Chapter 983

Tang Li snorted arrogantly, "That's because you are short of supplies and have nothing to store!"

"Nonsense, most of your Tang's spices come from Xiliang. Why do you say that we are short of supplies? It's because you don't know much, and you blame others. How funny!" Lin Lang snorted coldly.

"Hey, just say that, and you just answer three or four sentences. How can there be any daughter-in-law like you? It's also because I have a big heart, and I don't care about like a wife like you!"

Lin Lang looked over sideways, "It's unreasonable to be yellow!"

Tang Li was in a very good mood, and waved his hand, "Don't care about it like a woman like you, by the way, the envoy from your hometown is here, go and meet him!"

Lin Lang softened his face when he heard this, and walked into his tent, looking at the envoy who had been waiting, Lin Lang's cheeks were instantly wet with tears.

"I haven't seen the princess in these years, is the princess okay?" The messenger was a middle-aged man with a long beard, and he followed the etiquette of Xiliang.

Lin Lang hurriedly helped the middle-aged man in front of him up, "Uncle, we are a family, so there is no need to be so polite, get up quickly!

I have lived a good life these years. Although there are many rules in the Central Plains, it is precisely because of these rules that although I have no children, the people below dare not ignore me. I eat well and sleep well... just... just Sometimes at night I feel homesick..."

The uncle sighed, "Princess, it's hard work. The queen mother has been thinking about the princess all these years, but it's because the princess went to marry her. Although the one who ascended the throne is not the queen mother's own son, she is also very filial to the queen mother!"

The Queen Mother is Lin Lang's mother. She has only one child, Lin Lang. It is because of Lin Lang's marriage that the Queen Mother's old age is much more stable.

"It's as long as my mother is well. I brought a lot of gifts when I came this time. I will take them back for me when the time comes, and let the queen mother protect her body. When... I have a chance, I will go back to see my mother... ..." But this opportunity is easier said than done...

But the opportunity came in a blink of an eye, maybe the third prince couldn't wait any longer, so he directly summoned the army and surrounded the courtyard, causing their group to run around on the grassland.

"You can run away by yourself, why do you have to drag me?" Lin Lang said angrily.

Tang Li looked at Lin Lang with an unreasonable expression, "I'm saving you, okay?"

Lin Lang sneered, "Are you trying to save me or use me? You know it in your heart? If I don't go with you, stay in the tent, the third prince will not do anything to me, because I'm just a girl, and There is Xiliang behind him, unless he wants to fight, I will definitely be safe and sound!"

Hearing this, Tang Li gritted his teeth and said: "One night husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, do you have no feelings for me at all?"

"Hey, Your Majesty, you are really funny, you talk about your relationship with me, do you think you are worthy?

I haven't married you yet, there are a lot of women in your harem, and after I marry you, there are even more women in your harem. I think if I hadn't married you, I would have found a good husband, happy For the rest of my life, why bother to be angry with you every day in your little harem, and also have to be angry with your concubine! "Lin Lang really had enough.

Tang Li lowered his head, he really didn't expect that the third prince would be so rebellious, he would rebel if he said rebellion, he didn't react at all, he was caught off guard now.

"I know that I am sorry for you. I promise to treat you well when I go back. This is not far from Xiliang. If I remember correctly, your uncle still has 20 troops. If he is willing to help me clean up the traitors, I promise to give him everything he wants!" Tang Li's voice was filled with pleading.

"A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost. Tell it better to be a mature king or a kid? I am your queen, but I am also a citizen of Xiliang. If the people are good, I am willing to do anything!" Lin Lang's attitude was very obvious.

Tang Li's heart turned cold, "Why did I forget... You are the most cruel woman. After so many years, I haven't warmed you up. I hope you can help me after a few words... It's really too whimsical It's..."

"As long as you can figure it out, give me a horse and I'll go back!" Lin Lang said bluntly.

Tang Li gritted his teeth, "Don't think about it, I tell you, even if I die, you will die with me!"

Lin Lang couldn't help shivering when she heard this.

" are a one-night couple and a hundred days of kindness, you don't have to be so cruel, you die as soon as you die, why do you have to drag me!"

Tang Li glared at Lin Lang fiercely, "We have been husband and wife for decades, and I can guess what you are thinking. Do you think that after you die, you will go to the bride and marry again? I will tell you You, if you want to be beautiful, you will be mine forever!"

"Damn!" Lin Lang couldn't help but swear, "How do you know?"

As soon as Tang Li mentioned this, he became angry, "Heh, what little fresh meat and old bacon, what old cadres, although I don't understand what it means, but you must be looking for the second spring, and I tell you, it's impossible!"

Lin Lang wiped away the saliva on her face, and rolled her eyes, "Heh, some things are impossible if you say they are impossible!"

Tang Li was so angry that he took Lin Lang's hand and ran to the depths of the grassland. Maybe God really didn't think about letting the emperor die. They met Xiliang's cavalry, and the leader was Lin Lang's uncle.

"Oh? Aren't you in the courtyard? Why did you come here?" Uncle asked in disbelief.

"Don't mention it, something happened. The emperor's son turned against him. Uncle, let's go back to Xiliang now. I haven't seen my mother for many years. I miss her so much!" Linlang said anxiously .

The uncle's expression changed, and he patted Lin Lang on the shoulder, "Okay, okay, uncle will take you home, but the emperor's matter still needs to be dealt with, you go down first, I will find you later!"

Lin Lang frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, but her uncle loved her so much, she definitely wouldn't lie to herself, she nodded, thinking of something, and said, "Uncle, a couple who are married for a night and a hundred days, when you send her away, at least give her Let him order something, don't let him starve to death!"

Uncle smiled and agreed, and when Lin Lang left, uncle went to see Tang Li directly.

"You are smart and know what you want to choose!" Tang Li cut to the point, "As long as you can help me, I can help you accomplish whatever you want!"

The uncle gritted his teeth, "What if I want the country of Xiliang?"

Tang Li's eyes flickered, "Deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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