Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 962: Elderly Court Lady 9

Chapter 962

In this way, it is really sad that the good tea-serving maid has become a rough envoy. Is it true that after the woman reaches the age of 30, the price will be reduced?
In any case, she dared not refuse to follow the instructions from above. Linlang's good old-age life had turned into cleaning up early and returning late. She was so exhausted every day that she had no energy at all. After returning to her room, she lay down and fell asleep. I didn't even have the energy to think about anything else.

"How...how is she recently..." Zhao Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and asked the eunuch, "Do you have anything to complain about?"

If you really say it, then I have a lot of adults, forgive her, and if she says a few more good things, I will give her a place, um, I am really a wise king!
The eunuch lowered his head, raised his eyes cautiously to look at Zhao Yan, took a deep breath, and said, "This...you didn't say anything, Aunt Linlang...Young lady does her work very well every day!"

When Zhao Yan heard this, his expression was extremely ugly, and he slapped the table, "She... did she really say nothing?"

"No!" The eunuch swallowed.

Zhao Yan was very angry, "That means she still has strength, let her do more work, don't let her eat free rice, just save me some money!"

Oh, Your Majesty, how short of money do you have to be to save that little money?If you really feel something is wrong, just ask them directly, why bother them like this?

But although the eunuch understood clearly, he didn't dare to mention it, so he could only pretend to be confused.

"What?" Lin Lang thought she was deaf, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, pointing at the eunuch trembling, shaking her fingers, and said angrily: "Elder-in-law, I misheard just now, or you I've mispoken?"

The eunuch lowered his eyes and sighed in his heart, "Girl, what do you think I'm lying to you for? This is also the order from above, so just do it honestly!"
If you really don't want to do it, just say a few good words, if this continues, you will be the one who suffers! "

Lin Lang gritted her teeth in her heart with a bitter face, good Zhao Yan, it's fine if you put me to sleep, you are not responsible, and I won't say anything, but why are you torturing me like this?This clearly shows that people don't recognize people when they put on pants!
Lin Lang was so angry that he said, "Elder-in-law, tell me, what mistake did I make? Just pretend that I didn't make a mistake, and you ask me to beg for mercy, that's fine. After all, I can't rely on my bones, but I asked Who is begging for mercy?"

The eunuch squinted and pointed in the direction of the hall, "Girl, you are pretending to be confused. Who can I listen to in the entire hall? You are also a smart person, so you must know how to do it right. choose!"

Lin Lang naturally knew to make the right choice, but since the last time, Zhao Yan patted his ass and left without leaving a word, and she was tossing herself like a nervous all day, she still didn't understand it, What the hell is that bastard Zhao Yan trying to do?
Of course, Lin Lang really doesn't want to do those rough jobs anymore. She is 30 years old this year, and she is already at the best age for a woman, so she should sit there and enjoy this time before doing those dirty things. Work, you will get yourself dirty.

Lin Lang thought for a while, brought a cup of tea, or a cup of tea carefully brewed by herself, and sent it to the hall on purpose.

Zhao Yan didn't pay attention either, and habitually picked up the tea and drank it down, but felt that the entrance was not the fragrance of tea, but a sweet and greasy taste. He couldn't help frowning, raised his head, and was about to reprimand After realizing that the person who came was Lin Lang, he put down the teacup and let out a haughty snort.

"It's only been transferred to be a rough nanny for a few days? Why can't you even know how to make tea!" Zhao Yan said arrogantly with a cold face.

Lin Lang nodded and bowed, "The emperor's lesson is that slaves know nothing but can make tea. The emperor appoints talents, so don't waste it. I'm the one who will transfer me back. I promise to make the best drink for the emperor." Tea!"

Does he mean it?He's... Whoops, he didn't mean that anyway, but he meant that.

A nameless anger surged in Zhao Yan's heart, "What else do you want to say besides this?"

"I... this..." She came here to beg for mercy, now that the begging is over, what do you want her to say?But looking at the emperor's expression, he obviously refused to accept his begging for mercy, could it be that he was dissatisfied?
Lin Lang didn't want to go back to clean up again, and she didn't care about her face, she just knelt down and kowtowed a few times, "What the emperor wants to say, the slaves will listen, I just hope the emperor will spare the slaves this time, the slaves I'm too old to do those menial jobs!"

"You..." A nameless anger spread in Zhao Yan's heart, and he wanted to get angry, but he couldn't find a reason, so he waved his hand at last, "It's alright, it's alright, get out of here!"

What does it mean?Did you forgive yourself?
Lin Lang pretended that Zhao Yan had forgiven her, stood up quickly, pulled her legs up and left.

"You..." Seeing Lin Lang's back going away, Zhao Yanqi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached, "Well, I just didn't want to do heavy work when I came here, could it be that I can't compare to a heavy work? Apart from this, don't you know what else to say? Say a few nice words, maybe I will be willing to take responsibility, let you be a concubine, have no worries about food and clothing, and have maids and servants to serve you..."

The chief eunuch stood outside the door all the time, hearing the emperor's muttering, wiped the hot sweat from his head, and was glad that he had made friends with Lin Lang and did not offend the emperor's sweetheart.

Returning to her original post, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, oh my god, making tea is the easiest thing to do.

Here, Zhao Yan's complexion these days has been like a thunderstorm, and he has not let go of the sunny day. Although the eunuch knows the reason, he doesn't dare to do it too much, because he is afraid that the emperor will annoy him.

But seeing the emperor's growing temper, the eunuch couldn't take it anymore, so he asked someone to pour some medicine on Lin Lang, washed it, and put it on the emperor's bed.

Here, after Zhao Yan finished approving the memorial, he was just about to go to bed, but when he saw the person lying on the bed, his face drooped, "I really don't worry about eating carrots, come here, hurry up and carry him... "

Zhao Yan lifted the bed curtain and was about to call for someone, but when he saw the person lying on the bed, he stopped talking all of a sudden.

Lin Lang was really uncomfortable at this time, she didn't expect that she would be drugged, and it was that kind of drug, anyway, she was extremely hot now, you know, when a woman reaches 30 years old, she is like a wolf and a tiger.

Lin Lang felt hot and uncomfortable, and she peeled off the clothes on her chest, panting softly, and groaning softly.

(End of this chapter)

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