Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 991 Pure Male World

Chapter 991 Pure Male World
Lin Lang glanced at him, "I'm watching TV, what are you talking about!"

Hanguang also ignored his cousin, he really didn't like to eat fruit before, but for some reason, the fruit that Lin Lang fed was extraordinarily sweet.

Bai Yi looked at the two people who showed affection, his lungs were about to explode, and his heart felt extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly, his eyes rolled, and he came up with an idea. He ran directly to the guest room and lay on the bed, and shouted to the outside: "Humph!" , if you don’t let me do what I want, then I’ll grab your bed!”

Lin Lang stood up, "Hurry up and get up from my bed, or I'll kick you out!"

"I'm just lying down, what can you do to me!" Bai Yi said with a rogue face.

Hanguang patted Lin Lang's hand, and held her in his arms, "Okay, don't be fussy with such a brat, he can sleep in the guest room if he wants to, and you will sleep with me later!"

"Ah!" So fast?Lin Lang still can't accept it, although one-night love is very common in modern times, but...but...

Lin Lang glanced at Hanguang, the man is elegant and handsome, gentle as jade, and so homely, and very kind, he is a rare good man.

Forget it, let's stay together, she won't suffer anyway.

After Linlang figured it out, she continued to watch TV with Hanguang. I have to say that the TV was pretty good, especially some variety shows, which were very funny.

After nine o'clock, Lin Lang yawned, and his eyes slowly drooped.

After seeing you falling asleep, Hanguang carefully turned off the TV, carried her to his room, and put her on the bed.

"Cousin, I really don't understand, what's so good about this man, he looks average, and he's still sick, why did you fall in love with her?" Bai Yi said with disgust.

Hanguang didn't know why he fell in love with this person, but if he likes it, he likes it, there is no reason!

"If you like it, you like it. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Hanguang turned his head to warn with a hint of coldness in his voice, and looked at Bai Yi, "I know you are impatient, and you like to toss about what you saw before. You think, so I will tolerate you, but Lin Lang is different, she is the person I hold in my hands, please be polite to her!"

Seeing that his cousin had said this to himself, Bai Yi nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

When Lin Lang woke up, the first thing she saw was boundless darkness, and then she found herself being hugged by a warm embrace, and the bed was filled with a fresh fragrance, which smelled like the grass after the rain, fresh and refreshing. nature.

Lin Lang couldn't help but took a few deep breaths, and suddenly remembered, isn't the smell light?
It was only later that I realized that that bastard Baiyi robbed my bed, so I could only sleep with Hanguang, so...so...

Lin Lang was very excited when she thought of this, hugged the man in front of her, and found a comfortable position. Just when she was about to fall asleep, Han Guang turned on the light and rubbed her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Lin Lang shook her head and turned off the light again. For some reason, a dark idea suddenly popped up in her heart, and she kissed her...

When it was over, Lin Lang felt as if her body was being run over by a car, the pain was terrific, especially her legs, it felt like she wasn't her own.

Hanguang never thought that things would develop to such a point, and he didn't regret it, on the contrary, he still had something to say.

"Your... body..." After a long time, Hanguang couldn't help asking.

Lin Lang's body was terribly sticky, she turned on the light, went straight to the bathroom to wash up, came out wearing a white shirt, sat on the edge of the bed, looked into Han Guang's eyes, and said, "You must understand that I am different from you, Do you know why?"

Hanguang shook his head, suddenly realized something, and quickly hugged Linlang, "Don't worry, I don't dislike you, no matter what you are, you will always be the best in my heart!"

Linlang immediately understood where Hanguang was thinking, and burst out laughing, "You want to sing, I'm not a deformed person, I'm a woman!"

"Woman?" Hanguang was a little confused.

Lin Lang pointed out the window and said slowly: "Did you see it? Outside there is day and night, just like this world, there are yin and yang, you men are yang, but we women are yin!

Yin and Yang reconcile the joy of Dunlun, extending to the heirs! "

Hanguang still didn't understand, he felt that what he accepted was beyond his imagination, and his brain froze all of a sudden.

Lin Lang held Hanguang's hand and said, "Don't you guys have any doubts? Animals have females and males, and they interbreed in pairs, and then the females give birth to children, extending the race!"

But what about you men?Why rely on technology?A long time ago, when there was no technology, how did human beings inherit it? Have you never thought about it? "

Hanguang is a philosophy. He has indeed thought about these issues, but no one has questioned them for thousands of years, and he has not one of them. Sometimes when he thinks of this, his mind just flashes past.

"You..." Hanguang realized something, sat up, and stared at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang nodded, "If you want to believe what I said, you can believe it, and if you don't believe it, just listen to it as a joke!
In fact, I am not in this world. I didn’t know what happened at the beginning. When I woke up, I came to this world. In our place, there are men like you and women like me. Men and women are together , It is because of this that human beings can survive! "

Hanguang shook his head, today's understanding surpassed everything he knew, he hugged Linlang, "No matter who you are, no matter what you do, I love you!"

When Linlang heard this, tears kept streaming down her cheeks, and she hugged Hanguang, "Do you know that I was really scared when I came here, because there are only men here, and I was really scared of any accidents. , but later found out that they didn't even know who I was... I was safe, but because I didn't know anything, I almost lived on the street. If I hadn't met you, I guess I would have starved to death!

Hanguang, I really like you, this love is not because of your gratitude for bringing me back, but because you love me wholeheartedly! "

Hanguang wiped away the tears from Linlang's face, and said softly: "Whether you are a human or a ghost, a man or a woman, in my heart, you will always be my one and only!"

Linlang burst out laughing, the haze in her eyes disappeared, and she regained that optimistic Linlang, "Yeah!"

Hanguang stroked Linlang's hair gently, and suddenly thought of something, looked at Linlang with sparkling eyes, "Do you think we will have our own child? A child born by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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