed and nodded, "You're right, you told me to take your father and a few uncles to go to the field, and your mother and the others also went with them, and they probably won't come back until later... "

Lin Lang nodded her head, and took her younger brother to clean up the house, and at the same time put the things she bought into the house, the horses were fastened, it was getting late, and she didn't dare to ask Grandma Wang to cook, but the siblings The two of them were busy in the kitchen together.

"It smells so good~" Father Wang smelled a strong fragrance as soon as he came back with a hoe, and took a deep breath, "It seems to have meat, and it seems to be made of white rice..."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she frowned, "You won't be so hungry, right? Our family is so poor, how can we afford meat and white rice, and our mother's craftsmanship..."

Yes, how can an old lady who has been blessed for most of her life know how to cook?It's good to be able to cook the rice, so don't even think about any dishes that are delicious in color and flavor!
"Father, mother!" Yu Ting was just about to go out to fetch water with a bucket, when he heard someone talking, he raised his head, looked at the old father and mother in front of him, and burst into tears.

When the Queen Mother saw her son, she ran over and hugged Yuting in her arms, "I'm not dreaming, Yuting, mother's Yuting!"

Coincidentally, at this time, uncles, aunts, uncles, and aunts all came back and came over one after another.

"This... this is Yuting..."

Lin Lang also came out, looked at the familiar family members, and shouted a few times one by one.

"You two children, how did you come here?" The family sat in the thatched hut and asked.

Lin Lang took Yuting's hand and explained: "After the horse took us out, my brother and I have been hiding. Later, seeing that the time was ripe, we found an escort agency and wanted to go south with them, but that At that time, my younger brother was sick, so I could only delay it!
After recovering from the illness, he followed the merchants to the northwest! "

When the Queen Mother heard this, tears kept streaming down her face. Although there were only a few words, she could hear the sadness inside, "You two silly children, when I gave you the money, I hoped that you would stay outside. Live a good life, don't come to the northwest to suffer, you..."

"Mother!" Yuting boy's face was full of tenacity, "We came here to hope that the family will be reunited. If we live alone, we might as well not live!"

The grandfather sighed, "About the identities of the two of you, the public said that the two of you have died a long time ago, and now that you are back... your identities may have changed..."

"My brother and I lied about being family friends..." Lin Lang lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Grandpa paused for a moment, then nodded, "That's it, let's say that you are a family friend in our family. Because something happened in the family, you came to join us. No matter what others say, you should remember this statement, and The address at home will also change!"

Lin Lang and Yuting looked at each other, and they both nodded.

Lin Lang thought for a while, then took out the stack of banknotes from her pocket, "This is the money in the carriage back then, and my brother and I didn't spend much to come all the way here, the rest is here, keep it here Be the prince of the family!"

Hearing this, the family looked at each other. When they were exiled, they actually brought some money and some gold and silver jewelry with them, but along the way, the flowers were squeezed out. When he arrived in the northwest, he didn't have much spare money at all, otherwise he wouldn't be reduced to farming in the village.

"Old man..." Grandma called out in a low voice, signaling Grandpa to make up his mind.

"Most of this money is the dowry of the second daughter-in-law. We will only make part of it, and the rest will be kept by you two children!" The grandfather only took 2 taels, and pushed all the rest over.

(End of this chapter)

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