Chapter 950

Lin Lang glanced at the Queen Mother, found that she nodded slightly, and took the money. After all, most of the money was the Queen Mother's dowry. Speaking of the Queen Mother, Lin Lang also had to admire her. After sending the child out, he found two people to replace him.

This kind of boldness is beyond the reach of ordinary women.

"Now that the family has money, what should we do next? The family also has to come up with a charter..." Grandpa Wang looked around and said slowly.

The rest of you look at me, I look at you, Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore, and said directly: "No matter what to do next, we have to move out of here first, this house is so dilapidated, it might collapse if there is a little wind Come on, so you can't live here!"

Grandpa nodded approvingly, "Yes, the houses in the town are not expensive anyway, I'll buy a big one, and our family will move there!"

"Anyway, I have money, why don't I buy a few servants? After all, I am getting older on weekends and need someone to take care of me, as well as uncles, aunts, and the like..." Lin Lang didn't go on, but everyone understood that everyone was raised pampered. I have experienced a lot during this period, but the essence will not change, and I can't carry it on my shoulders or hands.

After finalizing the regulations, Lin Lang left here that night. After all, she told the village chief that she was here to give gifts to others. If she stayed here, wouldn't she be telling others that she was lying?

Lin Lang went to the town and bought a house. It was a four-storey, green brick and tile house, but such a luxurious house didn't even have 1/10 of the price in the capital.

After buying the house, Lin Lang bought some shops and properties, and took over the whole family after everything was settled.

"Even if you only said it was exile, you didn't say that our family could not take the imperial examination. During this period, a few cousins ​​could pick up the books and take the exam. Respect, you won't end up in the situation where everyone shouts and beats you!"

That's right, when I first came here, the village head, I still remember Lin Lang's expression at that time!
After settling down, although Linlang and Yuting wanted to stay here, in order not to expose their identities, they drove to another town. Although the two towns are not far apart, the family cannot be reunited, which is always their heart disease .

"If you really want the two of you to come back sooner, you should get your honors early. At least after you have the honors, those officials will not easily cause trouble!" The grandfather said to the grandsons below.

The children nodded quickly. Now that they don't have the freedom of life, they put all their energy on their books. In just two years, they passed the examinations of Xiucai and Juren this year, and they can be regarded as gaining a firm foothold in this county.

As for Linlang, most of the silver bills were handed over to his mother, and the rest of the money, Linlang took Yuting to the grassland to collect wool and make woolen trousers, woolen gloves, woolen hats, and woolen mats...these As soon as the product was launched, it was widely welcomed. After all, it was freezing in the northwest, and cotton could not keep warm at all. Now that they had these woolen products, they were no longer afraid of the cold.

Linlang also dyed wool into various colors to make various kinds of clothes, as well as various cushions and carpets, which were sold all over the country with the help of Northwest merchants.

Linlang also opened several pharmacies, relying on various prescriptions, specially made several emergency small pills, because the price is cheap, the shelf life is long, and the effect is good, it is very popular in the entire northwest region, almost every family Every household will prepare two bottles.

After the family business developed, Lin Lang carried a large amount of money on her back, and finally cleared her and Yuting's identities, and returned home openly.

"It just so happens that some of my cousins ​​have passed the exam, so you can go to the shop to help me!" Lin Lang looked at the young and promising cousins ​​and said happily.

"We are a family of officials, if this business is business..." The aunt hesitated.

Grandfather looked over coldly, "I'm so stupid, based on our current identities, if you want to go to the capital to take the exam, don't even think about it, if you can pass the exam, you will be the best!
Anyway, that's enough, with fame, it's time to take the exam to support the family..."

When my aunt heard this, she lowered her head and dared not speak.

Linlang's business is really big, and she also received orders from the army to make woolen sweaters for soldiers, and she also received orders for woolen blankets.

Another spring came, and Linlang's family business grew bigger and bigger, and shops opened all over the Northwest, with different industries involved!
"The frontier is not peaceful recently. I have a few friends who heard from them on the grassland that some tribes are starting to gather. I'm afraid..." Lin Lang returned home and said to his grandfather hesitantly: "I was thinking that I would let the old family Take a walk inside, I bought some properties there, I will go there for a few years, and come back if everything is safe!"

Grandpa stroked his white beard lightly, "I also contacted some old friends of mine. They wrote in and said that it was not peaceful there. They even sent General Yang over there, along with General Yang... Do you still remember Little General Yang? When you were young, you loved to follow his ass, and you kept calling him brother and brother, and you said you would marry him when you grow up..."

Surprise flashed across Linlang's face, she thought about it carefully, then shook her head ignorantly, "Forget, I was ignorant when I was young, so don't take it to heart, grandfather!"

The grandfather looked at his granddaughter and sighed. The granddaughter who was supposed to be raised by Ms. Jiao has now been raised as a boy and has shouldered the burden of the whole family. He is really ashamed of this granddaughter...

"Let the next few people move there first, and I'll leave later. After all, when an old friend comes over, I suddenly leave without saying goodbye. It's really not interesting!" Grandpa explained with a smile.

Lin Lang nodded, "At the same time, I still have business in the Northwest, and I plan to move inland as well. Although it's a bit troublesome, at least it's safe!"

When the grandfather heard about the business, he also knew that his granddaughter had her own ideas, so he nodded.

Lin Lang was busy moving the whole family in, and at the same time began to deal with the property. After everything was settled, General Jiang and the others also came over.

"Old friend, I haven't seen you in the past few decades. I thought you had become decadent after being dispatched to the frontier. I didn't expect you to still be handsome!" General Yang looked at his grandfather and found that he was still in high spirits, and sighed.

The grandfather sighed, "So what can we do? Life has to go on. To be honest, a few years ago, the family life was really not good enough. It is because of my granddaughter's efforts that life at home will be better!"

(End of this chapter)

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