Chapter 951

Hearing that his grandfather mentioned Lin Lang, General Yang's eyes lit up, "Is it the granddaughter you mentioned in the letter? It's really amazing. I was just a little kid before, but I didn't expect to be so capable. Now I'm a little girl." Years ago, the business spread all over the northwest, and it developed more and more, like the capital, the wool felt and wool gloves in the northwest are regarded as treasures..."

Grandfather was also a little embarrassed, "This... just like that, how can it compare to your grandson, at a young age, he is a young pioneer, and he is also a young general praised by everyone!"

General Yang laughed out loud, glanced at his grandson standing in the corner, and rolled his eyes, "Old Wang, we have been friends for decades, I won't hide it from you, look at your granddaughter and my grandson They are about the same age, or let's get married!"

Grandfather hesitated for a while, and didn't know whether to agree or not. It is said that people like the Yang family are considered high-ranking, but now, his granddaughter is promising, and he has ideas, and he is no worse than the Yang family. No, so he really didn't dare to decide the matter of marriage.

"Hahahaha... I really can't decide this. You know that my granddaughter has ideas, and we dare not force her. After all, she has suffered so much for this family..." the grandfather said with a smile.

General Yang sighed in disappointment when he heard this, and after his grandfather left, he glanced at his grandson, "Although their family was defeated, they have a capable granddaughter. It's the fire and oil..."

General Yang lowered his head, "If that's the case, then why didn't grandfather resign from his official position and come directly to the northwest, why did he... work for that stupid king!"

General Yang sighed, "Your majesty is stupid, that is because he was deceived by treacherous ministers. You and I are both ministers, so naturally we must serve Long En and do our best!"

A trace of indignation flashed across General Yang's face. Thinking of what happened to him in the capital, he became even more furious. If it wasn't for the chaos in the frontier, that Hunjun would have killed their Yang family long ago.

When the frontier became chaotic, Lin Lang had already brought his family to live in the village. There were layers of guards outside. Lin Lang was looking for a retired soldier, and every soldier had seen blood on the battlefield, so he could One against 10 kind.

Later, Lin Lang learned from a friend that General Yang was really extraordinary. He had won several battles this year, but he didn't know what kind of madness was going on. He suddenly issued several imperial decrees one after another to make General Yang and General Yang I went back.

"This is..." Lin Lang looked at his grandfather, although he didn't say anything, but the meaning was very obvious.

Grandfather sighed softly, "Before this matter is finished, the emperor wants to kill the donkey without looking at the time, the dynasty is in jeopardy!"

Lin Lang lowered her head, "No matter what, General Yang is a loyal minister and must be saved!"

Grandfather shook his head, "General Yang is stubborn, I'm afraid he won't listen!"

Lin Lang's heart sank gradually. She had been a general, so she naturally knew what General Yang was thinking. At the same time, she also understood what would happen to General Yang if he went back, but she couldn't bear it.

Lin Lang gritted her teeth and summoned her men, thinking that if General Yang couldn't be rescued, it would be good to rescue General Yang and his family. No matter what, she had tried her best and was worthy of her own conscience.

Things really went according to his expectation. General Yang and General Yang Xiao were imprisoned on trumped-up charges as soon as they returned to Beijing, and the whole family was sent to prison.

"General Yang, do you still remember me?" Lin Lang walked into the prison wearing a black robe.

General Yang looked at the strange girl in front of him, his eyes lit up, "You are a little girl from the Wang family, why did you come here? Leave quickly, this is not a place for you!"

Lin Lang looked at them and said, "General Yang, I came here to rescue you guys, so hurry up and leave with me!"

General Yang shook his head resolutely, "No, my Yang family is full of loyalists. If I go out with you, wouldn't it be a response to those slanderous officials? I don't know how to do anything, so I'll just stay here and let the emperor take a look. Our Yang family is loyal and never did those things!"

Lin Lang was terribly angry when she heard this, "Your brain is flooded, the emperor is no longer the former emperor, he has long been blinded by treacherous ministers, even if you die bravely, but what about your children, your family, they are Innocent!

And even if you die, what you can get is nothing more than a few words of comfort. Throughout the ages, history books have been written by the victors. If you die, who will reverse the case for you?

And throughout the ages, have so many people who died unjustly left traces in history?None, so don't be a fool, leave here with me, stay with the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood! "

General Yang looked at his family in the corner and sighed, "Son, I appreciate your kindness, but I will never leave the prison, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die!

But just as I told you, my children are innocent, and my grandson is also innocent. You can take them away, and I can’t go with you. If I go with you, the emperor will be furious, for sure I'll find you there..."

Lin Lang sighed, and turned to look at the dull and silent General Yang, "Little General, you have heard what your grandfather said, and I have tried my best, you take your family and come out of here with me!"

General Yang raised his head and looked at General Yang slowly, "Grandpa, is loyalty so important? Look at what you got for your loyalty. It's worthless at all!"

General Yang turned his head aside, "You are still young, you don't understand at all!"

General Yang stood up, and said hysterically: "I don't understand, I think you don't understand, I told you when the emperor asked me to come back, it might be to send the tiger away, but if you don't believe me, you have to come back, now it's all right , not only you and I were imprisoned, but the whole family was imprisoned..."

"Okay!" Mrs. Yang said, "You don't know what kind of temperament your grandfather is, but I know. Since he did this, it means that he has thought clearly, and he wants to be loyal, so we will give up his loyalty." !"

Lin Lang took a look, and a trace of anxiety flashed on the outside face, "Stop talking, it's getting late, let's get out of here quickly!"

Little General Yang nodded to Lin Lang, glanced at General Yang again, bit his lips and knelt down without saying a word, and kowtowed three times, "Grandson... is gone... May grandfather take care!"

(End of this chapter)

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