Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 964: Elderly Court Lady 1

Chapter 964
After the women in the harem knew that Lin Lang was pregnant, they hated each other to death, but they didn't dare to trouble Lin Lang. After all, Lin Lang lived in the emperor's palace. You must know that there are regulations in the harem that concubines cannot enter the emperor's palace without an edict. Entering is tantamount to treason.

As for Concubine Yu, after knowing that Lin Lang was pregnant, her face was full of astonishment. Could that old woman in her 30s be pregnant?
Thinking that Lin Lang was pregnant, but there was no news from her stomach, Yubi was extremely anxious, and an idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Elder-in-law, Bengong and Linlang have been masters and servants for many years. When I heard that she was pregnant, I sent some supplements here. I hope you will accommodate me and let Bengong go in to meet her!" Yubi handed over a bag of silver , said flatteringly.

The eunuch weighed it with his hands, and was just about to say no, but he wanted them to be masters and servants, so it doesn't matter if they meet.

"That's all right, you wait here, let's make a report!" The eunuch waved his whisk, turned and walked into the inner hall.

"Miss Linlang!" The eunuch licked his face and said flatteringly, "Concubine Yu is outside, saying that she wants to see the girl!"

Lin Lang frowned, showing courtesy for nothing, rape or robbery, although she didn't want to see her, but she was afraid that the concubine would jump over the wall in a hurry, so she nodded her head reluctantly.

"Unexpectedly, after you left the palace, your life became better and better. Not only did you hook up with the emperor, but you were pregnant with a dragon seed. You are really capable!" As soon as the concubine came in, she saw the arrangement in the palace, Jealousy is sour.

Lin Lang picked up a grape from the jade bowl, threw it into the mouth, and said slowly: "There is no way, who will make the emperor like me!"

"You..." Yubi wanted to say that you were shameless, but she was afraid of tearing her face, so she took a few deep breaths, "You seduced the emperor, in terms of past affection, I don't care about it... ...However, this account book palace still remembers that if you want to redeem your sins, after you give birth to a child, you will record the child in this palace's name. Don't worry, this palace will definitely treat your child like a parent, But you have to be honest, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Lin Lang couldn't bear it any longer, and directly tore her face off, "I told you that the master was still based on the previous affection, but you don't want to shame your face by pushing your nose!
I seduce the emperor, don't forget that all the women in the harem belong to the emperor, the emperor can favor whoever he wants, it's not up to you!
And the child in my womb, you should give up your mind, the emperor has already promised me that my child will be raised by me, don't even think about it! "

"You... do you know that if your child is raised by you, then he will always be just a child born by a palace maid, without any support!
But Ben Gong is different, there is Hou Mansion behind Ben Gong, and I promise you that the children in the family will be regarded as their own, isn't that good enough? "

"What a fart!" Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "I will never give you your child!"

"You...you really don't know what's good, if this palace reveals your identity..." Yubi immediately began to threaten, "and your parents..."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "Your Majesty, I was originally threatened by your family when I accompanied you into the palace, but now that I have entered the palace, who cares who you are!

As for the identity you mentioned, I am pregnant now, and no one can do anything to me, only my parents... Hehehe... a parent who sold me, how much affection do you expect me to have for them?If I really miss them, I will go back to find them as soon as I leave the palace, how could it be possible to stay in the capital all the time?

Niang Niang, by the way, I also treat you well. When you are in the most difficult time, I will never leave you, and I will endure hardships with you and endure hardships with you, but what about you?
Just because the emperor said a few words, you hold a grudge. If the emperor hadn't transferred me away from you, you would have killed me long ago! "

"No..." Yubi's face was pale. Although he had such a heart, she really never thought of doing that.

Lin Lang waved her hand, "It's getting late, you just leave, Ma'am, and I won't see you off!"

Concubine Yu could only leave first. As for the child, she had been looking forward to it all her life, and the emperor never went to his place again.

Lin Lang had a good life in this life. When the emperor was dying, she made herself a concubine, and the children were also filial. When the emperor left, she took herself out of the palace and cared for herself well.

When he opened his eyes again, he woke up on a big soft bed. Turning his head slowly, he saw a cauldron in the center of the hall. Cigarettes rose slowly from the cauldron. It disappeared, but the fragrance permeated the whole room.

Lin Lang took a deep breath, lifted the quilt, and sat up slowly.

"Master is awake?" The servant girl heard the movement, and hurriedly asked someone to bring the washing basin, and waited on Lin Lang to freshen up, "What do I need to use at night?"

Lin Lang felt uncomfortable all over, and her mouth was still dripping with sour water, "Hmm... I'm in a terrible state of discomfort, so let someone cook a bowl of plain porridge!"

Xiaocui nodded, "I heard from the imperial physician that pregnant women are like this, master suffers!"

Hearing what Xiaocui said, Linlang opened her eyes wide in surprise, and quickly felt her pulse. It was indeed a pregnancy pulse, but it still seemed a little unstable, as if she was overthinking, and there were vague signs of a slippery tire.

Lin Lang couldn't help but took a deep breath, rubbed her aching head, pointed to the censer in the middle of the hall and said, "I can smell a little bit now, move that censer out, and put it back in when I recover!"

Xiao Cui said in surprise: "This is from Madam. Doesn't Master like the incense from Madam most? Why..."

Linlang shook her head in distress, and the sour water kept coming out of her mouth, "I like it, but I don't feel well, and I really can't get used to the smell. I'll talk about it when I feel better. By the way, let's open the window to let the air out!"

Seeing her master's distressed expression, Xiaocui hurriedly moved the incense burner out and opened the windows for ventilation.

Lin Lang really felt much better after the cloying aroma disappeared. She lay on the bed and breathed heavily.

"Master, do you need your slaves to invite the imperial physician over?" Xiaocui asked with concern.

Lin Lang slowly opened her eyes, "No need, I just feel uncomfortable in my heart, just let me take a rest!"

"Okay then, the master has a good rest, and the servants will go down to look at the anti-fetal medicine!" Xiao Cui went down respectfully.

Lin Lang lay on the bed and massaged several acupoints before feeling better. She sat up slowly, looked at the decorations in the hall, and couldn't help frowning.

Not to mention that the pink vase has radiation, let’s talk about the furniture, the corners are very sharp, and I don’t know how to find a piece of cloth to wrap it up. What if I fall down and get knocked?
(End of this chapter)

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