Chapter 963

But she never thought that her appearance was so sexy that Zhao Yan's eyes were straightened.

It has to be said that what they arranged was quite to his liking. Zhao Yan took a deep breath and felt a faint fragrance blowing over his face, which made his blood boil.

Zhao Yan couldn't take it anymore, so he jumped on it. When dry wood meets fire, it's like a single spark, enough to start a prairie fire.

When Lin Lang woke up again, her voice was also hoarse, her body felt as if she had been run over by a car, her whole body hurt like hell, and she also had an urge to vomit.

"Girl..." The eunuch walked in with a shy face, "Don't blame the miscellaneous family, it's because the emperor has been uncertain recently, mainly because he has been holding back for a long time, and his desire is burning, and he needs to find someone to vent!
And the girl didn't suffer, after such an experience, the emperor must have put the girl in his heart, maybe one day, when he is happy, he will give the girl a place, and the girl can also be a concubine, when the time comes to wear gold Silver, delicious food and spicy food, surrounded by servants..."

"There are so many concubines in the harem, why did you choose me?" Lin Lang was so angry that she would come and go, she never expected to get married in this life, and she wanted to come to this world for nothing, and then she would be clean again. Leaving innocently, being taken away by the dog emperor, it's okay, not being responsible, that's okay, the key is sleeping for nothing now, what's wrong?Do you think you are worthless?

Thinking of this, Lin Lang really gets angrier and sadder the more she thinks about it. You said that the emperor slept with her, and she either received gold and silver rewards or was promoted to a position, but she has nothing. What's wrong?Are you not a human being?

“啊啊啊啊啊……你们都欺负人……柿子挑软的捏,你们就是看我好欺负,都欺负我,但我不值钱……哇哇哇……世界上怎么会有你们那么坏的People... ah..." Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore, and cried loudly while hugging the quilt.

When the eunuch heard the crying, he took two steps back in fright, "My girl, I didn't bully you, so please don't cry anymore, if you really don't like it, you can settle the score with the emperor, don't embarrass me Yes!"


"What are you crying for? Did someone bully you?" Zhao Yan heard crying as soon as he entered the door, frowning, he hurriedly approached, and asked with concern.

Lin Lang pointed at Zhao Yan, not caring about being disrespectful, "Even if you bullied me, it's fine if you slept in vain. The key point is that you slept twice in vain. You don't recognize anyone when you put on your pants. You are shameless!"

"Zhen..." Zhao Yan looked around, waved to the eunuch, motioned him to go down, and then sat beside Lin Lang's pillow, "I never said I was not responsible, it was you who made trouble..."

Lin Lang's voice became hoarse from crying, "What's wrong with me? You didn't give me anything, and you blamed me? Besides, I'm a girl. After you fall asleep, if I ask you for money, it will be fine." It's a brothel girl!"

Zhao Yan scratched his head, "Okay, okay, don't cry, I am not a person who sleeps for nothing, I will give you whatever you want!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang stopped crying and blinked, "Really? Give me whatever I want?"

"Of course, I will still lie to you!" The emperor assured, patted his chest.

Lin Lang nodded, "I want gold and silver treasures...Of course, apart from gold and silver treasures, I can't sleep in vain. I'm your woman anyway, and I can't do anything else, like a tea palace lady, I can No position, but there must be someone to serve you..."

Yes, as long as I am not the master, after the dog emperor dies, I don’t have to be buried. Maybe I can take the money and go outside to raise some fresh meat. Thinking about it, I think it’s wonderful. !

Zhao Yan glanced at Lin Lang, "Other women want a position, why not?"

So what did he say, saying that the emperor is a high-risk occupation, he might die someday, if he has a position, maybe he will have to be buried after you die, but if he doesn't have a position, it's just a small For the palace maid, maybe you can get out with a little reward, and then find a little fresh meat...

"Hmm~ Numaid... A servant's status is humble, and she really can't take on such a high position, and the emperor wants to enshrine the servant, the rumors are so unpleasant. After all, the servant is not an upright young girl, but an old woman. If outsiders speculate that the emperor has something to hide, then...that is the fault of the servant..." Lin Lang had a good-for-you expression on her face.

But Zhao Yan felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he touched his chin, "It's okay, it's just a low-ranking position anyway, it doesn't matter if it's canonized!"

Low rank?My God, you are too stingy.

Lin Lang was extremely disgusted, but she didn't show it, but said gently: "But... if you become a concubine, you can't stay by the emperor's side all the time. If you want to stay by the emperor's side forever, please ask the emperor to be all-powerful This is the intention of the servant!"

Zhao Yan was elated when he heard this, "Forget it, I have granted your wish, from now on, you can stay by my side!"

In this way, Lin Lang spent a large amount of money. Although he had no position, the people around the emperor respected him. As for the women in the harem, although they were jealous, they couldn't directly trouble Lin Lang because Lin Lang couldn't come out. Well, they couldn't go directly to the emperor's palace, and they were so angry that they had no place to vent their anger. They had to make the Ministry of Internal Affairs change a large number of teacups and saucers.

The concubine Yu was also very angry, you said she was a 30-year-old woman, how did the emperor like it, and how did she say it?
But the actions of the emperor gave him confidence, the emperor can sleep with that kind of woman, he is only 20 years old, 10 years younger than that woman, he still has a chance, a chance...

Jade concubine comforted herself like this, but since the emperor knew her true face, she never came to her palace again, and Jade concubine's palace became a veritable cold palace.

At this time, there were no loyal servants to accompany him to suffer together. Seeing that the jade concubine was not favored, he packed up his things again and went to other high branches.

Time flies, and three months have passed in a flash. When making tea again, Lin Lang passed out directly on the ground.

When she woke up, she heard the imperial doctor say that she was pregnant, and her face was full of disbelief. She is 30 years old this year. Although she is still a good age for childbearing in modern times, women of this age in ancient times were called "sisters" when they were pregnant. I got pregnant with a pearl for the old mussel, and thought that the medical conditions in ancient times were poor, and the living conditions were poor. If you are in your 30s, you will definitely not get pregnant, so you didn't take contraceptive measures, but unexpectedly, you really got hit!

(End of this chapter)

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