Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 989 Pure Male World

Chapter 989 Pure Male World
Lin Lang walked out wearing her clothes. At this moment, she was wearing a high ponytail, with thin hair hanging on her forehead, which looked a bit charming. Coupled with the simple and handsome clothes, she looked a little more fierce. beautiful.

"Thank you so much, this dress fits perfectly!" Lin Lang happily turned around at Hanguang, if it was a skirt, the hem of the dress would probably float up.

Hanguang looked at Lin Lang's fit, and smiled, "By the way, I'm going to work, you...do you have anything to do today?"

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "To be honest, I have neither a diploma nor a skill, that's why I was kicked out of my house. If I hadn't been picked up by you and taken home, I would have been on the street long ago... I want to go out today Looking for a job, but I don't know anything, I guess..."

As Lin Lang spoke, she began to cry. The tears were like pearls with broken strings, big ones fell down, and soon formed a puddle of water stains on the ground.

Hanguang saw that his heart was broken, he quickly hugged Lin Lang in his arms, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, you met me, I will never let you be wronged again, it doesn't matter, I can Teach you, anyway, I am a university teacher!

You can study with me, and get a diploma when the time comes! "

Hearing this man who has planned for her wholeheartedly, Linlang is not moved, but at the same time worried, why is Hanguang so kind to her?
If this world was a normal world, she would still have the cheek to say that Hanguang likes her, but there is no distinction between men and women here, Hanguang...he...he might not know that he is a woman at all, could it be that he regards himself as a brother, No!

Linlang hugged Hanguang tightly, because the underwear is men's, so it is 10 points thin, and both of them can feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat through the clothes, "Why are you so good to me?"

Hanguang wiped away the tears from Lin Lang's face, "I don't know, I feel bad when I see you crying, I feel like I can't breathe, and... I..."

Hanguang wants to say that he likes Linlang, but how to say it?Two men are in love, does Lin Lang really not care?
Lin Lang raised her head slowly when she heard this, and the two of them just looked into each other's eyes like this, there is me in you and you in me.

It's a lie for Lin Lang to say that she's not moved. After all, in this era of undifferentiated gender, if a man really loves you, it may not be because he loves your body, but because he truly loves you as a person and your soul.

Linlang hugged Hanguang, "Hanguang, if there was a man with us who said he loved me, I would definitely doubt him, but you are different, your love is so pure... Hanguang, I like you too!"

When Hanguang heard Linlang say this, his eyes lit up, and he hugged Linlang, "Well, I used to think that two men together were particularly disgusting, but when I saw you, I didn't feel that way anymore, and I finally understood why Will they like each other? That's love!"

Hearing Han Guang say that the two men were together, Lin Lang was extremely surprised. She just wanted to tell Han Guang that she was a woman, but she swallowed the words. There have never been women in this world. It is unique in this world.

She was afraid that she would tell Hanguang that at that time she would be sent to the research institute, sliced ​​and studied... It's not that he doesn't believe in Hanguang's love, it's just... It's her... It's that she is not brave enough to gamble this love.

"Since the two of us are together, we will be a couple from now on!" Han Guang's eyes lit up with little stars.

Lin Lang nodded in disbelief, thinking about whether she should say it or not.

Glancing at the time, Hanguang felt that it was getting late, so he dragged Lin Lang to the university. The university Hanguang belongs to is one of the best universities in the world. There are hundreds of departments, and Hanguang is mainly responsible for philosophy.

Lin Lang sat in the corner, looking at the shining cold light standing on the podium, her eyes lit up.

"Hey, I said you are a big man, why do you have long hair, it's disgusting enough!" A man said, rolling his eyes.

When Lin Lang heard this, she looked over fiercely, "You are a big man who meddles in everything, and you are the only one who is disgusting!"

"You..." The man snorted coldly, "I saw the way you looked at Teacher Hanguang just now, huh, I was really scared, I advise you to save yourselves, Teacher Hanguang made it clear that he is a straight man, I don't like people like you at all!"

Heh, Lin Lang didn't want to continue talking with such a man, and continued to look at Han Guang with bright eyes. As for what he was talking about, she didn't understand at all, but thought her man was so handsome.

Time passed so quickly, Lin Lang didn't notice until the get out of class bell rang, it was already over, she couldn't help sighing, if her university teacher could be like Hanguang, he wouldn't skip class every day.

"How is it? Isn't it boring?" Han Guang put away the textbook, walked up to Lin Lang, and said softly.

Lin Lang showed a bright smile and shook her head, "It won't be very interesting, it makes me forget the time!"

Hanguang took Lin Lang's hand, only felt that the hands were soft and boneless, so slender that he could break his hands with a little force, so when he held them, he became more cautious, "Your hands are too thin, Eat something more to make up for it!"

Linlang heard that Hanguang cared about her so much, Shuangxia blushed, "Uh, eating fat is not good for your health~"

"Nonsense, chubby ones are the cutest!" Hanguang nodded Linlang's forehead, "I'll ask the head of the department later to see if I can arrange you in the school!"

Lin Lang took Han Guang's hand and said coquettishly, "Can't you teach me?"

"This..." Han Guang looked at Lin Lang's eyes, nodded involuntarily, and said sweetly in his heart, "Okay, but you have to listen carefully!"

Lin Lang smiled and agreed, and the two walked hand in hand on the avenue. During this period, Lin Lang always felt that it was nothing, but others didn't think so. The two men held hands, and they were also the famous Professor Hanguang, attracting more people's attention.

Lin Lang also sensed that something was wrong, so she stopped slowly, thought for a long time, and subconsciously prepared to let go of Hanguang's hand.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Lin Lang was about to let go, Han Guang hurriedly pulled it up. When he realized that something was wrong, he looked around and understood immediately, and said to Lin Lang, "Don't worry about them!"

"But..." Lin Lang lowered her head, "I'm afraid...I'm afraid it will affect you!"

"No!" Han Guang took Lin Lang's hand and said firmly, "No matter what others say, I will never let go of your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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