Chapter 972

It seems that she doesn't want to take care of the eldest princess's affairs anymore, and Mammy's heart turns cold, but she knows that she can't give up, because Lin Lang is the best candidate to raise the eldest princess.

After the nanny left Lin Lang's palace, she gritted her teeth and used her contacts to pass a letter to the Zhao family.

"My poor daughter, it's only been a few years since she died, and her child is being tortured by others. She is obviously a golden branch and a jade leaf, but her father doesn't love her grandma..." Mrs. Zhao cried loudly while holding the letter.

Mr. Zhao sat aside and waved his hand when he heard Mrs. Zhao's crying, "If you want to find the queen, I advise you to save yourself, the clan elders in the mansion have told you that no one can go. Trouble with the Queen!"

Mrs. Zhao is not happy, "That little bastard, thinks that when she becomes a queen, her six relatives will not recognize her? If she wants to be beautiful, I am her aunt. If she does not recognize me, she will be unfilial and will be ridiculed by all people!"

Mr. Zhao sneered, "You patted your own chest and think about it. During the holidays, did the empress let you visit the palace? The empress didn't take you seriously, so don't look at yourself. It's gold!
Also, don't even try to trouble the empress, the elders in the clan are all on Linlang's side, and she has two children who are pregnant again, even if it's a big crime Wrong, some people will take it up..."

"Then what about our granddaughter? Just ignore it?" Mrs. Zhao said sadly.

"It doesn't mean that it doesn't matter how many people we entrust to take care of it. Besides, my granddaughter is the eldest princess, so it is impossible to say that she is as pitiful as you!" Master Zhao said disapprovingly. After all, two princes and one princess are more important He can still tell which is more important.

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, her heart suddenly turned cold, and at the same time she felt sorry for her daughter who died young.

Here, Lin Lang and the emperor also discussed a solution, but the princess couldn't ignore it, after all, she was also the eldest princess, and if she let it go, she would be ridiculed.

So the matter of the eldest princess was handed over to the empress dowager. Although the empress dowager didn't like Zhao Wan'er, she still liked the little girl very much. After all, Lin Lang is now two boys, and having a girl by her side can also ease the pain of loneliness.

Eight months later, Lin Lang successfully gave birth to another boy. Immediately afterwards, the concubines in the harem also gave birth one after another. Two princes and three princesses were added, and the harem became lively.

But since these children were born, the harem women's stomachs haven't moved any more, and Lin Lang didn't bother to care, because she got pregnant again and gave birth to another boy.

After Lin Lang gave birth, she never dared to get pregnant again. Every time she waited for the emperor to come, she would take contraceptive pills. The Queen Mother also knew about this and persuaded Lin Lang.

"Everyone thinks it's good to have more children and more blessings. Why don't you want to have one?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Four children are enough, the concubine really doesn't want to have another child, if she wants to raise a child someday, just adopt one from Phoebe!"

"You, you, adopting is not as good as your own. You can do whatever you want. The princess is getting older, and she will be married in a few years. You have to worry about being a aunt!" It's getting familiar, and the queen mother also starts to worry about the eldest princess.

Lin Lang nodded, glanced at the eldest princess not far away and said, "I will hold a banquet in a few days and invite some young talents to attend!"

"Hey, look at my head, the eldest prince is the same age as the eldest princess, and it's time for him to say goodbye, is there something low in your heart?" the queen mother asked.

Lin Lang shook her head. Her eldest son had the most ideas, and she couldn't interfere in her marriage. After all, the eldest son was capable. The emperor saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. He raised his eldest son as the heir apparent early on. .

"You also know that since the child moved outside after he was 8 years old, I can't interfere in many things, and his marriage, the emperor has his own ideas!" Lin Lang explained.

When the Queen Mother heard this, she nodded clearly, "It's good that you have a solid foundation in your heart. When the eldest princess's work is over, there are still a few princes and princesses who have to work, and it's time to work hard. Woke up!"

Before Lin Lang had time to worry about the affairs of the princes and princesses, she had to worry about the draft. Tu Yu was in his prime a few years ago, and the draft was stopped a few years ago. It just opened again.

Lin Lang didn't care about it either, after all, Tu Yu was nothing in his eyes now.

Another group of people entered the harem, and Lin Lang left them alone after they were placed in various palaces.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is a newly recruited show girl who looks 10 points like the former empress..." Xiaocui hesitated for a moment, but still told Lin Lang.

Lin Lang nodded casually, "I remember that if I remember correctly, his palace was chosen by the emperor himself. What a joke, if I really still miss my sister, I won't ignore the eldest princess." ...And my sister has only been dead for a few months, and she has started to favor my concubine. It's a joke to say anything about the deep love..."

Xiao Cui shrank her neck, "Ma'am, if according to what you said, the emperor doesn't care about the former queen at all, then why does he care so much about this concubine?"

"It's not that I'm old, I'm starting to miss the old days!" Lin Lang thought of this with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "Besides, my elder sister's appearance is first-class. If the new concubine looks like an elder sister, it means she is also a Beauty, the emperor loves beauties, so it is inevitable that he cares a little bit!"

Xiao Cui smiled when she heard this, "My lady, I feel more relieved when I hear you say that. This servant has always been afraid of what the lady will think, so..."

"You think too much, now that I want status and status, and children to have children, what are you afraid of?" Lin Lang sneered.

Three days later, the new concubines in the harem were favored one after another. Among them, the most similar to the former empress was the most favored. The emperor stayed there for more than half a day in a month, and soon became nobles and titles. Jade!

"Hehehe, noble man? Are you saying that noble man is as pure and flawless as beautiful jade? It's really funny, I didn't expect to be so blind after so many years!" Lin Lang's voice was full of sarcasm.

"Queen, I heard you talking from a long distance away. What are you talking about? Such a big temper?" Tu Yu walked in with big strides and asked with a smile.

Linlang lowered her eyes, "The emperor's harem pays attention to both rain and dew. You always rest with the jade nobles, making it difficult for concubines!"

(End of this chapter)

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