Chapter 975
The carriage dangled, and after half a month, I finally arrived at the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang!
Lin Lang and the others did not go directly to the palace, but stayed at the inn outside the palace, waiting for the auspicious day to marry the princess on the spot.

Because this is the only real reconciliation between the two countries in the past century, both sides attach great importance to it. As for Lin Lang's future husband-in-law, it cannot be other princes, but the future emperor.

"My servants have found out clearly that the third prince was established as the crown prince a month ago, and he is the princess' future husband-in-law!" The palace maid said with a smile: "The third prince is a dragon and a phoenix, and he looks like a good-looking talent, and Wen Tao He has complete martial arts skills, and he is a very good man!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she didn't say anything. Anyway, no matter who she married, she made up her mind not to provoke anything, but to provide for the elderly well. As for the child, she didn't plan to have it, because it would be useless. She is a foreigner, and it is impossible for the country of the Tang Dynasty to be handed over to a foreigner.

But there is one good thing, unless the two dynasties are torn apart, no matter what mistakes she, the queen, will be fine.

But think about the fact that the two countries have been fighting for nearly a hundred years. Both sides are exhausted and want to let the people recuperate. If they want to fight again, they will have to wait at least 30 to [-] years.

A month later, Lin Lang wore a bright red wedding dress and married a man she didn't know.

After the hijab was lifted, Lin Lang blinked at the jade-like man in front of him. He looked good, and it seemed that he was lucky.

Tang Li also looked Lin Lang up and down, and said with a smile, "I've heard people say that girls from other races of yours look quite dark, but I didn't expect you to look quite white!"

"What you said is just hearsay, how can you take it seriously? Rumors are limited to wise men, and I don't think the third prince looks like a fool, so don't listen to those unfounded rumors!" Lin Lang said softly, with a hint of intolerance in her tone Doubt.

Tang Li smiled softly, "However, some rumors are quite true, that is, you foreigners have a bad temper, and you are also quite stubborn!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, as if she wanted to cut the man in front of her into pieces, "Third Prince, if someone wants to slander your subjects, what would you think?"

"Hey, haven't you ever learned a saying that when you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and when you marry a dog, follow the dog? Since you are married to our Tang family, you are a member of our Tang family. What kind of courtiers, even if they are courtiers, are also courtiers of our Tang family." !" Tang Li narrowed his eyes, full of evil spirits.

Lin Lang tilted her head, "Then why do I still remember the saying in Central Plains that you are half a son-in-law, and you are the half-son of our Xiliang, so you just have the heart to watch our Xiliang be framed by others?"

"Oh, you're quite young, but you have a sharp mouth!" Tang Li suddenly touched Lin Lang's chin, "It's getting late, let's settle it down as soon as possible!"

As the saying goes, this man is really stingy, just because I said a few words to him, Lin Lang felt extremely uncomfortable, as if she was run over by a car, and she almost couldn't get up the next day.

"Because we are newlyweds, my father directly gave me a month's leave. Thanks to you, I'm free for this month!" Tang Li sighed comfortably while lying on the bed.

Lin Lang was dressing up when she heard this, and turned her head to look at Tang Li on the bed, "Then what are you going to do this month? If you don't, you are going to play, right? You are the future emperor, and you are carrying all the people on your shoulders. How can you be so negligent?" ?”

Tang Li let out a cold snort from his nose, "Why are you so wordy, just like those Taoist priests, it's annoying me to death!"

Lin Lang rolled her eyes lightly when she heard this, "No, I won't say anything, you can just play, feel free to play, if you don't understand anything, just ask me, it turns out that it's in Xiliang, It can be regarded as a player of all kinds..."

Tang Li sat up, leaned against the bed, and glanced at Lin Lang suspiciously, "Why are you so generous? Tell me, is there some conspiracy?"

Lin Lang spread her hands and blinked her eyes, "I was wondering...if you're playful, will our Xiliang be better..."

"Fuck!" Tang Li sat up from the bed all of a sudden, "The most poisonous woman's heart!"

As he said that, Tang Li didn't dare to lie down anymore, so he stood up quickly and put on his clothes, "No, I can't make your wish come true, I have to go to the study to read, don't call me for dinner!"

Lin Lang smiled. In fact, it would be good for her to be more diligent. After all, if the prince is not useful, she will have to become a widow.

However, a prince who can become a prince has never been a fool for nothing.

When the emperor learned that his third son was studying hard during this period, he was very happy, "No wonder the ancients often said that you have to start a family and start a business. It seems that you have to get married to be sensible and know how to fight!"

"This shows that the princess of Xiliang is better. Thinking back to when the princess was not married, the emperor knew best what the third prince was like. The princess is really a good wife. After she got married, she began to urge the third prince to study. Writing!" The eunuch said with a smile.

The emperor was also very satisfied, because this marriage made him very satisfied, and his daughter-in-law was so sensible, which made him like it even more.

"The third child is ignorant, and the princess is from Xiliang, so she doesn't understand many rules. If you make any mistakes, please help to watch over them, and don't let the young couple get into trouble!" the emperor urged.

Come on, it seems that the princess left a good impression on the emperor.

Lin Lang waited until she settled herself down before starting to deal with the affairs of the East Palace. She also found out that this Tang ceremony was really extraordinary. Besides herself, there was also a Liangdi, two Liangyuan, three Baolins, and four or five unnamed people. Divided palace lady.

Lin Lang met those women on the third day, she didn't say anything, she put her heart away, gave them the rewards they deserved, and let them go down.

"Princess, I am familiar with the people in the East Palace. I have found out about those women. Di Liang is the daughter of Prime Minister Zuo. I heard that the Emperor liked Liang Di very much and said that he would give Liang Di to the Third Prince as his concubine. , Later, because of the marriage, she can only be Liang Di... As for the remaining few women, they were all rewarded by the empress or other people..."

Lin Lang nodded casually, "Okay, just take care of yourself, don't inquire about things you shouldn't..."

"But, since the princess is married here, doesn't she want to raise her eyebrows with the third prince and live forever?" the servant girl asked puzzled.

Lin Lang glanced at the servant girl, and smiled softly, "Just worry about your own affairs, don't worry about mine, no matter how you get along with the third prince, he won't dare to abolish me!"

(End of this chapter)

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