Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 959: Elderly Court Lady 6

Chapter 959

Concubine Yu lowered her head in shame, "Your majesty praised me very much. I really had no choice but to grow vegetables in the yard. I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yan looked at Concubine Yu. At this time, Concubine Yu had lost her innocence, and there was still a hint of depression in her brows and eyes, but the beauty was not ambitious, and she was even more beautiful.

The emperor was also a little moved when he saw it, and held up Yubi's hand, "My concubine, get up quickly, don't freeze your body in the cold on the ground, it's all my fault, which caused my concubine to be wronged!"

It is true that the emperor is not good. If he sees one who loves the other and wants to change, the concubine Yu will not be wronged, but is it not good to be the emperor?cannot!

Although Concubine Yu was wronged, she could only swallow her grievances in her heart, pretending to be grateful, and said: "Your Majesty, it's not your fault, it's those servants who are at fault, if they didn't lie to you, Your Majesty You won't be blinded by them!

The concubine is not bitter, as long as the concubine can look at the emperor from a distance, he will feel that everything is sweet, even in his heart! "

Hearing this, Zhao Yan raised his brows. He remembered that although the little girl Yubi spoke well, she definitely couldn't say such sweet words. Unexpectedly, she has grown a lot after so many years.

The emperor patted on the jade concubine, looking at the beauty in front of him, not only a little distracted.

Zhao Yan rested directly at Yuping for three or four days. After the women in the harem knew about this, the House of Internal Affairs replaced a large number of porcelains.

As for those servants, since they knew Yubi was favored, they hurriedly sent over all the things that had been withheld, and they were even better than the previous ones.

Although Concubine Yu hates these villains who act according to the wind, she knows that the people in these palaces are basically villains who act according to the wind, and she may have to rely on these villains , I could only swallow my anger into my stomach, and I didn't bother with them generously!
"Some people, who are obviously ladies and daughters of famous families, are doing peasant women's work and working in the fields. Don't you think it's funny?" The concubine Su who was talking, the empress dowager left a few years ago, Concubine Su relied on and the emperor. There is also a princess under her knees, but she is doing okay.

Yubi was so angry when she heard this, her eyes were about to burst into flames. If she used to be, she would definitely go back, but she is no longer the former Yubi. Yes, it is impossible to issue it on the spot.

"My sister was joking. There's nothing shameful about farming. It's so beautiful. In spring, the emperor will have to go to the fields in person. Maybe my sister..." Although Yubi didn't stand up to her, she didn't suffer in vain.

Concubine Su was furious, "Okay, I'll see then, how long can you be favored by relying on those messy things? When you fall out of favor someday, don't blame me for being rude!"

Concubine Su's words reached Yubi's heart, how long can she be pampered?It would be great if there is a child, no matter if it is a boy or a girl, if you have a child, you will have something to look forward to in your life, and you don’t have to be like those two years, you only know how to expect the emperor to come all day long, but the emperor will not come. Days have plummeted...

Sitting in the room, looking at the lush greenery outside, Yubi thought for a long time, and said to Linlang who was busy in the garden: "Mother, I want to have a child, whether it's a boy or a girl!"

But there are some things that you don’t get just by wanting them, and children are not radishes and cabbages, as long as you plant them, you can have them.

"Your Majesty, there's no need to rush the child here!" Lin Lang said, "Besides, your Majesty is still young so don't worry!"

Concubine Yu touched her face, "But I feel that I am old, I feel like a person in seventies and eighties, if there is no more children, I feel that I have no hope in my life, I can only hope for a little favor from the emperor It's too hard to live..."

Yes, the women in the harem are struggling to survive. It’s okay to have children, and they have something to look forward to, but if they don’t have children, no matter how much they are favored, there is no one to rely on. When the emperor goes away, if there is no one to rely on, he will either be buried , or become a monk, anyway, it is very poor.

"I think about it. I used to have no children when I was the most favored. Now... I guess it is even more impossible to have children. I want to promote someone to serve the emperor. At that time, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, I will give birth to a child." Gong Du hugged her knees, and we both have something to look forward to!"

Lin Lang shook his head, "Your Majesty, there is no need to rush this matter. My Majesty is only 18 years old this year. Outside, ordinary girls have just gotten married. Don't worry about this Madam. Besides, I heard from others that the later some girls give birth, the better. , because it’s good for your body!”

Yubi raised her head and asked in surprise: "Really? I seem to remember what you said. I remember that one year my sister-in-law became pregnant when she just got married. At that time, the doctor said that it is not appropriate to have a child too early... ..."

Lin Lang saw that the little girl had figured it out, and against the sun, she smiled brightly, "It's fine if you figure it out, you don't need to worry about this matter, let's go with fate, if there is really no child, let's think about the future, anyway, Your Majesty is still young! "

"What are you talking about? I heard your laughter a long time ago?" As soon as Zhao Yan walked in, he saw Lin Lang smiling brightly against the sun, his heart skipped a beat, his eyes blinked, and he quickly recovered. Naturally, he asked with a smile.

When Linlang heard the movement, she didn't care about her own appearance, and immediately knelt down, "Greetings to the emperor!"

Zhao Yan raised his hand, "Get up, you haven't told me yet, what are you talking about? So happy?"

Linlang glanced at Yubi, and found that she was sweating from nervousness, and hurriedly said, "Reporting to the emperor, the servant just talked to the empress about the things in the field, and said that it will be autumn soon, and it's time to put the radish and The cabbage is planted!
When the radishes and cabbage grow, they can be made into kimchi and sauerkraut! "

Concubine Yu turned her head and nodded hastily, with panic still on her face, "That's right, my concubine... Chenqie likes the side dishes pickled by the nanny the most!"

Zhao Yan turned the wrench in his hand, glanced at the master and servant with half a smile, and walked into the room with big strides, "Then when you are done, let me have a taste too!"

When the master and servant heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they were fooled.

Lin Lang said kindly, "Yes!"

Seeing Lin Lang smiling so sweetly, Zhao Yan always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He glanced outside and said, "There's a lot of grass in this field, pull out the grass quickly, don't delay the growth of vegetables!"

"This..." Yubi looked at the big sun and hesitated...

(End of this chapter)

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