Chapter 977

Tang Li lowered his head, "Later, you can choose some good things from my inner treasury to send to the Crown Princess, and make amends next time!"

The little eunuch wanted to say something, but seeing the prince's impatient expression, he could only close his mouth and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and when the prince met Wang Liangyuan, he ignored everything.

Here, after the emperor learned of what had happened in the East Palace, he called the prince over, and said bitterly: "You have no child, and you are anxious, and I understand naturally, but what is your attitude towards the princess? How many times have you said that the Crown Princess is not only your wife, it is also related to the peace of the entire Xiliang and Tang Dynasty!"

Tang Li lowered his head, and said indignantly: "My son didn't say anything, besides, she was in charge of the Eastern Palace's meals. If something went wrong, she would naturally be the first one to look for..."

The emperor slapped the table, "You still have the nerve to tell what happened. If you don't investigate first, you will be the first to ask the princess for the crime! You pat your chest and think about it, are you doing the right thing?"

Tang Li lowered his head, "My son... If something goes wrong, of course we should find the person in charge. I think I did the right thing..."

"You...are you going to piss me off!" The emperor slapped the table, "The border war has been fought for nearly a hundred years, and it has finally calmed down a little bit now. You are still acting like a demon to me. Is it possible that you really want to see it?" Are the common people miserable? You and I have been infamous for a hundred years?"

Tang Li lowered his head, "Okay, ok, I made a mistake, I will go and apologize to the Crown Princess later!"

The emperor sighed and let the unworthy son go down.

"Why is Your Highness here?" Seeing Tang Li coming, Lin Lang put down the account book in her hand, her red lips curled up slightly, her eyes were a little cold, "Now that Wang Liangyuan has just given birth, I hope His Highness can visit Wang Liangyuan more often. To comfort her pain of losing her son!"

"What about you?" Tang Li raised his chin, "I don't believe you don't understand why something happened, so I came to you as soon as possible..."

Lin Lang spread her hands and said as a matter of course, "That's because the concubine is in charge of Donggui, and the concubine will naturally do my part when things happen!"

Tang Li stared at Lin Lang firmly, and said after a long time, "You do have self-knowledge, and I hope you will always have self-knowledge!"

Lin Lang smiled sweetly, but in her heart she felt disgusted, who do you think you are?Why should I listen to you?Hehe... At the beginning, I was willing to cooperate with you because I was willing to give you face. I don't want to care about what you can do to me?
Tang Li didn't know why, but felt sulking in his chest, waved his sleeves, and left angrily.

Lin Lang watched the annoying person go away, wishing she could blow two whistles, the nanny walked in, looked at His Highness's back, and sighed, "Mother, now you are the princess, if you can give birth to the prince as soon as possible Heir, that is also the luck of the subjects of the world!"

"No one can say for sure about things like children, it can only depend on fate!" Lin Lang said lightly.

Mammy shook her head, "The prince finally came here, if you don't want to keep the prince well and drive him to other women, how could you possibly have a child?
Empress, just listen to the persuasion of the servant girl and treat the prince well. After all, the empress will have a long life in the future, so you can't live alone for the rest of your life! "

Lin Lang also knew that this nanny was kind, but she really didn't appreciate it. Having a baby now would indeed bring her benefits, but what about later?A prince with foreign blood...hehehe...that is a thorn in the side of the royal family.

Lin Lang didn't want her children to suffer from these things, so she didn't want to have children. She just wanted to enjoy life and return to where she should go when the time came.

After Wang Liangyuan took care of her body, she came here to greet Lin Lang, and her tone was extremely gentle, "I really thank you for taking care of me during this time..."

Lin Lang took a sip of tea and smiled lightly, "It's okay, this is what I should do. Is your body feeling better?"

A faint blush flew across Wang Liangyuan's face, "It's much better, thank you for your concern!"

"That's good. Ever since you lost your child, the prince has been out of his mind. Now that he is in good health, let the prince spread his branches and leaves as soon as possible, so that the prince can smile again!" Lin Lang said flatly.

Hearing this, Wang Liangyuan raised her head cautiously, glanced at Lin Lang, and found that she didn't look superfluous, then quickly lowered her head and said yes in a low voice.

"Mistress, last time I suspected that it was the empress dowager who caused you to lose your child? Why did you come today to greet the empress dowager? Are you not afraid that the empress dowager will harm the empress again?" the nanny asked in a low voice. .

Wang Liangyuan shook her head, "At first I was really suspicious of the Crown Princess, after all, in the entire East Palace, except for me, the Crown Princess is the biggest, if I give birth to a child, the threat to the Crown Princess is also the greatest!
But when I came here today, I found that my conjectures were superfluous. The Crown Princess doesn't care about me at all, because whether I have children or not is not a threat to the Crown Princess! "

Hearing this, the nanny said angrily: "I don't know what those people in the prison do for food. They have been interrogated for so long, but they haven't been interrogated yet!"

A trace of paleness appeared on Wang Liangyuan's face, and she sneered, "Don't think about it, the person who hurt me was one of those two pregnant women..."

"Your Majesty..." Nanny suddenly thought of something, her face turned pale.

"The crown prince has already lost one child, and it is impossible to lose another child!" Wang Liangyuan smiled wryly without saying anything, her tears were like broken pearls, one after another.

"Your Majesty, even so, you have to take care of your body. Ever since you lost your child, the Crown Prince has been very worried, and asked the imperial physician three times a day how the Empress is doing. It shows that the Crown Prince still has his Majesty in his heart. As for why he did that, it is also because the prince has unspeakable difficulties..." The nanny comforted in a low voice.

Wang Liangyuan is not a fool, "Of course I know, but I just feel uncomfortable..."

The nanny gritted her teeth and said, "It's all the fault of those goblins. Since they took away the mother's children, why don't the mother take their children to raise them..."

A gleam flashed in Wang Liangyuan's eyes, and then she shook her head again, "That's not acceptable, if the child is brought up, the child must be recorded in my name, and the mother and concubine will be me from now on, and the child will also be raised." Can rely on my identity to get the favor of the prince, no, really not, I can't allow anyone to take away my child's identity!
I told the princess that I am still young, and I still have the chance to raise a child of a low-ranking concubine even if I can’t have a baby in the future. There is no need to raise the children of those annoying people! "

(End of this chapter)

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