Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 958: Elderly Court Lady 5

Chapter 958

Although the jade concubine has status and power in the family, she hasn't seen the emperor for a long time, plus she offended so many concubines before she was favored, and fell from the sky to the ground after falling out of favor. Gotta step on it.

"Mommy, I finally know why you didn't want to enter the palace at the beginning, life is too difficult!" Yubi said sadly.

Linlang wiped away the tears from Yubi's face, "Your Majesty, don't be sad, your days are still long, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, maybe someday you will think of your Majesty again, maybe your Majesty will be favored again... ..."

Concubine Yu showed a wry smile, would the emperor really think of her?It's too mysterious, the emperor hasn't come to her place for a whole year, although he fell out of favor in the past, the emperor came here once or twice a month, but now, if you want to see the emperor, you can only do it at the banquet.

But the emperor already has so many beauties, how old is he?

Time flies and another two years, during this period, Yubi's palace has completely become a cold palace, although the two still have some money in their hands, but both of them understand that if they don't save some money, then life will be difficult in the future.

In order to survive, Lin Lang cultivated a small garden in the garden and planted all kinds of fresh vegetables. Later, Lin Lang asked for help and raised two chicks, and the small garden became really lively.

When both the master and the servant think that this life will go on like this...

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, do you want to drive to Mrs. Ligui?" The eunuch asked respectfully, supporting the Holy Majesty cautiously.

Mrs. Ligui was sent to the palace recently, with a fresh and gorgeous appearance, innocent and innocent personality, and is quite favored by the emperor.

Zhao Yan was just about to nod his head, but in a daze, he suddenly heard a rooster crowing not far away. He raised his head, glanced in confusion, and found that the surroundings were dark, "What's going on? I seem to have heard a rooster crowing, it's dawn Is it? Or am I confused?"

Tai listened to this and became nervous, no, this is the Royal Garden, how could there be a rooster crowing?But the eunuch did hear the rooster crowing.

"Reporting to the emperor, this old slave also heard it..." The eunuch looked around, followed the sound, pointed to a distance, and said, "Your Majesty, the sound seems to be coming from over there..."

The emperor shook his head and waved away the alcohol in his mind, some people followed the voice and walked over.

"Finally I did it, I told you not to let you run around, be careful not to be caught by others and make braised chicken!

Of course, if you don’t like braised sauce, you can still steam, braise, or deep-fry…”

As she talked, Lin Lang was also hungry. To be honest, it was really difficult for unfavored concubines to eat meat. As for their servants, they couldn't see any oiliness all year round.

Although Lin Lang said so, she still hugged the hen in her arms, as if she was holding some peerless treasure, but when she looked back at the group of people in front of her, she was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground.

"Is this chicken raised by you?" The emperor looked at the maid and asked suspiciously.

"Yes..." Lin Lang didn't expect to see the emperor here.

"Which palace are you from? I don't know...how can you raise chickens in the palace? It's too vulgar!" The eunuch just wanted to reprimand Lin Lang for raising chickens in the pot, but after thinking about it, there was no express regulation in the palace that could not Yang, I could only swallow the words, and then turned to another topic and began to ask questions.

Lin Lang lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Reporting to the emperor, the servant is from the Jade Concubine Palace. As for the chicken... it is... raised by the servant to play with..."

"Other people keep cats, dogs, or some weird things. You raise chickens... Are you doing it for fun? I don't think so. I just heard you say something like braised in soy sauce... ..." Zhao Yan also found it interesting, and asked with a smile.

Lin Lang blushed when she heard this, but thinking about it, she was not the one who was ashamed. After all, a man made his concubine and his servants unable to eat meat, which meant that the man was incapable.

"I hope the emperor will tell you, slave... raising chickens is indeed not for fun, but for eating!" Lin Lang still felt that she was justified when she spoke, so her tone was very firm.

Zhao Yan was very surprised, "The case says that there is no express regulation in the palace that can't raise chickens, but...the sound is really annoying, do you have no meat to eat? Why do you think of raising chickens?"

Lin Lang was just about to raise her head, and was about to question this man fiercely. If it wasn't for your love of the new and dislike of the old, which made their master unfavorable and allowed his servants to bully him, he wouldn't be unable to eat meat.

But thinking that this is a feudal society, and this man is the emperor, he could only grit his teeth and said, "Reporting to the emperor, the imperial dining room said that there is not enough food, and we must eat it for the favored lady, so we will suffer a bit here!"

Zhao Yan's face turned red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple in a flash. He remembered that the jade concubine was at least comfortable in the concubine's position. Why couldn't she eat a piece of meat?

The eunuch next to Zhao Yan lowered his head, and couldn't help but sweat for the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I said you, even if you are red-topped and white, you have to take your time. I can't let you not see a little bit all year round Meat, it's all right now, I'm going to sue the emperor directly, let's see how you deal with it when the time comes.

"Okay, I know about this!" Zhao Yan also thought it was ugly, a daughter of the Duke's mansion, who couldn't even eat meat in the palace, if she said it, I don't know how poor he was as the emperor Woolen cloth!
"It's been a long time since I went to see Yubi, so I drove to Yubi's palace!" The emperor thought of the innocent little girl, his eyes flickered, and finally he looked at Linlang who was kneeling below, "You chicken!" It's well raised, and it will be sent to the imperial dining room later, and someone will make a braised chicken and bring it to me!"

Hearing that the concubine could be favored, little stars would appear in Lin Lang's eyes. If the master is favored, they can live a good life when they are present. If the master is not favored, these servants are nothing.

Concubine Yu didn't expect that she would still be able to see the emperor and be favored in her lifetime. She was so excited that she was just about to dress up, but found that besides Lin Lang, there was basically no useful people around her.

Zhao Yan just walked into this yard, looked at the fruits and vegetables in the garden, shook his head in surprise, but felt very surprised, walked to a cucumber seedling, picked a cucumber, didn't even wash it, put it Bite lightly on the edge of his mouth, and the crisp and sweet taste came immediately, making him unable to help stretching his brows.

"Growing vegetables here gives me the feeling of picking chrysanthemums and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence..." Zhao Yan said in admiration.

Hearing this, Concubine Yu felt uncomfortable, on the contrary, she was a little embarrassed, yes, you have money, you can be called leisurely, wild fun!But because they have no money, they grow these vegetables because they want to eat them!
(End of this chapter)

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