Chapter 984

Here, Lin Lang waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for her uncle to come back. When she went out, she found that she had been guarded. It was three months later when she saw her uncle again.

The dusty uncle looked at Lin Lang with guilt on his face, "Don't look at me like this, I can't help it, since your half brother came to the throne, he treated your mother more and more badly, and suppressed us too It's so powerful, if I don't resist again, it is estimated that our family..."

Lin Lang understood everything, and she couldn't stop her tears from streaming down her face, "I understand that my uncle also has his difficulties. I'm just afraid that I will never see my mother again in my lifetime!"

"You don't have to be afraid. After I ascend the throne, I will make your mother a princess and let her visit you in the capital!" said the uncle in relief.

In fact, Lin Lang doesn't care at all who ascends the throne in Xiliang, she only cares about his mother, and it's good for both mother and daughter when her uncle ascends the throne. If so, the mother can feel better.

But it's really cheap for Tang Li, and he can make a comeback after reaching this point. I really underestimated him. It's a pity that my little fresh meat, old bacon, and old cadres are gone!

Tang Li rode a horse to greet Lin Lang in person, but his face was extremely ugly. On the way back, Tang Li said without hesitation: "I really underestimated the third child, and even won so many ministers, if I didn't catch up in time It is estimated that he will be enthroned, but it is a pity that the second child has his hands and feet broken by the third child... In the future..."

Tang Li still belongs to the second son, smart and winking, it's a pity...

Thinking about it, Tang Li suddenly turned around and looked straight at Lin Lang, "I don't have a usable son, you give me one, and I will raise it myself when the time comes!"

When Lin Lang heard this, bursts of cold sweat broke out on his body and head, "Have a baby? Your Majesty, are you joking? The concubine is so old, how can she have a baby?"

Hearing this, Tang Li gave Lin Lang a hard look, "Don't think I'm an idiot, every time I went to your place, you used special methods of contraception, that's why you haven't had children for so many years!
But now it's different, I need a child, don't worry, I will raise him myself, and I guarantee that he will ascend to the throne! "

A sneer appeared at the corner of Linlang's mouth, "A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!"

Tang Li lowered his head, "I didn't expect that your uncle is quite powerful, with 20 soldiers and horses, and the soldiers are all physically strong. Do you think I will let him go for safety's sake?"

The blood on Lin Lang's body gradually froze, she stared at the man sitting on the horse, "Why are you so cruel! My uncle helped you regain the throne, is this how you repay him?"

"Who made his niece disobedient? If his niece is obedient, I might kindly let him go. If we both have children, I will treat Xiliang better for the sake of the children! Tang Li laughed suddenly, his eyes sparkled.

Lin Lang lowered her head and remained silent for a long time. Finally, she closed the car window angrily, and said indifferently: "Oh, you can do whatever you like, but I can tell you that I am in good health, but you have been addicted to it all these years. Beauty, she has already emptied her body, so don't blame me if she won't be able to give birth to a child by then!"

Hearing this, Tang Li smiled, like a brisk bird, "Don't worry, I'm at the age of dragon and tiger, as long as you cooperate well, we can guarantee that we will have a child in a month's time!"

Really obeying the bastard's words, a month later, Lin Lang was pregnant smoothly. As for the third prince and concubine De, one was imprisoned, and the other was stripped of all identities and thrown into limbo.

The relationship between Lin Lang and Concubine De is also good. After hearing what happened to Concubine De, she asked someone to send some things over and take good care of Concubine De.

But Concubine Shu was unwilling, his son was originally the most capable to ascend to the throne, but in the end he was ruined by Concubine De, she wished she could swallow Concubine De alive.

"I heard that Concubine Shu went to the Leng Palace again yesterday, and she taunted Concubine De, and ordered the people below not to feed Concubine De!" the eunuch whispered in Lin Lang's ear.

Lin Lang sighed when he heard this, "When is the time for retribution? Tomorrow, you ask Concubine Shu to come and say that I have something to discuss with you!"

Concubine Shu never thought that she and Concubine De would fight each other, and in the end they would take advantage of the empress.

"Concubine Shu, normally I shouldn't interfere with Concubine De's affairs, but she is also innocent. Considering the decades of sisterhood, let her go, anyway, she has also received what she deserves!"

Concubine Shu naturally didn't want to let Concubine De go, but she didn't dare to disobey Linlang's intentions, so she cried loudly, "Empress, my concubine's heart is bitter, the second prince was brought up by my concubine hard, and it turned out to be the end of my life." Get married and have children, and have not yet established a country and established a career, but become a cripple, how can the concubine accept it!"

Lin Lang rubbed her forehead, "But even if you take revenge on Concubine De, so what, the matter is still irreversible. The real culprit has been imprisoned now, and has been rejected by the emperor. He will never stand up in this life , he has already received the retribution he deserves, so just let Concubine De go!"

Concubine Shu shook her head with tears all over her face, "My concubine feels uncomfortable..."

"Okay, don't do it too much, this matter is only known by the palace, if the emperor finds out, the second prince will not be able to please!" Lin Lang didn't want to entangle with Concubine Shu anymore, so she said directly.

When Concubine Shu heard that her son might be implicated, her complexion changed, and she gritted her silver teeth, "It's really cheap for that woman!"

Because Lin Lang was pregnant, she was a little haggard physically and mentally. After talking for a while, she let Concubine Shu leave.

That night, Tang Li came to Lin Lang's palace. Because of the third prince's usurpation of the throne, Tang Li aged a lot and had gray hair on his head.

"Concubine Shu is really going above and beyond!" Sitting next to Lin Lang, Tang Li handed over a bowl of soup thoughtfully, "I'm really sorry for you, you still worry about these things while you're pregnant!"

Lin Lang moved her body uncomfortably, "Since you know I've worked hard, then don't let me get pregnant, can't you adopt one?"

Heh, if it's not her, she definitely doesn't feel distressed. If she has a biological child, she will definitely not leave her.

Tang Li glanced at Lin Lang, "Come on, you're the most selfish person, if it wasn't your own child, you wouldn't feel bad about it!"

Lin Lang's face was a little ugly after being exposed, but more of it was exhaustion. After talking for a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

 Hmm~ I’m a little tired recently. After all, there are almost 1000 chapters. Many people told me that the heroine’s character is not good enough. It’s a fast-paced article, maybe I need to write more chapters, if you don’t like to read it, you don’t need to subscribe, okay, I love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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