Chapter 973

Tu Yu sat on a chair beside him and laughed, "Is the empress jealous by saying that?"

Lin Lang glanced over with a cold look, her attitude was very obvious, Tu Yu was a little uncomfortable, touched his nose, "Forget it, I don't need others to make irresponsible remarks about who I like!"

"Okay, let's not talk about the concubines!" Lin Lang spread her hands, "But the new concubines in the harem, the emperor also went to sit with them, and let them pass the good news quickly. You must know that the entire harem has already had a few concubines. No child has been born for several years, and it is widely rumored that the courtiers are jealous, so the harem concubines have no children!"

"Hahaha, which bastard passed it on? I know best whether the empress is jealous or not. It's those women who don't live up to their stomachs!" Tu Yu said with a smile: "The empress is easy to give birth to, so she gave birth to me directly. 4 capable sons!"

Women, especially women in ancient times, are the saddest. They can only rely on their own children. That's why so many mother-in-laws hate their daughter-in-law. It's not because their only reliance is another The woman snatched it away, and I felt uncomfortable to toss so many things.

Lin Lang felt warm in her heart when she thought of her four sons. The four sons were very obedient and got along very well.

"Speaking of which, the last time the empress dowager talked about the eldest brother's marriage, she didn't know if the emperor had a favorite candidate?" Linlang asked.

Tu Yu knocked on the table, "There are a few candidates, but I'm still thinking about it. The selection of a concubine by the eldest prince is an important matter, and you can't just decide on it!"

After all, the eldest prince is the future heir apparent, and even more so, the future emperor. If he chooses a wife casually, it will be ridiculous if he speaks about it.

On the second day, it was the day when the concubine came to pay her respects to the queen. Lin Lang sat on it and glanced at the most favored Yugui, who really looked like her older sister. Feelings of disgust suddenly surged, and she turned her face away. side.

"Greetings to the empress!" The concubines knelt on the ground and said respectfully. Speaking of this, some concubines have made troubles, but Lin Lang has given birth to four princes this year, and the back seat is firmly seated. If there is no accident, then in the future Even the empress dowager, these concubines didn't dare to make too much noise, and they were not ignorant people. They all met soon, and even if they were having trouble with others, they didn't dare to make trouble in front of Lin Lang.

"Get up!" Lin Lang raised her hand, with a hint of indifference in her tone.

"I haven't seen the empress for a few days, the empress is more and more radiant!" Concubine Xian was the first to speak and praised Linlang.

Lin Lang touched her face when she heard this. Although she knew that Concubine Xian was praising her, she was very happy in her heart, "I'm getting old. Yesterday Huang Zi said that he would choose a concubine for the eldest prince. It will take another two years. , I’m going to be a grandmother soon!”

"Oh, the eldest prince is going to choose a concubine. I don't know if it has been decided. I have a niece from my natal family who looks quite good, and I don't want any concubine..." Concubine Shu said suddenly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she glanced over coldly. The imperial concubine had a boisterous temper, and she loved to take advantage of petty advantages. If she hadn't given birth to a prince for the emperor, she would not have been able to sit on the concubine's position. I don't want Concubine Shu's niece.

"This matter has to be decided by the emperor, I can't make the decision!" Lin Lang's voice suddenly became colder.

"Your Majesty, my concubine heard that Yugui looks very much like the former empress who died young. I don't know if it is true?" Concubine Shu was not happy anymore. The empress obviously looked down on her, so she directly stabbed Lin Lang in the heart , "The concubine also heard that the empress would not have become a virtuous concubine if the empress hadn't stepped in at the beginning. I don't know if this is true?"

"You love to listen to gossip so much? I don't think you should be a concubine in the harem, and go directly to be a woman in the market!" Lin Lang's voice was extremely cold.

Concubine Shu shrank her neck when she heard this, "The concubine is just curious, if the empress doesn't want to say it, then there's no need to say it..."

Finally, after the meeting ended, Mrs. Yugui left in a hurry. On the way back, she couldn't help but said to the maid beside her, "No wonder the Empress doesn't like me, so there are so many things going on here!"

Mammy comforted: "Master, don't worry, it's all the grievances of the previous generation, and it can't be implicated on the master, and the queen has a lot, so she won't care about it with the master!"

Yugui touched his thumping chest, "I hope so!"

The two masters and servants were talking, when suddenly someone shouted in front of them: "The person who came is Yugui, the eldest princess welcomes you!"

"Eldest Princess?" No matter whether it was before entering the palace or after entering the palace, Yugui had never heard of the Eldest Princess, so he was inevitably a little puzzled.

The nanny patiently explained: "The eldest princess is the child born by the previous queen!"

Hearing this, a trace of pity flashed across Yu Guiren's face, and he followed into the small pavilion.

The eldest princess looked at the woman in front of her, seemed to miss her, and finally smiled softly, "People say that you look alike to my mother, so it turns out that my mother looks like this..."

When Yugui heard this, she knelt down in fear, how dare she, a little nobleman, compare herself to the former queen!
"The concubine can't afford it!" Yugui said in fear.

The princess asked people to help Yu Guiren up, with a trace of sadness in her eyes, "I have never seen my mother since I was a child, and now I meet you, I don't know why I like it, if you don't mind, I can go to the palace to play with you ?"

Yugui is naturally willing, after all, the princess is looking for him to save face, if he gets along well with the princess, maybe he can get the favor of the emperor.

"Of course!" Yugui agreed without hesitation.

On the way back, the nanny sighed, "My lord, you are on good terms with the prince and princess, and the slaves don't say anything. After all, it is beneficial to us, but why do you involve the eldest princess? Although everyone knows The eldest princess was born to a queen, but..."

"But what?" Yugui asked in confusion.

"But the Eldest Princess is not favored at all!" Mammy pointed out sharply, "If you get too involved with her, you may get the emperor's dislike..."

"What?" Yugui was extremely puzzled, "If I remember correctly, didn't the emperor love the first empress the most? How could he treat the only child of the first empress like that?"

The nanny explained in a low voice: "You don't understand. At the beginning, the queen gave birth to the princess and went there. The emperor really loves the princess. Later, for some reason, her attitude became cold. Ignore the princess, just let it go!

It was also because the queen and the queen mother couldn't see it, so they discussed it and asked the queen mother to raise the princess..."

(End of this chapter)

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