Chapter 979

When Concubine Shu heard this, her face was thoughtful...

"Your Majesty, this Concubine Shu and Concubine De are also making too much noise, because of a bird's nest, the imperial dining room can't deliver food in time!" The mother came in with a few maids and complained.

Lin Lang's eyes flashed a little difference when he heard this, "I just heard that they have been feuding recently? Has it gotten to this point?"

Mammy nodded, "It's more than that, I can't wait to put the other party to death, a few days ago the third prince had a fight with the second prince, the third prince won, and Concubine Shu went to the emperor to make the decision!

In the end, the concubine de concubine said that the third prince was so much younger than the second prince, and he could still beat the second prince, which meant that the second prince was not in good health, and he couldn't blame the third prince. She also asked the third prince to eat more, saying that he was so thin I don't know if I can grow up..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang put down her pen for calligraphy practice, walked to the copper basin, and washed her hands, "Oh, Concubine De's words are really poisonous. She clearly said that the third prince is in poor health, and she cursed the third prince to die!"

"Yes!" The nanny nodded, and said vividly: "The concubine Shu is not a fool, she naturally understood the meaning of the words, and quarreled with the concubine De again, and it has spread to the imperial dining room in the past few days, saying yes The concubine de concubine stole her bird's nest porridge, and the imperial dining room was too busy to cook..."

"Okay, at the beginning I saw that they were a little unruly, so I thought it's okay to make a fuss, just let the fire out, but I didn't expect them to go too far, and they all stretched out their hands to the imperial dining room!" Lin Lang's eyes There was a flash of coldness, "Let the two of them come over tomorrow, and solve the problem by the way!"

"Okay!" Mammy agreed happily.

On the second morning, Lin Lang looked at Concubine Shu and Concubine De, who were on the left and right, put down the tea cups in their hands and said, "Tell me, I'm here today, so I'll tell you what grievances you two have. After the gate of this palace, just smile away all grievances and enmity, and don't care about it any more!"

Concubine De let out a cold snort, "Madam, I don't care about it, it's Concubine Shu who cares about it over there, it's obviously just some trivial things, I have to think so complicated, and it's just a bowl of bird's nest porridge, it's not my palace. If you drink, you have to count it on Ben Gong, why not!"

"It's what you drank, and what you said about my son. Don't think that I don't know what you mean. If you want to curse my son to death, go dreaming!" Concubine Shu also put down her gentle face, Said through gritted teeth.

Concubine De burst into tears holding her handkerchief when she heard this, "The concubine is wronged, the concubine has never meant that, and I hope that the concubine will make the decision for the concubine!"

"Your Majesty!" Concubine Shu was not happy anymore, she knelt on the ground and said earnestly: "Mother, when the Third Prince beat the Second Prince, the ministers and concubines were thinking of using the big to turn the small, but De Concubine's mouth is really too poisonous. up!
There is also the bird's nest porridge, which was prepared by the concubine so hard to nourish the second prince's health, but was taken away by the concubine De, and now he still doesn't admit it... The concubine is also suffering, the second prince is not in good health , I have been raising him all the time, and finally got better, but the third prince is doing well, relying on his physical strength to beat the second prince... the concubine..."

Lin Lang heard the cries louder than two, and finally understood why Tang Li didn't want to get involved.

"That's enough of you, I'm here because of a small matter, and the noise spread to the imperial dining room. Fortunately, the emperor didn't do anything, and nothing major happened, otherwise you two must look good!" Lin Lang patted the table , looking at the two of them, "Isn't it just that the second prince hit the third prince, I will solve it for you!

Otherwise, if the third prince can beat the second prince, it means that he is not in good health. You will raise the third prince to Concubine De for a few days, and let Defei raise your third prince to be white, fat, strong and strong ! "

Concubine De clapped her hands when she heard this, "The empress's idea is good, and this concubine has nothing else to do but to raise the child well!"

Concubine Shu is not happy, her son is handed over to Concubine De, who knows what Concubine De will do?If you give some medicine to your son, then...

"Your Majesty, this is impossible. Concubine De cursed the Second Prince to die. How could she raise the Second Prince well? I hope Your Majesty will think twice!" Concubine Shu said anxiously.

Lin Lang patted the table lightly, motioning for the two to be quiet, and said: "I haven't finished talking yet, you continue to listen to the third prince beating the second prince, which means that the third prince has not taught it well. Concubine Shu, I heard that the second prince The homework is very good, the emperor even praised it, which means that you, the concubine mother, teach well, and the second prince will be in charge of you!"

Concubine De's face changed when she heard this, and she knelt down, "Your Majesty, think twice, my concubine... I know that I have done something wrong, please don't take the third prince away!"

Concubine Shu glanced at Concubine De, thinking that her son would also beg for mercy, "Mother, this is also my concubine's fault, please don't hand over the Second Emperor to Concubine De!"

Lin Lang nodded in satisfaction, "Since you all know you were wrong, then tell me, what did you do wrong?"

Concubine Shu and Concubine De looked at each other, one hated the other so much that she gritted her teeth, but for the sake of her own son she also had to grit her teeth and pretended to repent.

Concubine De: "Reporting to the empress, the concubine should not have put the matter aside when the third prince hit the second prince, and should teach the third prince well, so that the third prince apologizes to the second prince!"

Concubine Shu glanced at Concubine De and was furious: "Your Majesty, the concubine is also at fault, and the concubine should not care about a small matter. After all, no matter whether it is the position of the concubine or the second prince, it is as big as the concubine De and the third prince." , The older one should let him be the younger one. If the younger one is disobedient, we can just teach the older one a lesson. We shouldn't continue...continue to make things worse..."

Lin Lang: "It's good that you all understand your mistakes, and I hope that it won't happen again next time. By the way, about what happened to the bird's nest, Defei, can you explain it?"

Concubine De lowered her head and her face was bitter, "The bird's nest porridge was indeed taken away by Chen Jie, and it was also given to the third prince to drink. Who made the concubine envy the concubine Shu's craftsmanship, so it is the minister who did such a thing?" Concubine's fault, this concubine is here to apologize to Concubine Shu!"

In fact, Concubine De didn't drink the bird's nest porridge at all. Concubine De gave the bird's nest porridge to let Concubine Shu's hard work go to waste!

Lin Lang looked at Concubine De and said, "Concubine De, since you like Concubine Shu's craftsmanship, you can learn from Concubine Shu, and you don't need to do some dirty tricks to take other people's things. steal!

As concubines of the emperor, we should lead by example, and we must never do such stupid things again! "

(End of this chapter)

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