Chapter 952

It has been three months since Lin Lang brought a lot of people out of the capital. At the beginning, after they came out of the prison, they did not leave the capital directly, but found a remote corner in the capital, and waited until there was nothing left. After people searched, this is ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lin Lang asked General Yang, "If you have nowhere to go, you can go back to the northwest with me. I have a Zhuangzi over there with thousands of elite soldiers..."

General Yang turned his head and looked at the big family, "Grandmother, what do you think?"

Grandma thought about it for a long time, then nodded, "Then I can only trouble Miss Wang!"

Lin Lang didn't think it was troublesome, and felt that she had taken advantage of it. First of all, General Yang was talented as a commander. He went to his remote place and could help him train soldiers.

By the time the group of them arrived in the northwest, the frontiers were already in chaos, and the peasants began to revolt one after another. Their small town was also hit by waves several times. Fortunately, there were soldiers guarding them. Those bandits didn't dare to do too much .

"Nowadays in troubled times, Miss Wang, what do you think?" After staying for a while, General Yang finally couldn't sit still.

It's not that Lin Lang didn't want to be the founding queen, but it was too troublesome to think about it, and she likes to have fun and doesn't want to bear such a heavy burden, so she only wants to protect herself during this time, and doesn't care about other things.

"I listened to General Yang, but... have an idea?" Lin Lang asked tentatively, "If this is really the case, our Wang family is willing to help!"

General Yang lowered his head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I hate that the dog emperor remembers our Yang family so much because he is afraid that our Yang family will destroy their country. Don't be afraid, I want to overthrow his dynasty!"

"Ambition!" Lin Lang clapped her hands, and continued, "I have thousands of elite soldiers here, and they can be dispatched by General Yang at will, and all the money in my hand can be used as a subsidy!"

General Yang nodded gratefully, "Thank you. After the matter is completed, I will wash away the grievances of the Wang family and treat the Wang family as honored guests!"

Lin Lang smiled, it didn't matter to him whether to wash away his grievances, or to regard him as a god, but this kind of heart shows that he knows how to be grateful and knows what is good and what is bad.

General Yang is worthy of being a member of the Yang family. In just a short period of time, he has summoned tens of thousands of troops and pacified several towns!

"Does the dog emperor think I'm a fool? Just send me an edict and let me go back? Dreaming!" General Yang looked at the yellow imperial edict, sneered and threw the edict into the stove.

"It seems that the dog emperor is desperate, otherwise he wouldn't do the kind of thing that slaps himself in the face!" Lin Lang said mockingly.

Little General Yang lowered his head, with a sharp look in his eagle eyes, "Oh, now we've hit the nail on the head, thinking of our Yang family's loyalty, wanting to be beautiful, he killed me and told me, if you don't take revenge, you will be in vain!"

Lin Lang smiled, "But even so, we have to take it easy..."

General Yang raised his head slowly, all the strength in his body disappeared, and he smiled slowly, "What do you think?"

"We are now standing on the side of righteousness. Since ancient times, those ministers have also had the righteousness of the family and the country in their minds... If we violate what the emperor said, even if it is only you, wouldn't everyone be shouted and beaten? Maybe we will be beaten Others call him a traitor!

According to my idea, General Yang does not need to go to the capital, but he can write a letter with as much sincerity as possible, and try to write as sincerely as possible. The purpose is to convince the emperor that we really have no objections, and at the same time accumulate strength. After the strength is strong, it is never too late to fight back! "

Hearing Lin Lang's words, General Yang was silent for a long time, and finally he clenched his fists and beat the desk hard, "I'm not reconciled!"

"General Yang!" Lin Lang said pointingly: "Those who have achieved great things since ancient times have not suffered all kinds of grievances, but now it is just a little bit of suffering, so why not suffer?"

Lin Lang also didn't want to bow down to the dog emperor, but their power is too small now, and there are so many rebels watching, if they really become a thorn in the court's side, the accumulated power will do.

General Yang was silent for a long time, and finally showed a wry smile, "Forget it, I was also in a daze, because of some pitiful inferiority complexes, I almost killed so many brothers... for revenge, for killing the king, even if I let I am humiliated in the crotch like Han Xin, and I am willing!"

Seeing that General Yang had figured it out, Lin Lang smiled slowly, like the dewdrops on the first sunny day after the rain, crystal clear and beautiful, "It's good if you can figure it out, if that's the case, I won't hide it from you, I'll tell you I sent some money to those treacherous officials, and at the same time wrote a letter in your tone, asking them to say something nice in front of the emperor..."

Hearing Lin Lang talking about those foolish lords, Yang Xiaojun's expression changed, and finally he lowered his head, "Please worry about it!"

Lin Lang smiled, "There is no need to be so polite between you and me!"

Here, after the treacherous officials received the letter, they looked at the contents of the letter, especially the dozens of boxes of jewels. Begging me for mercy later, and begging me for mercy like a dog, is really pleasing to the heart. I think Thief Yang was angry with me in the court all day long. Although he killed him, he still couldn't understand the hatred in my heart!
Today's begging letter from his grandson really makes me happy! "

Hearing this, the counselor said flatteringly: "It's not that you are capable. Look at that bandit Yang, no matter how capable he is, he lost his head with a few words from your lord. Now even his grandson is dead!" I beg my lord, that bandit Yang probably never dreamed of it!"

The treacherous minister was very happy to be praised, and together with those few boxes of jewels, he nodded in satisfaction, "It's also because that kid is wise, that's all, for the sake of my grandfather and I being ministers in the court, I will help him." Say something nice!"

Here, Hunjun learned that General Yang didn't want to come to the capital, and was very angry, "That foreign boy doesn't want to come to the capital, so he is still angry about his grandfather? He is really a traitor!"

Hearing this, the traitor looked at the emperor with a smile and said, "Your Majesty is too worried. Your Majesty is wise and mighty. Then General Yang sent a letter of surrender a long time ago. Why didn't you come here? The letter also said clearly , to clear the way for the emperor!"

Hearing this, the emperor eased his expression, "It's not in a hurry to clear the obstacles, why can't you come to the capital? Could it be that you still have ghosts in your heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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