Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 961: Elderly Court Lady 8

Chapter 961

That's right, as long as you work in a small company, so what if you work well under the manager?You are still an employee, but if you do well in front of the chairman, not only can you get promoted and raise your salary, but the benefits are also great.

Lin Lang just lived in his own small house with peace of mind, and his work was much easier than before. When she was at Yubi's place, although she was in charge of dozens of people, she was afraid of those people all day long. There are spies.

And he had to worry about this and that, because he was afraid that Yubi would be tricked, and he would also suffer.

But it's different now, I don't have to be afraid of others plotting against the emperor, unless that person has nine lives, and I don't have to worry about other things for my master, because there are others worrying about the emperor, I just need to do my own thing well, life is beautiful.

Lin Lang only needs to make a few cups of tea a day, and the rest of the time she just sits in the teahouse in a daze, and sometimes she can't take it anymore, so she just does needlework beside her.

"What are you embroidering?"

A smell full of alcohol hit her face, Lin Lang frowned uncomfortably, raised her head to see the person in front of her, put the needle and thread aside, and knelt down.

"Reporting to the emperor, the slaves embroidered mandarin ducks!" Lin Lang replied honestly.

"Mandarin duck, I think it's a water duck!" Zhao Yan sat slumped on the imperial concubine chair beside him, "Make me a bowl of tea!"

Lin Lang leaned on the chair and slowly sat up, thought for a while and took out a dried chrysanthemum from the cabinet, brewed it with water and added a few drops of honey.

"Is this tea? Why is it so sweet?" Zhao Yan said sadly.

Lin Lang: "Reporting to the emperor, this is chrysanthemum tea, and some honey is added in it, which can relieve alcohol and greasy!"

When Zhao Yan heard this, although he was disgusted, he drank it all in one gulp. After drinking the tea, he felt much more comfortable. He lay on the chaise longue, leaned sideways, and squinted his eyes at Lin Lang.

I don't know why, but the more I watch it, the more fun I get.

"Hello!" Zhao Yan raised his chin, "I transferred you here, so you have nothing to say?"

Lin Lang blinked, a little confused, "What do you want to say, thunder, rain and dew are all due to your grace!"

Zhao Yan was not happy anymore, "Concubine Yu is narrow-minded, seeing that I said a few nice things about you and didn't want to see you, and even watched you standing under the sun, obviously trying to make you suffer from heat stroke!
You know, you never left her when she was in trouble, stabbed you for a little unreasonable thought, and I rescued you now, that's good for you, maybe you shouldn't thank me ? "

Lin Lang curled her lips, "Then it's all the emperor's fault, if the emperor didn't let the slaves weed under the sun, and later let the slaves go in, there wouldn't be any of the following things... "

"You... didn't expect you to be so sharp-tongued and able to talk like that!" Zhao Yan snorted coldly, "Then I'll transfer you back tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang recalled Yubi's expression when she left, and quickly showed a flattering smile, knelt beside Zhao Yan's leg, and gently beat his leg, "Your Majesty, some people bit Lu Dongbin like a dog, It's not a good heart, don't get acquainted with her, she is a little girl, her heart is smaller than a stitch, your lord has a lot of people, so let me spare this time!"

Zhao Yan was in a good mood, and nodded Lin Lang's forehead, "Okay, I will spare you this time!"

Lin Lang raised her head and smiled sweetly. As the saying goes, looking at a beauty under the lamp, the more beautiful you look, the more beautiful you look. Zhao Yan's eyes gradually became dark...

When everything was over, Lin Lang didn't know what happened, and she didn't expect that the emperor, who was used to seeing so many beauties, would be interested in her, what's wrong?Could it be that he was tricked at the banquet and drugged, and that's why he wanted himself?
After Zhao Yan sobered up, looking at Lin Lang's face, he felt quite bored anyway, what's wrong?You look unhappy, do you think I am not good enough for you?

The more Zhao Yan thought about it, the angrier he became. He sat up and put on his clothes without saying a word, and said coldly, "Don't imagine what you shouldn't have!"

Uh... is this going to be a prostitute?It's too stingy, if you don't give a place, at least give some money.

Lin Lang was so uncomfortable that she covered her head with the quilt. Could it be that because she was 30 years old and worthless, the emperor was unwilling to take responsibility when she was asleep?
After Zhao Yan returned to the palace, the more he thought about it, the more he vomited and panicked. The eunuch next to the emperor had actually stayed outside, so he naturally knew what was going on in the house. Seeing the emperor frowning, he suggested, "Would you like to give me a bowl to avoid it?" Zi medicine passed?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yan glanced over coldly, "What are you giving, I... that's..."

Zhao Yan, you don't know what to say, so you stammered for a long time before slapping the table, "You are almost 30 years old, how can you be pregnant, don't waste that medicine!"

Uh...a dose of medicine doesn't cost much, besides, your majesty is the lord of the people, the richest person in the world, it's impossible for you to be reluctant to part with that little money...

Since the emperor said there was no need for it, the eunuch didn't say anything, and his mind changed accordingly, and someone arranged an easy job for Lin Lang.

As for Zhao Yan, he became more and more unhappy, and his face became more and more gloomy.

"You said...does it mean that women in the world don't seek fame?" Zhao Yan asked suddenly.

The eunuch hesitated for a moment, then shook his head firmly, "No, what a woman wants is a title, it's impossible not to have a title, if you don't want a title, you're going for sex without a matchmaker!"

"What kind of adultery without a matchmaker, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Zhao Yan scolded.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The chief eunuch nodded and bowed, not understanding why he was so angry with the emperor.

"Since what she's asking for is fame, why didn't she come to me... Could it be that she's not interested in me... Impossible, I'm the best man in the world... Could it be that she was the one who was there when I left?" What she said made her dare not do that, it must be..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan clapped his hands, turned around and confessed to the eunuch, "By the way, Lin Lang's tea making skills are so-so. What chrysanthemum flowers were used to make tea last time? It really doesn't work, so you can let her go to the imperial court as a It's worth it, anyway, anyone who is mopping the floor and cleaning vases needs someone..."

Uh... Your Majesty, you said that you slept with others for nothing, and then changed their jobs to the most difficult ones. How do you let the servants say you are good?You are too scumbag.

However, according to the emperor's order, the eunuch could only hold his nose and do it. Looking at Lin Lang's dark complexion, he said comfortingly, "You don't have to think too much about it. It's just physical work. It's so easy. You just need to do the job well. You don't have to worry about anything..."

But making tea is also very simple, just boil the water and make a cup of tea...

(End of this chapter)

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