Chapter 980

Concubine Shu burst out laughing when she heard this, and all the gloom of the day was swept away, and she echoed, "That's right, if Sister Defei likes to eat, I promise to give it all to you, so there's no need to do it." Some low-level tricks, so as not to tarnish your reputation!"

Concubine De blushed with anger, she really wanted to refute, I don't bother to eat your bird's nest, I took your things mainly to annoy you.

"Okay, okay, just clarify the misunderstanding, I don't want the same thing to happen next time, you all go down!" Lin Lang waved her hand and started to chase people away.

Concubine De and Concubine Shu looked at each other, seeing each other's dissatisfaction, turned their faces away and let out a cold snort.

"This queen empress is really powerful. With just a few words, the two empresses dare not even say anything, and they dare not make a scene in front of the empress, hahaha... I heard that the two empresses have restrained themselves a little now, and they don't even dare to say anything in front of the empress. Dare to target each other like before!" The eunuch said to Tang Li with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang Li put down his brush, "Well, she is indeed very powerful, and she can afford the reputation of being a queen, but it's a pity..."

It's a pity that she is not from Datang. If she is a woman from Datang, Tang Li can pamper Linlang and be with Linlang at ease. It's a pity...

Time flies, 10 years have passed in a blink of an eye, Lin Lang is still her good queen, although she has no beauty, but there has never been a concubine in the harem who can shake her position.

As for Concubine Shu and Concubine De, after the two princes grew up, they became more and more at odds with each other. As mothers and concubines, they dare not hold back.

"I heard that the second prince and concubine Shu went to pay their respects to the empress yesterday. Concubine mother, although the queen mother is virtuous and considerate, you are not allowed to pay her respects, but she is still the mother of a country. I hope you can go to the empress when you have nothing to do. Please be safe, and go get a condom by the way!" The third prince said to Concubine De.

Concubine De rolled her eyes when she heard this, "What is there to do with the queen, she is just a princess from Xiliang, if she can marry into the Tang Dynasty and become a queen, her family's ancestral grave will be burnt with incense Now, I have been wronged by bowing my head to him all these years, and you still want the concubine mother to please her, isn't this stabbing the concubine mother with a knife?"

The third prince frowned, "Concubine mother, how can you think that way? Although the queen mother is only a bride and princess, it represents the peace between the two countries. If you can win the favor of the queen mother, it is equivalent to winning the favor of Xiliang. It will also be beneficial for me to ascend the throne in the future!"

Hearing this, Concubine De suddenly realized, "Look at my brain, I have only been idle for a few years, and I forgot such an important matter... Son, you are right, the empress must win over, even if she can't If you win over, you must not let Concubine Shu and her son succeed!"

The third prince nodded to Concubine De, thinking of what happened a few days ago, his eyes flashed a little gloom, "Yesterday, the father praised the second emperor again, saying that he did a good job in his homework, and that he would wait for him to be crowned." After that, let him go to the court to practice... Concubine Mu, if we don't hurry up, then the second brother might be... Sigh, after all these years, I have been fighting against the second brother. Concubine Mu, you and Concubine Shu are in conflict No, if Concubine Shu's mother and son are really allowed to succeed, then we..."

Concubine De nodded in fear, "What you said is, when the emperor comes to my side, I will tell him more about you!"

The third prince smiled when he heard this, and said a few flattering words to Concubine De one after another.

Here, Lin Lang found that Concubine Shu and Concubine De's mother and son came more and more frequently, and tried to please herself in different ways. Thinking that their sons were grown up, Lin Lang understood everything, so she closed the door and thanked the guests.

"Are you not feeling well after listening to this period? Have you seen the imperial doctor?" Tang Li sat on the imperial concubine chair and asked with concern.

Lin Lang was lying on the low kang with a script book in her hand. Hearing this, she rolled her eyes, "Your Majesty, you understand why this concubine is uncomfortable, so why do you need to ask?"

Tang Li rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I didn't expect that they would target you..."

Lin Lang put down the script, "There are some things that the concubine should not say, but if the concubine still wants to talk to the emperor, it's fine, and if she doesn't want to hear it, just ignore it!
The two princes are grown up, the emperor let them fight each other, the courtiers also understand what it means, it is nothing more than mutual restraint, but it is not good to do so, it will easily lead to factional disputes, and it is more likely to waste people and money!

Your Majesty is a wise king, I hope His Majesty will do more things that benefit the country and the people..."

Tang Li was silent for a long time and suddenly laughed, "Only from you can I hear the truth. In fact, I do these things, as long as I calm down, I can understand them, but they are all blinded by wealth, like a headless Hitting around like flies... You are right, I have the intention to sharpen them, but I shouldn't make fun of the people..."

It seems that Tang Li is really a good emperor who knows how to think about the common people, "Your Majesty is young, so there is no need to worry about establishing a reserve. After all, the days to come are still long, and no one knows what will happen in the future!"

Tang Li nodded, tilted his body, and then lay down on the chair, "Only with you can I enjoy a comfortable time!"

Lin Lang let out a sneer, and said bluntly: "It's not that the emperor has raised their hearts so much that the emperor dare not go to their side!"

Tang Li laughed a few times.

Immediately afterwards, the second prince and the third prince were reprimanded by the emperor for no reason. Those courtiers who had followed suit held back and did not dare to move. The mood was lifted.

"What does father mean by this? You clearly agreed to let me go to the court to observe, why suddenly... Could it be that the third child is talking in father's ear?" The second prince was walking up and down in the hall, anxiously Said.

Concubine Shu sat aside, frowning, "You're impatient, calm down!"

The third prince curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "The fire is burning to the brow, how can you calm down?"

Concubine Shu drank a cup of tea quietly, "As the saying goes, love is deep, and responsibility is severe. Your father scolded you because he likes you!

Don't bump around like headless flies just because of a little reproach. Since your father said you are not good, then you should study quietly for a long time, and your father will naturally know about you. That's it! "

"Mother Concubine, once suspected that those people were behind the trick?" The third prince raised his chin and pointed in the direction of Concubine De.

(End of this chapter)

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