Chapter 976

Lin Lang said this because he had the confidence, unless Tang Li wanted to be a stinking fool, he would abolish himself and tear himself apart with Xi Liang.

Except for the first month when Tang Li came to his place frequently, after one month, he rarely saw Tang Li.

Lin Lang actually thinks it's not bad, it's just good if you don't come to my place, anyway, I don't have to serve you, so life can be more comfortable.

A year passed in a flash, and the East Palace had no children, and the remaining concubines stopped avoiding the son soup one after another, and then spread the good news.

"There's also good news from Wang Liangyuan. The prince was very happy when he found out, and even rewarded him with a lot of things!" The nanny said, looking at Linlang cautiously.

Lin Lang was practicing calligraphy, and when she heard this, she wrote a big, good character, "That's her blessing, ask someone to take good care of her, don't have any accidents!"

Three concubines in the East Palace had already reported good luck, but on the contrary, she, the righteous master, had no news in her belly.

But in the entire harem, even the emperor didn't dare to say anything. Why, it's not because Linlang is backed by Xiliang, and Linlang is really pregnant, which is not a good thing for them.

That night, Lin Lang was sleeping soundly, when she was woken up suddenly by someone, she opened her eyes, looked at the nanny and said anxiously: "Mother, something is wrong, Wang Liangdi...she...had a miscarriage..."

Lin Lang sat up abruptly, "I remember that the imperial doctor checked his pulse a few days ago and said that his body and fetus are both fine, why did he suddenly have a miscarriage?"

"Slave servant... Slave servant heard people say that it seems that she has eaten something bad..." Momo said in a low voice.

Thinking that the meals in the Eastern Palace are also in charge of her own, Lin Lang sat up and asked someone to serve her to get dressed, and she was very angry when she got up, "It's ridiculous, because there are three pregnant women in the Eastern Palace, so after I let the Imperial Dining Room be ready, all of them will be taken care of." Let the imperial doctor take a look, lest it be mixed with other things!"

Mammy bent over, "That has nothing to do with us, but... I'm afraid that people who are interested will think too much!"

Lin Lang let out a cold snort, "I can walk and sit upright, so what are you afraid of!"

"The princess is here!" the eunuch whispered in Tang Li's ear.

Sitting on the grand teacher's chair, Tang Li's face was slightly tired, and he slowly raised his eyes when he heard this, "Crown Princess, you are responsible for the meals in the Eastern Palace, can you explain to Gu?"

Lin Lang nodded, and asked several imperial doctors to come in by the way, and asked someone to take out an account book and put it on the tray, "Return to the prince, since the good news came from the concubines in the Eastern Palace, the concubines have been guarded by the imperial hospital. In the imperial dining room, at the same time, let someone record what dishes are delivered to that concubine every day, so as to ensure that those dishes are safe and sound when they leave the imperial dining room!"

Hearing this, Tang Li's face became serious, and he knocked on the table, "I know, since this matter has nothing to do with you, then sit down and listen to what those maids have to say!"

Lin Lang sat on the side, and saw the two little maids being escorted up, trembling, whispered: "Slave please greet the prince and princess!"

Tang Li was very impatient. After all, the woman he loves the most has no children, so how could he have the time to listen to these women's nonsense, "Okay, okay, tell me quickly, what happened when you went to get the meal!"

One of the servant girls raised her head and bit her lips, looking weak and helpless, "Reporting to the prince, this servant girl went to fetch food for Di Liang when she was at Sishi. After Di Liang ate some, she felt a stomachache for some reason. Wait until the imperial doctor comes." By the time, the child was gone..."

Lin Lang continued to ask: "During your journey, did anything happen, or did the lunch box leave your hand?"

The two little servant girls looked at each other, "No, the servant girl has always held the lunch box in her hand!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "That's strange, the meal was fine when it left the imperial dining room, you didn't keep watching... Maybe there is something strange..."

As Lin Lang spoke, she stood up suddenly and looked at the prince, "Since no one has touched the meal from the time it left to the table, have you seen other things? For example, the two maids and the meal box Box... by the way, and eating utensils..."

Tang Li looked at the guard next to him, "Hurry up and look at those things!"

Not long after, the guards came over and tied up a palace lady, and the palace lady had her jaw removed.

"When I went to check those things just now, I found that there was something wrong with this court lady. After careful inspection, I found that she was destroying the tableware used by Concubine Liang. I went to the imperial physician to check, and found that the tableware contained drugs that caused abortion!
Moreover, after seeing her whereabouts revealed, this court lady was just about to bite her tongue to commit suicide, but her chin was removed by the minister! "

Tang Li stood up angrily, and threw away the teacup in his hand, "It's so bold, come, send this court lady to the Heavenly Prison for strict interrogation!"

Seeing that the matter had progressed to this point, Lin Lang didn't care anymore, stood up, walked into the inner room, and said to the woman who was crying softly behind the bed veil: "Now that the culprit has been found, you can rest assured and wait for the news, the child's don't have to worry, you are still young, and you still have a chance in the future!"

Wang Liangdi sobbed softly: "The concubine regrets that she didn't protect the child properly and made the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince worry about it, it's all the concubine's fault..."

When Lin Lang heard this, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. It seemed that this Liangdi was quite scheming. After losing a child, ordinary women would cry and make a fuss, demanding that the murderer be severely punished, but this Liangdi was different. Knowing that things cannot be undone, hurry up to show weakness and seek favorability!

Lin Lang laughed immediately, whether she was scheming or not, it was none of her business, as long as she took good care of her one-acre land.

"It's good if you think so. I'll bring over some medicinal herbs to nourish your body later. Don't worry about it. Take care of your body as soon as possible and spread the leaves for the royal family!" Lin Lang said softly.

"I would like to listen to the teaching of the Crown Princess!" Wang Liangdi said softly.

Lin Lang comforted him a few more words, got up and left, and found Tang Li standing at the door, the sun was hitting his side face, making half of his face look gloomy, making it difficult to see clearly.

" trouble you today..." Tang Li said slowly after thinking for a long time.

Lin Lang bent down and saluted, her eyes were quite cold, "These are what a concubine should do!"

Tang Li bowed his head in silence for a long time, Lin Lang glanced at him, turned and left.

"Prince, princess..." The eunuch looked at the back of the princess and said in a low voice: "If the emperor knows what happened today, how can he blame the prince? Otherwise, the prince will show his favor and say something to the princess. A good word, let her not worry about what happened today..."

(End of this chapter)

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