Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 990 Pure Male World

Chapter 990 Pure Male World
Linlang looked at the determined Hanguang, and her heart became firmer, and she said, "Hanguang, do you think I'm very strange, but actually I..."

"Cousin, what are you doing holding this man's hand?"

Just as Lin Lang was about to confess, a clear voice came over, and then a little boy with dyed yellow hair and milky white belt came over, his eyes at the moment looked like a ferocious little beast.

Hanguang squeezed Linlang's hand and raised it, "She's the one I like!"

"Ah?" Bai Yi took two steps back, looked at Lin Lang, with a little distaste flashing across his face, "I used to say that I don't like men, and I still want to live alone, I didn't expect you to like this tune!

But she looks too feminine, and she has long hair, no, why does she have two big bumps on her chest, could it be a disability? "

Hanguang naturally didn't want others to say that about his beloved, not even his cousin, and his face darkened, "You are not allowed to say that!"

"Yo, it's still protected!" Bai Yi rolled his big eyes and spread his hands, "All right, all right, if you like it, you'll like it, but you're physically disabled, so you have to go to the hospital for treatment!"

Hearing this, Hanguang also looked at the lump, he remembered the touch of the lump, soft and soft, although Lin Lang said there was nothing serious, but he was always a little worried.

"Little brat, it's none of your business, just take care of yourself!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, and hurriedly hid behind Hanguang after speaking.

Bai Yi was not happy anymore, "If you have the ability to say it, then you have the ability to tell me face to face, what is hiding behind my cousin's back!"

"Heh, if you lose a beating, go to your parents, and if I have a conflict with you, you can't find a boyfriend to protect you!" Lin Lang raised her chin and said forcefully.

Hanguang was very happy with Linlang's actions, took Linlang's hand, and looked at Bai Yi like a warning, "She is the love of my life, I hope you can respect her a little bit, if you don't respect her, Just leave my business!"

"Cousin, you value sex over friends! I'm your younger brother!" Bai Yi said aggrievedly, pouting.

"Beautiful!" Lin Lang hid in Han Guang and said emphatically behind her back.

Hanguang took Linlang's hand, with a smile on his face, turned his head, and glanced at Bai Yi indifferently, "Finally, why did you come to school today when you usually skip classes?"

Bai Yi lowered his head, feeling a little guilty, "This...isn't it because I skipped a lot of classes recently, and I made a phone call to my father... Oh, this is a university, can't we let the two parties solve it by themselves? Why do you ask your parents? It’s really childish... My father said, he wanted me to study hard, and then blocked my credit card... Cousin~ You are my best cousin, do you remember we played together when we were young, and You loved me the most when you were young, please help me and let me live with you for a while, I promise that I will move out after the credit card is unlocked!"

Han Guang refused without thinking, "No, Lin Lang lives in my room now, if you come to live here, where will she live?"

Grandma Bai Yi snorted, "You really value sex over friends, could it be that you have forgotten our family relationship for many years?

I am well fed, you just let me sleep on the sofa, do you really want to see me living on the street?You said that if something happened to me, my father would be sad... Cousin, my good cousin, please..."

"It's fine for me to accept you, but to apologize to Lin Lang, you must be sincere!" Han Guang said seriously.

Although Bai Yi was unwilling, but seeing his cousin's determined face, he could only bow to Lin Langsan, and said weakly, "I'm sorry, it was all my fault just now!"

At this time, it was Lin Lang's turn to show off his strength, and she stepped forward, raised her orchid finger, and said in a strange way: "Oh, how dare you!"

"You..." Bai Yi glared fiercely at the person in front of him, "Don't push yourself too far!"

Lin Lang pursed her mouth, "If you want something from others, you must have the attitude of asking for it. Look at your arrogant appearance. It's really hard for me to forgive you!"

"Bai Yi, did you hear that!" Han Guang gave Bai Yi a warning look.

Bai Yi gritted his teeth, "Okay, it's all my fault, your lord has a lot, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, please forgive me this time!"

Linlang smiled complacently, "Well, for my boyfriend's sake, I'll forgive you this time, but you live in my boyfriend's house, so don't provoke me again, or you'll pack up and leave !"

Although Bai Yi was angry, he knew it was not time to be stubborn, so he nodded and reluctantly agreed.

On the way back, Linlang and Hanguang went to the supermarket and bought some daily necessities. Although the technology here is advanced and there are nutrient solutions and the like, the prices of the items are not high, especially some food items. Such things, because of state subsidies, are very cheap, such as some expensive fruits, not only taste better here, but the price is also very low.

"How do you buy fruit? Apart from being a bit sweet, this kind of thing is not delicious..." Bai Yi glanced at the fruit and rolled his eyes, "My cousin paid for it, right? You are really at ease!"

Lin Lang turned her head and stared fiercely at Bai Yi, "What's your cousin's is mine, and mine is your cousin's, we don't distinguish between you and me!

I also advise you to be more polite, if you really mess with me, I will kick you out of the house right away! "

"You..." Nanny Bai Yi snorted, her soft long hair was scattered on her forehead, and her round eyes were full of indignation, "A fox pretends to be a tiger!"

Lin Lang didn't want to argue with such a brat. When she got home, she washed the fruits and put them on the dining table. As for the vegetables, she bought some red vegetables, eggs, potatoes and green peppers.

Lin Lang began to recall her past events. Although she had forgotten a lot, if he remembered correctly, she should be good at cooking.

Sure enough, even though it was just simple scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and hot and sour potato shreds, she made them with all the flavors and flavors.

"I didn't expect you to be good at other things, but your cooking skills are quite good, and the taste is much better than that of Baixiang Pavilion!" Bai Yi said voraciously.

Lin Lang lifted her chin proudly, "Of course!"

The two big men were very supportive, and they ate all of Linlang's cooking. After washing the dishes, the three of them sat on the sofa, Linlang was eating fruit, watching TV, and feeding Hanguang a couple of bites from time to time. .

"Cousin, if I remember correctly, I remember that you used to hate eating fruit the most. When you were young, your father told you to eat it, saying it was good for your health. You still don't want to eat it. Why today..." Bai Yi said sourly.

(End of this chapter)

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