Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 960: Elderly Court Lady 7

Chapter 960

Lin Lang just went outside and was going to pick two cucumbers to make a facial mask. It happened that there were weeds in the field, so she pulled out two cucumbers.

"The sun is so bright, let's wait until night!" Yubi really couldn't bear Linlang's suffering, after all, if it wasn't for Linlang, she wouldn't know where she would be staying, so she said a few words at the risk of dissatisfaction.

When Zhao Yan heard this, he turned around and looked at Concubine Yu with a half-smile, "Hey, I saw her weeding outside just now, why didn't she pull weeds now? Could it be just pretending?"

Lin Lang's face collapsed quickly, and she cursed the emperor 800 times in her heart, but still showed a standard smirk, and said respectfully: "Since it is the emperor's request, I will try my best to fulfill it, so as not to delay the growth of vegetables. Fresh vegetables for the emperor to eat!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yan nodded in satisfaction, smiled and sat by the window, doing nothing but drinking tea and staring at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang couldn't stand the sun so much, so she braided her hair into two big braids, covered her head with a straw hat, rolled up her sleeves, and squatted in the field to weed the weeds.

To be honest, after not working for such a long time, my hands have long been spoiled. Before pulling the grass for a few minutes, my pair of jade hands turned red, and two blood bubbles appeared.

Zhao Yan was watching happily at first, but suddenly frowned, and finally put the cup down, and said heavily: "Okay, it's too hot, let her in, don't give her a fever! "

Concubine Yu should have been happy when she heard this, but she became vigilant and her lips were drawn into a line. Why did the emperor say that?Could it be that she is interested in Mammy? Impossible, Nanny is almost 30 years old this year, and she is an old woman. Your Majesty...it is impossible to be hungry...

"Your majesty, it is her blessing to eat the king's salary and take care of the king's worries. It is her blessing to be able to serve your majesty!" Yubi lowered her head and said these words suddenly.

Lin Lang was pulling weeds in the field, but she was not happy when she heard that the emperor was willing to let her in. When she heard Yu Concubine's words, it was clearly a hot day, but it was like entering the twelfth lunar month. Not only was her body cold, Even the heart is cold.

Zhao Yan glanced at Concubine Yu. If he remembered correctly, when Concubine Yu was down and down, this nanny was with her and never left her...

Now for such a small matter, perhaps because of a woman's jealousy, she is really cruel to watch the servant who is with her suffer so hard.

Zhao Yan was moved, looked back, looked at Lin Lang's shocked expression, and said: "The weather is so hot, and I'm not a tyrant, let her come in quickly, if she really has a fever, I won't be able to serve my concubine, I will be sad Already!"

Hearing that the emperor was doing it for her, Yu Concubine's face changed, and she said with a charming smile: "Since your majesty said so, come in quickly, mother, and go to the imperial dining room to ask for a bowl of sour plum soup to relieve the heat!"

Lin Lang put the things away, saluted respectfully, and went down without saying a word.

After Zhao Yan saw through Yu Concubine's true face, he stood up without any thought, with a trace of impatience on his face, "Suddenly remembered that there is still a memorial that has not been approved. I will go back first and come to see you another day!"

After Lin Lang drank several big bowls of sour plum soup and mung bean soup, she finally got rid of the heat in her body, but she still felt uncomfortable and her head was dizzy.

"Today's matter..." Yubi lowered her head, her eyes were erratic, "I didn't mean to let you stay in the sun on purpose, I was afraid... because I was afraid that the emperor would be angry and want your head, so I didn't let you stay in the sun on purpose. Only... this palace is only advancing by retreating, don't take it to heart!"

Lin Lang forced a smile and nodded, but this matter was ultimately a gap between the two of them.

Zhao Yan did not go to Yubi's place anymore. He likes beauties, and he likes smart beauties even more. Yubi played tricks in front of him, and no matter how much he liked, he became annoying, and the tricks were used to be kind to him. That would make him even more annoying.

However, Lin Lang's face was always lingering in his heart, and Zhao Yan was not the one to be wronged, so he directly transferred Lin Lang to his side as a nanny by his subordinates.

"Mommy, that's fine...Why did the emperor leave you to be beside him as a tea maid?" Yubi asked disappointedly with tears in her eyes, thinking that Lin Lang had been betrayed by her.

Lin Lang also wanted to know why, "Returning to the empress, this servant really doesn't know. During this time, this servant has been staying in the palace and has never been outside. I don't know where I got the emperor's favor..."

Concubine Yu thought about it for a while, it's true, Lin Lang basically never ran outside, as for when the emperor came here, she was just watching by herself, the two of them didn't hook up at all, so why did the emperor let Lin Lang serve tea Where is the maid?Could it be that the tea made by Lin Lang is delicious?
It's just a servant, and she's still a dragon girl, how delicious is the tea she makes?

"It's your blessing that you can stay by the emperor's side, but don't forget, let's be master and servant!" Yubi reminded: "After a while, my mother will come to see me in the palace. At that time, I will let her take good care of your family, so that you will have no worries!"

Lin Lang also said that when she was threatened by them, it was not because she was afraid that her family would be hurt. It was because she had nowhere to go. If she really refused, it would be tantamount to offending the Hou Mansion, no matter where she went , there will always be people who find themselves uncomfortable for the Hou Mansion.

So she simply entered the palace with Yu Concubine, thinking that she would just live like this for the rest of her life, but she never thought that this little girl was getting more and more insatiable, and she didn't know how to be grateful!

"The kindness and virtue of Empress Yubi will never be forgotten!" Lin Lang gritted her teeth and said word by word.

Concubine Yu thought that Lin Lang was on the right track, and said with a smile: "It's good if you can figure it out. Although you are my servant, I have always regarded you as an aunt and respected you. I hope you can be worthy of this respect!"

Hehehe... She is not rare.

Lin Lang just packed up and went to Zhao Yan's Diligence Code.

"Aunt Linlang, this is your palace!" the little eunuch said enthusiastically.

Lin Lang nodded her head, and found that it was a single room, her eyes flashed with surprise, "Is it so good to be a tea maid, and there is a separate room?"

That's right, when I was a nanny for the jade concubine, especially when I was still in charge of dozens of people, I lived with four little maids, and I was very aggrieved.

The little eunuch shook his head, but remembered what the big eunuch had said, and nodded, "Of course, you don't even think about who we are serving!"

(End of this chapter)

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